Chapter 2: Summer Training Camp (DAY 2) & Somewhat in Common

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Summer Training Camp - DAY 2

Time - 5:30AM

It is now Day 2 of Training Camp with the sun slowly rising to greet the day. Down at the Camp grounds, you, Zona, Grey and Class 1-A can be seen making their way out of the building still feeling exhausted and groggy after having a goodnight's rest, for some of them to do their stretches to keep themselves awake.

As they were greeted by the sun slowly rising, Mr. Aizawa can be seen in front of the class, holding a ball and a phone in hand.

Mr. Aizawa: Good morning class. Today we begin the training camp that will increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skill exponentially so that each of you earns a Provisional License. This will allow you to face the dangers that continue to fester in the darkness. Proceed carefully. Look alive, Bakugo.

Mr. Aizawa said, tossing a ball to Bakugo.

Mr. Aizawa: Try throwing that for me.

Bakugo: looks at the ball Yeah sure. Like in the Fitness Test.

Mr. Aizawa: That's right. When you first started school, your record was 705.2 meters. Let's see if you've improved.

Mr. Aizawa said while Bakugo made his way awa from the class so to throw the ball at a clearing.

Mina: Oh, I get it! We're checking our progress!

Sero: Lots happened to us the last three months. Maybe he can throw it a whole mile now.

Mina and Sero said.

Seeing this, you began to look at the Class Rep and Vice-Class Rep.

(Y/n): Uuuuuh, Class Rep? Vice-Class Rep? What is he doing?

You wonder.

Ida: Ah, you've never partaken the Fitness Test since you arrived at U.S.J.. Well, what Bakugo is doing is one of the categories of the Fitness Test we had to do in U.A. known as the Quirk Apprehension Test, or Quirk Fitness Test.

Momo: There are Eight Tests in total to pass. A 50-Meter Dash, Grip Strength, Standing Long Jump, Repeated Side Steps, Ball Throw, a Distance Run, Seated Toe-Touch and Sit Ups.

Ida and Momo explained.

(Y/n): Wow.... Those Eight Tests sound recognizable back in my World. Though, Momo... Seated Toe-Touch in my World is called Sit & Reach. Still, there are some resemblances to the name there.

Momo: I see.

(Y/n): Uh-huh. nods Though, I wonder how much I have improved, though. And now that I have my quirks, I wonder if I can go beyond my track record for those tests.

You said.

Ida: Well, perhaps you can ask Mr. Aizawa if you can partake on it once we finish Summer Camp?

(Y/n): Hmm. That's a great idea, Ida-

Suddenly, an explosion can be heard as a gust of wind began to blow through everyone as you all looked and watched as Bakugo has thrown the ball very very far away thanks to his quirk, to your surprise.

After the ball was thrown, Mr. Aizawa can be seen looking at the phone to see the distance the ball has been thrown, showing the distance to everyone.

Mr. Aizawa: That was 709.6 meters.

He said.

Hearing this, Bakugo's eyes widened in shock, hearing that.

Sero: Wow. That's it? Kinda disappointing.

Sero commented.

Mr. Aizawa: You have a single semester at U.A., and due to your various experiences, all of you have definitely improved. But those improvements have mostly been limited to prowess and technical skill. With a slight increase in stamina thrown in along the way. looks at Class 1-A Your quirks really haven't grown that much stronger. Not on a fundamental level. That's why we're now going to focus on improving your powers. grins This'll be so hard you'll feel like you're dying. Let's hope you all survive.

Mr. Aizawa said.


At the other side of the Training Camp,

Class 1-B and Vlad King can be seen leaving the building as they began to make their way towards the clearing where 1-A are at the moment they woke up till now.

Vlad King: Class A's already training. You all need to catch up. Last semester, Class A was in the spotlight. Next semester is Class B's turn. From now on, we're shooting for the top. Don't let me down! 

Tetsutetsu (Inner Thoughts): We're such disappointing students!!!

Tetsutetsu said in throught, tearing away in silence.

Setsuna: I get you want everyone to improve our quirks. But we have twenty unique powers in our class. What kind of training will help all of us get better? 

Rin: Yeah, can you be more specific?

Setsuna and Rin wondered.

Vlad King: When your muscle fibers are overused they break and grow back tougher. Thicker. Quirks are the same way. They improve the harder you push them. Stronger after every workout. In other words, there's just one thing to do! You'll have to break yourselves!

Vlad King said.

Hearing this, the entire Class B began to whimper as they witness Class A undergoing extensive and intensive training to improve and work on their quirks to make them become even stronger, with Bakugo to train on his explosions with hot water so he can make a chain of explosions at will, Todoroki to train on his quirk so that he can use his fire and ice quirk at once, Sero to keep launching tapes so he could improve on his tape quirk and his range attacks using his tapes, Kirishima and Ojiro to spar with each other so their quirks and themselves will get stronger at every hit, Kaminari to work on his electric quirk so he can use his quirk at a higher voltge without shorting out, Koda to train on his vocals so that his voice can reach further distances while building up his confidence, Aoyama to blast large naval lasers in the air to improve on his lasers inspite of his tummy issues, Tokoyami to train his quirk so he can control Dark Shadow when it goes wild in the darkness, and so on and so forth with the other students to improve on their specific quirks.

Seeing this, Class 1-B looks in shock, worry and surprised that they would have to do all of this intensive training, as well.

Rin: oh man... this is pretty intense...

Rin commented.

Vlad King: Operative Types will be raising your limits. Maxing out your power. And the rest, you'll mostly focus on strengthening body parts related to your quirks. Now normally, these changes happen gradually as you grow. 

Mr. Aizawa: But we don't have time for that.

Mr. Aizawa said while making his way towards Vlad King and Class B.

Mr. Aizawa: Your class has a lot of work to do. 

He said.

Kendo: Once we team up with Class A, there will be Forty-One students here. It's a whole lot of quirks for our homeroom teachers to manage on their own.

Reiko: nods

Kendo mentions for Reiko to nod at what she said.

Mr. Aizawa: Which is why we called them.

Mr. Aizawa mentioned.

Suddenly, someone came up in front of Mr. Aizawa as she introduced herself to Class B.

???: THAT'S CORRECT! Four kittens in One litter~!

She said.

Then, once again, it began but this time in a full version of it.

Mandalay: Your feline fantasies are here. Say, "Meow".

???: Allow us to lend a helping paw!

??? 2: We're champions serving up Justice. With our tails.

Pixiebob: Purrfectly cute and cat-like Heroes!

Mandalay, ???, ??? 2 & Pixiebob: We're the Wild Wild Pussycats! Full version!

They all greeted and said while doing a pose, acting it all out.

(A/N: This scene.)

???: I'm Ragdoll, and my quirk is Search. I can look up to 100 people and know everything about them. Like their location and weaknesses.

Pixiebob: With my Earthflow, I can create the ideal training ground for every student.

Mandalay: And my quirk is Telepath. I can give advice to multiple people at once.

??? 2: The name's Tiger. And I'm here to beat you guys to a pulp.

The four Cat-like Heroes said.

Rin: uuuhh... I have questions about him?

Rin said with unease.

???: Well well well~ 

What have we here~? 

The entire Cat Crew's here, huh~? 

Woooooo, I'm overjoyed~!

Someone sang for Class B to look who it was.

Looking who it was, they see it was you, emerging from the trees while deactivating his kaiju and All for One quirks as he went up to the Four-Person Team.

(Y/n): Anyway, hey Doll. hey, Tora! I just got out from the trees by using some of my kaiju quirks and other quirks. Anyway, been a long time, you two.

Ragdoll: Oh! (Y/n)~! It's been too long since we saw you! How long has it been? shakes (Y/n)'s hands frantically

Tiger: Yes, it has been quite some time.

(Y/n): Indeed it has, but not too long. shaking her hands, as well

Vlad King: I see you have already been acquainted with them?

(Y/n): looks at Vlad King Oh! Morning, Mr. Vlad King. An yes, we have been acquainted before I enrolled to U.A.

Mr. Aizawa: Basically, they've met in one of the rescues and hero fight with a villain had a giant and drill quirk.

Vlad King: Oh, that incident! That case was well known across the globe and U.A. I heard you and All Might joined forces to beat him.

(Y/n): We did. And thanks to his quirk, Tora's quirk and my quirk, we eventually did a number on that jerk.

Tiger: We beat him into a pulp until he was knocked out cold!

(Y/n): heheh! looks at Tiger You betcha asses we whooped his ass!

You said.

And so, to cut to the chase, Tiger began to point at Class 1-B.

Tiger: Now, on with training! points at Class B All you kids with Strength Quirks, time for Tiger's Boot Camp! Class A's already sweating. So catch up quick! points at (Y/n) (Y/n)! Show me what you're made off!

(Y/n): At your service!

You yelled while activating your quirks.

(Y/n): Air Cannon, Trigger Energy Punch, Trigger Dark Energy Punch, Megalothor 2nd Form Pincer!

You said, stockpiling the quirks you're using as you landed a punch directly at Tiger, only for him to somehow grab it like it was nothing and punch back, sending you back flying, only for you to use the same attack to rear your punch behind, striking a tree so that you won't crash into it, breaking the impact with your punch so you won't get hurt by the after effects of Tiger's punch, inspite of feeling it in your gut.

Tiger: Good, but keep going! The more you push yourself, the more you'll get stronger!!!

(Y/n): Yes, SIR!!!

Tiger: That's the spirit! Now keep training! 

Hearing this, you immediately continued your training as you started off by destroying some trees and large boulders by using your head.

Tiger soon made his way to Deku to see if he has made any progress after checking on you and dismissing you to keep on going beyond your limits. While he's doing so, the homeroom teachers began to speak to Class 1-B.

Vlad King: There's a lot going on at U.A.. So it's hard for us to spare much staff for the Hero Course first years. 

Mr. Aizawa: Based on their experience and range of powers, these four were the most logical choice to help you enhance your quirks in a short amount of time.

Vlad King: Don't fall behind Class A. Do me proud! 

Class 1-B: YES SIR!!!!

Class B said after hearing what the homeroom teachers had to say.

As time flew by, everyone in Class A and B can be seen doing their intensive training to improve on their quirks in that short amount of time. While they are doing so, you began to look at yourself while deactivating your quirks as you look at your hands, knowing that you have your limits in your Reionics Quirk, pondering and wondering what it is or what they are.

While thinking hard about it, Ragdoll can be seen hopping onto your shoulders as if wanting to have a piggy back ride.

Ragdoll: Heya, Monster Kitty~!

(Y/n): Oh! H-Hey, Doll. What's up?

Ragdoll: I noticed you're not training.

(Y/n): Oh, no no, no. It's just.... I've been intensively using my quirk today and so far.... I... have yet to know my quirk's weaknesses.

Ragdoll: I see~ Well, I do notice its weakness but, I couldn't make out what they are, really.

(Y/n): Hm. That makes two of us. Like... how am I suppose to know my weaknesses when they aren't showing up, and even if they did, why aren't they even stated down on a book and planted in front of me? Am I right?

Ragdoll: Well, that's why you're here~! To discover them and break a sweat to go Beyond your quirk's capacity!

(Y/n): Exactly, Doll. So, that's why I'm in this position ri-

Just before you could finish, you realized something.

(Y/n): wait a minute...

Ragdoll: Yeah~?

(Y/n): Reionics... consists of many powers of every kaiju and alien... so that means...

Ragdoll: Each of them tends to have their own weaknesses, yes?

(Y/n): yes yes, yes. And that's not all, I know every single one of their strengths and weaknesses. And I had Deku to write them down!

Come to realize what you overlooked, you see Mandalay attending to several students training on their quirks, for you to call out for her by using Zandrias's power.

(Y/n): LAY!!!!! EXCUSE ME, LAY!!!!

You called out.

Hearing your call, Mandalay turns around to see you calling out to her, for her to use her telepath quirk to talk to you in your mind.

Mandalay (In (Y/n)'s Mind): Yes, (Y/n)?

(Y/n)(Inner Thoughts): I need your help to call Izuku Midoriya to me. I need a favor from him. I found what my weakness is, but I need his help on something.

Mandalay (In (Y/n)'s Mind): Of course. I'll have him over in a minute.

Once your conversation with Mandalay is finished, you look back to Ragdoll.

(Y/n): Deku's coming in a minute.

Ragdoll: Okay. So, tell me Kitten~ What does...

(Y/n): Oh! Deku is Izuku's nickname and Hero Name.

Ragdoll: Ah! Got it! So, what does Deku have that you need from him~?

(Y/n): I need his Notebook. One of his Books consists of all of the kaijus and aliens I have said that he's jotted down. Strengths, Weaknesses, everything.

Ragdoll: I see~ Then what about the other one?

(Y/n): Oh, the Ultra-based quirk? Ah, it's a simple one really. Some of my allies aka, Ultras have their time limit of three minutes. Some have limits when they combine together. Since I'm using their powers, I don't usually have their three minute time limit as I would be using their powers.

Ragdoll: Then how about increasing their powers to see if you can use them at their Maximum capacity?

(Y/n): Hmmm.... that's not a bad idea.

Ragdoll: And maybe you can use some of their forms, perhaps? Try one, then two, then increase the number of litters you have in your quirk!

(Y/n): Hmmm.... you know what? Lemme try it out.

You said you took a step back away from Ragdoll as you got started.

(Y/n): Ultraman.... Full body....

You said, concentrating your power to acquire that form.

Doing so, your uniform soon morphed based on Ultraman's body without the colour timer, to your surprise.

(A/N: Ultraman. basically it's you but your P.E. Uniform is based on Ultraman's body details without the colour timer.)

(Y/n): Whoa...

Ragdoll: Now that's what I'm talking about!

Deku: hey! I'm here!

(Y/n): looks at Deku slowing down from running Oh! Hey, Deku.

Deku: Hey a- whoa! When did your uniform change and how are you a little more muscular?

(Y/n): Doll here wanted me to try something new. I can sense its strain since I'm new to this but, most likely the more I use it, the more I'll be used to it like my kaiju quirk and my "other" quirk.

Deku: Oh, right. Still that's amazing.

(Y/n): Yeah! Oh by the way, you brought your notebooks with dem hero stuff on it?

You ask.

Deku: No, but I did bring one that is based on your kaijus and aliens.

(Y/n): Perfect. I need that book for guidance today as I overlooked something.

Deku: Oh? And what is it?

Deku ask.

And so, you began to explain that your Reionics quirk not only holds their strengths, but their weaknesses, as well.

Deku: I see. Okay, I'll go get it then I'm back to training.

(Y/n): By all means. Thanks.

Deku: No problem!!!

Deku said, rushing off to fetch his notebook.

Seeing this, Ragdoll placed her paw on your shoulder.

Ragdoll: Nice kitty friend you made~

(Y/n): Indeed he is, Doll.

Ragdoll: removes hand from (Y/n)'s shoulder Now, let's discover more you can dish out!

(Y/n): Right!!! Ultraseven, full body!!!!!

(A/N: In case you ask, It is the same thing as Ultraman Full Body but this time, you have a beam lamp and an eye-slugger on your head, and you will have Seven's armour protectors on your chest and some doing down to your arms like Ultraseven's.)

You yelled as you began to morph into another fusion of you and an Ultra based on Ultraseven.

As time went by again, Deku came back as he passed his notebook to you for you and Ragdoll to look at every page, discovering what weaknesses each kaiju and alien have, for Ragdoll and Mandalay to discuss about this, advicing you on what to do, for you to listen attentively and try out what Mandalay has adviced you. And so, the intensive training of quirks continued until sunset.

(A/N: In case you wonder what the notebook looks like again, this is a clear example with the word REIONICS written on the Cover Page instead of the usual writing on what Book Number it is.)


As the sun was setting, Ragdoll and Pixiebob can be seen in front of several wooden picnic tables with some pots, cooking utensils and food ingredients on them as they began to explain what everyone of you have to do next.

Pixiebob: Now, remember what I said? We are not serving your food anymore!

Ragdoll: If you guys wanna eat? You'll have to make your own meal! Starting with Curry~!

They said.

Class 1-A & 1-B: .... yes ma'am...

They said with their energies drained due to exhaustion.

Ragdoll: laughing Oh man, do you guys look exhausted. But that doesn't mean you can coast by making sloppy cat food.

Ragdoll said.

Ida: Oh I see.

(Y/n): An important part of saving someone recovering from a disaster is providing for their physical needs.

Ida: As well as spiritual needs.

(Y/n): Exactly.

Ida: Ah! This is a great opportunity!

(Y/n): Indeed it is!!!!

You said, agreeing with Ida.

And so, you and Ida went in front of everyone as you both began to encourage everyone to make deliciously good good.

Ida: let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!

(Y/n): And let's make them real good that our stomachs are full that we can ALL sleep happy!!!

You both said.

Class 1-A & 1-B: yeah, okay....

They said.

Mr. Aizawa (Inner Thoughts): thank you, Ida, (Y/n).

Mr. Aizawa said in thought.

And so, everyone started making curry as several students began to chop the food, mix some ingredients, build a fire and get the pot of water boiling. Everyone played apart and chipped into to do part of the work with their quirks to make the best curry they have every had.


As soon as the sunset turned dusk, everyone is done and are now helping themselves with the curry that everyone cooked.

Everyone: We did it!

They said cheerfully.

Kirishima: while eating If I got this at a restaurant, I'd send this crap back. But after today, I'll eat every bite.

Sero: while eating Don't say that!

Mina: Whoa, you're scarfing, Momo!

Momo: Yes. My quirk transform lipids into brand new atoms to create inorganic materials. That means the more I eat, the more I can make.

Momo said and explains.

Sero: Hmm. Like how poop works.

(Y/n): WHY YOU LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled, lunging in front of Sero since you are seated across from him as you began to strangle Sero extremely hard, for Sero to gag with food still in his mouth.

(A/N: Something like this scene but you're reaching out from the opposite side of the table.)


Jirou: punches Sero's face while he's being strangled APOLOGIZE!!!!!

Sero: gagging I'm- gagging I- gagging Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! gagging

Sero said while being strangled.

While everyone is enjoying their dinner, Kota can be seen overseeing them having dinner, before storming off into the forest and to somewhere else.

Mandalay: Kota?? It's time for dinner! Where are you?!

Mandalay called out.

Hearing Mandalay calling for Kota, you held Sero in place while strangling him as you notice Deku looking at Kota walking into the forest, for him to let Sero go as you make your way to Deku.

(Y/n): Looks like he's going somwehre, huh?

Deku: Yeah... looks at you I should go-

(Y/n): No. Allow me.

Deku: Huh?

(Y/n): You can say.... Kota and I... are somewhat in common,... in losing someone. So, I'll give this a shot. And... holds out a new plate of curry some Curry. Go on and enjoy your dinner, Deku.

You said.

And so, Deku nods as he went to sit with his friends, and for you to trail Kota from behind.

A few minutes later,

Somewhere in the Mountain Tops,

Kota can be seen standing in front and his back facing the cave as he looked out at the view of the forest while his tummy was growling. Looking on, he still kept thinking that heroes are wannabes when you can be seen walking towards him.

Seeing you arriving, Kota looks at you with an angry look on his face.

(Y/n): I head that sound. You must be hungry after that long trek to these mountains. Here, I cooked you some curry before I came here-

Kota: No way! How did you find this place?!

(Y/n): I did a lot of flying before enrolling to U.A. and at one point at night before, I saw you here above the skies. Today, I followed your footsteps which led me right here. stops in front of Kota You eat while it's hot. I specially made this for you.

Kota: Whatever. I'm just fine.

Kota insists, brushing you off to say that he's fine.

Kota: Get lost! I don't want to hang out with you. looks away And forget about my secret hideout!

Kota said. 

(Y/n): Secret Hideout, huh? Nice place.

Kota: Hmph! Spending your time of your entire life trying to improve your quirk. It's dumb!

(Y/n): Oh? Care to explain why so?

Kota: It's simple! All you want to do is show off. Get lost!

(Y/n): nods I see. Hey, about your parents. They're the Water Hose Heroes with their Water Quirks, aren't they?

You ask.

Kota looks in shock that you know about them, for him not to take this lightly with you.

Kota: Did Mandalay tell you?! 

(Y/n): Not in the slightest. I.... saw their tributes at some cities and their graves.... you have my sympathies, son of the Water Hose Heroes. I don't know what happened or how they got murdered but, you still have my sympathies, child.

You said.

Hearing this, Kota then looks away.

Kota: Go away.... everyone here's so crazy. Calling people stupid names like; "Hero" and "Villain" and then killing each other because of it. Always focusing on their quirks. If they hadn't been showing off, they'd still be here. Idiots. We're done here! So, go back to camp with the other losers! 

(Y/n): So what you're saying is you hate your parents because they have quirks? And you wished that things will go your way so that things will be perfect after that and after what has happened-

(A/N: The scene where you are trying to talk to Kota.)


Kota yelled.

(Y/n): Wouldn't know what it feels like, eh???

Kota: huh?

(Y/n): .... fishes out a Red NEO-Battlenizer .... yes.... I would.... I..... lost someone who I held dear.... she and I..... we were going to get married on that very day that I lost her....

You said.

Kota heard this, causing him to realize that he shouldn't have said that.

Kota: I... I- .... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean that....

(Y/n): It's okay. She's.... been on my mind lately. After I lost her, like you, not only did I went berserk with power,... but I also pushed everyone away... until I found myself again thanks to my friends.

You said.

Then, you went to a cliff as you placed the Battlenizer and a plate of curry on the ground on your left as you pat the ground.

(Y/n): Come, child. Chat with me.

You said.

Kota looks at you sitting at the cliff, for him to walk up to you as he sat with you, for you to look at him at your left.

Kota: So..... what was she like?

Kota ask.

(Y/n): Katsuragi? Well.... where we came from, we don't have quirks. But for her case, when I first met her,..... she was a brute (A/N: Wouldn't wanna say the word Bitch to a child so, Brute is a better word for now.), and a skilled fighter and a Reionics Fighter.

Kota: Reionics?

(Y/n): Reionics are people who holds these points at the Red NEO Battlenizer and control specific kaijus. They fight to grow stronger. Or so I thought.

Kota: So.... that Reionics Fight thing, is bad?

(Y/n): Yes. And My team and I managed to stop it when we took down its leader.

Kota: And so.... how did you and Katsuragi get along when you said she's a brute?

Kota wondered.

(Y/n): Well.... let's just say I found her in trouble in the right place at the right time. It took some time to get used to us until we got along well just fine. I proposed to be her boyfriend, and she eventually became a member of our Pendragon Crew. That was years and years ago, of course.

Kota: Pendragon?

(Y/n): Space Pendragon. It's a cargo ship with many weapons on it. Our personal favourite is the main gun, Pedanium Launcher.

Kota: whoa...

(Y/n): Mhm.

Kota: So, where are they now?

(Y/n): My team.... is far away now because.... years after my love's passing,.... the League of Villains kidnapped me and experimented on me.... initially I didn't have a quirk. But due to those experimentations.... I do now...

Kota: gasps

(Y/n): It's..... painful.

You said. 

This caused Kota to be speechless, knowing that he has misjudged one of the Heroes-in-Training. But then, he soon asked another question.

Kota: So.... when you were like me. But worse. How did you get over it?

He wondered.

(Y/n): It... wasn't easy. It took my friends in the crew to knock me out of my senses, in which they have succeeded. That's the long story short of it.

You answered.

Kota: I see....

Kota said.

Kota: in.... case you wanna know.... I don't hate my parents. I just.... was upset that they've left me....

Kota said.

Hearing this, you placed a hand on his head, patting him.

(Y/n): It's okay. I understand your pain, child. It's hard to accept that your loved ones... OUR loved ones are gone. But that doesn't mean you should shroud yourself into the darkness like what you're doing now.

Kota: Then,... how am I suppose to accept Heroes in this state? I.... my.... heart says to still hate them.

(Y/n): But what does your mind say?

You ask.

Kota: Well.... I... still think of my mama and papa.... and how great they were....

(Y/n): nods Make sure your mind, is in sync with your heart. Slowly do that, then you'll be at ease. The scar will still be there, but eventually, you will slowly grow to accept it.

Kota: Then what is the next step?

(Y/n): Opening up to people around you.

Kota: W-What?! No way!

(Y/n): Do you want to improve yourself, child?

Kota: ..... well..... I  guess...???

(Y/n): Then you must open up to people around you, started with your Cousins, the Wild Wild Pussycats. They're closest to you and your relatives now.

Kota: ..... I... I'll try....

(Y/n): Don't try, Kota. "Do".

You said.

Kota slowly nod at what you said.

(Y/n): Now, your dinner's getting cold. Eat us and we'll get started in hour.

Kota picks up his plate while being confused by what you mean.

Kota: Get started? With what?

Kota asks.

hearing this, you smiled as you turned to look at Kota.

(Y/n): Your private training with your quirk. I know you hate Heroes at the moment, but that doesn't mean you should shroud your quirk into the dark.

You said.

Kota looks at his hands for a moment.

(Y/n): So, Have your meal and rest for an hour. And we shall begin when I call ya, okay?

You said.

Kota nods at what you said.

To be Continued....

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