Chapter 4: U.A. Sports Festival (PART 1) & A talk about (y/n)'s Quirks (PART 1)

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A few minutes later,

It has been a few minutes now since Ida and Momo, the Class Rep and Vice Class Rep, respectively, showed you around the interior and the exterior of U.A. Highschool, for you to look around the place in awe.

You see classrooms, the teacher's lounge you were in, meeting rooms, offices, cafeteria and many more locations found in just one whole school.

(y/n): this is one huge school we're in....

Ida: Yes, it is. And again, if you want to train your quirk, we have a training facility for that.

Momo: And for Quirk Practises or Quirk Exams, if I'm not mistaken we'll be designated to specific Fake Cities like Fake City Gamma, for example.

(y/n): Whoa.... like our Z.A.P. Space Station which literally also has everything, too... remarkable.

Ida: I can tell you have everything back in your world, as well, besides your Team's ship.

(y/n): Indeed, we do. Again, I thank you for your concern and encourgement, Ida.

Ida: Not a problem, (y/n).

Momo: So, if there is any questions, again, you have class 1-A and us class reps to ask.

(y/n): Actually, guys. There is a question I like to ask.

Ida & Momo: ???

(y/n): I notice several students around the School talking about this.... "U.A. Sports Festival". What is this Festival all about, and why are they extremely excited over it?

You ask.

Ida: Well, the U.A. Sports Festival is an annual event held by this school where students from all grades and courses have the opportunity to showcase their abilities in different competitions in order to be scouted by Pro Heroes and support agencies.

(y/n): I see.

Momo: Not only people with or without quirks will be watching, Pro Heroes from around the World will see it, too.

(y/n): whoa.... interesting.

Ida: Indeed it is.

Momo: Did that spark you in joining the Sports Festival?

(y/n): I.... do believe it did. Is it something like a Reionics Battle?

Momo: Reionics Battle?

(y/n): Yes. On Hammer, a Reionics Battle was conducted there... conducted by the being I explained just now during homeroom.... Reiblood. Hammer is an arena specifically for Reionics such as myself, who have Reionics Blood within them... well, us. We, battle each other with our specific monsters in our issued Battlenizers which can evolve, to determine who will be the heir and not just rule the cosmos.... but to also be one.... with Reiblood. These are Reiblood's Battle Rules.... and that is all his will. Back then, my other human reionics who I named him friend, and myself, we couldn't control ourselves due to our reionics blood, fueling us to keep fighting till there is no one left.... until we both realized and found out on what Reiblood's agenda and what he really wants. That's why we went against Reiblood's will.

Ida: And I assume.... the one loses....

You lowered your head and nods.

(y/n): They perished....

You said sadly.

Ida: Well, worry not, (y/n).

You look at Ida.

Ida: In this Sports Festival, it's nothing like the Reionics Battle. In this one, you get to showcase and display your skills without being in control of the Reiblood. places hand on (y/n)'s left shoulder In this school, you are one of us. Not him. Just remember that.

Momo: Ida is correct, (y/n). When a student loses, they are out of the games, in other words they are not qualified for the next round. So, you're fine.

(y/n): So, I don't have to-

Ida: Yes. You don't have to anymore. You are in the best of hands in this school, and in class 1-A.

Momo: nods

(y/n): .... thank you, Ida, Momo. I would love to join the Festival, but it is up to the teachers and Mr. Nezu on whether I can join, so I may demonstrate my kaiju skills.

Ida: Ah. Understandable considering you just got here.

Momo: Since you just joined us, i'm sure they'll be glad to add one more person into the Games.

(y/n): hmmm... we'll see. We'll see.

You said.


At the Principal's Office,

Nezu: Why, of course you can, (y/n). I don't mind letting you participate in the Sports Festival.

Nezu said.

(y/n): Wow.... that was.... extremely fast. I thought I couldn't because of my villainous quirk I have in me with my current quirk.

Nezu: Yes. When I heard you knocking on the door while discussing with Tenya Ida and Momo Yaoyorozu about the U.A. Sports Festival, I knew on the dot on what you're wanting to ask me. So of course, I would love to see what you are capable of with your quirk. And yes, it is true that you have All for One's quirk,... but seeing that you are currently using your current quirk, too, I don't see why not but to let you join in since you are able to control his quirk and your quirk simutaneously. As after all, there is always room for one more in the sports festival.

(y/n): Thank you, Mr. Nezu. Y-you're too kind.

Nezu: nods However, if you want to take part in the Sports Festival, you know what you must do.

(y/n): Yes. Don't use All for One... JUST use my current quirk. However, can we bend that condition? I can explain.

Nezu: Please do.

(y/n): Several number of monsters in my quirk have the capability in having,.... attachments, appendages and other upgrades on them, both robots and "fleshies". For example, Black King. He has a customized drill on its head if its horn gets severed. If I were to use All for One with just the specific quirks together with my quirk, I can personally keep All for One under wraps.

You explained.

Nezu: I see.... well, I suppose we can bend the rules a bit. JUST as long as you only use one for specific kaiju. And if you were to think of it this way, since we are bending the rules, I can recommend that you pick a specific combo for specific quirks. The right combo for one quirk, the better the advantage.

(y/n): hmmm.... good advice, Mr. Nezu. I'll keep that in mind. Again, bows thank you for letting me participate in the Sports Festival.

Nezu: That's not a problem. Don't forget, you still have a meeting with me and the teachers so, be punctual.

(y/n): I will. I'll take my leave.

Nezu: nods

So, you left the office as you closed the door behind you.

After the doors are closed, Nezu smiled to himself.

Nezu: sighs His heart is at the right place... but in the wrong hands, will be catastrophic as what he's stated.... we must ensure he doesn't fall to villain's hands... and All for One's hands at all costs.

He said to himself.


Momo: That's great!

(y/n): Yeah. I'll say.

At the corridor, you and Momo can be seen walking back towards the classromm as they discussed on how you managed to successfully persuad Mr. Nezu in letting you participating in the festival.

Momo: But, how did you manage to persuad him in letting you participate?

(y/n): Well,.... when I first arrived hours ago, I flew and snuck into U.A. with no hostile intent as I needed someone to help me find out how this.... quirk-like world works. That's when I bumped into him and we talked. Eventually, we formed a mutual relationship as friends and.... I guess that's how it happened I guess?

You explained.

Momo: Well.... Nezu maybe kind and cuddly, but he's still the principal.

(y/n): Point taken. That's why I always call him; Mr. Nezu, as respect. Like how I always call my Captain; Boss.

Momo: I see.

The two of you kept talking until you two notice a crowd blocking the door leading inside your Class 1-A classroom.

(y/n): Momo? Who are they?

Momo: They must be from other classes, coming to have a look at us, knowing we had a fresh experience in dealing with villains. Despite it not necessary to do that bu-

(y/n): Allow me to dissolve the matter.

You said immediately teleporting away, for Momo to watch you doing that, in shock.

At Classroom 1-A,

Class 1-A listened as someone known as Shinso talking to the class, declaring war to them.

(A/N: Shinso.)

Shinso: --consider this a declaration of war.

Izuku, Uraraka & Ida (Inner Thoughts): WHERE DID THIS GUY EVEN COME FROM?!?!?!?

They exclaimed in their thoughts until-

Shinso: hmm? feels something from behind

Shinso felt something at the back of his head, for him to turn back to see you aiming at his head with a Hyper Zetton Scissor arm, to his and everyone's shock as he and everyone didn't notice you behind Shinso.

(A/N: Hyper Zetton Scissors arm (right arm) from Hyper Zetton.)

Then, you slowly walk around Shinso as you made your way inside the classroom, still pointing your Hyper Zetton arm at him.

(y/n): If you want to declare war, least you could do is to wait till the festival begins to be civilized.... not here... not now. But since you are declaring war,.... then allow ME, to declare my war, in a matter of my way of "understanding". But before that....

Suddenly, you conjure Deavorick's left gunner arm, as you point at the student crowding around outside, for them to raise their hands up.

(A/N: Gunner Arm (left arm) from Deavorick.)

(y/n): You're blocking the way for the woman walking into our class. So, get out of the way and let her enter.

You said.

The students look back to see Momo as they walked out of the way. Momo blushed when you called her woman while staring at you.

(y/n): Momo. Get in. gestures Momo to get in by a tilt of your head

Momo: O-Oh! Okay.

Momo stuttered a bit as she came back to reality, making her way in.

Once inside, you proceeded.

(y/n): We are all Highschooler in this Hero Academy. So, least you could do is not crowd around and be civil about it. Last I have people crowd around me.... I kill them on sight. But since this is a school, I won't be doing that due to an agreement. So, here's how things are going to throwdown. You all have no idea what I'm capable of. And the difference between you all and me... is that I have more fighting experience like these so called "pro heroes" have.... but to an extent that I have the full tilt on how it works, but in my way only. So, do your best, and give it your all,.... or like you.... i'll simply unleash my trumpcard and rid of your victory under your nose and your feet.

You said.

Then, you raised both your arms upwards, shooting the walls outside your classroom, scaring the students crowding around the door as they watched, for Shinso to have a slight fear in his eyes.

After you are done shooting, you revert your arms back to normal as you have one hand on the door.

(y/n): Now this.... is called, "Declaration of War", MY style.... MY way....

You said, while slowly closing the door.

(y/n): Good day, my fellow schoolmates. smiles

You said while smiling, closing the door completely, leaving the students outside flabbergasted and shocked.

Inside the classroom, you sat down on your table for a moment as you sighed at what went down, looking at your classmates.

(y/n): Please, forgive my actions, class.... that's how I used to declare war back when I was in Boris and Hammer... what you saw was me being nice. If I wasn't nice.... they'd be dead, which is inappropriote. I still haven't known how this world works so,.... I kinda need some help from people outside and here, too.

Uraraka: Oh, don't worry! We'll help you explain how this world works!

Izuku: Yeah. And I even have several handbooks to help you teach you how each pro hero and each one of us works. Though my current book is still work in progress...

Ida: Don't worry, (y/n). When you are with us, rest assured you'll be in the best of hands and be taught by the best of us.

(y/n): awww. Again, thanks, guys. And sorry for the drama.

Mina: It's alright, fam~ what happened just now is just your war side of you. Now you're here, let's get you up to shape on how this Quirk World works!!!

Tokoyami: Agreed. You're in a Haven of the best knowledge there is.

You nod at this as you began to listen to your new friends and classmates, well, mostly Izuku, too on how Quirks in this world came to be, for you to take down notes while you listen.


After Classes,

At the Meeting Room,

The teachers and the principal with All Might being present were discussing about the new student who just joined U.A. who has All for One quirk and the U.A. Sports Festival until a knock on the door was heard.

Nezu: Ah, right on time. Come in, Mr. (y/n).

Nezu said.

The teachers looked at the door as it slowly opened, for a head to pop out from the door for them to see you looking in.

(y/n): uuuuhhh... hhhhaaii??? Is this the right room?

Nezu: Yes, young (y/n). This is the right room. You may enter.

Nezu said.

So, you entered inside the meeting room, closing the door as you went up to the teachers and principal and you stood in your standing position before them.

You bowed to them as you introduced yourself to them.

(y/n): Nice to meet you teachers. I'm (y/n) (l/n). A Human Reionics.... and the said person that you all spoke of.

Nezu: Yes. The person who saved our students is young (y/n). And he's also our new student here at U.A. High.

Snipe: A new student?

All Might: What?! When did that happen?

Midnight: That's a surprise~...

Aizawa: I guess I expected this as much, sir. You both met in the lounge, I take it?

Nezu: Yes, Eraserhead. When we mentioned that we'll be looking for him, he ended up coming to us by coming to me instead for answers.

Cementoss: Answers?

Nezu: Correct. Answers.

All Might: But, sir.... he has All fo-

Nezu: I know he has All for One.... and there was a reason for it which I cannot forgive....

All Might: Huh?

Teacher: hmm?

Nezu: Young (y/n)? Would you be so kind as to tell the teachers what happened to you? If you are willing.

Nezu requested.

You felt uncomfortable about this, but since the teachers are there, you sighed, knowing that you need to at least tell someone since you've already told Nezu and the class.

(y/n): Okay... since I told Mr. Nezu what happened and my class what happened, might as well tell you guys, too.

Nezu: Splendid. The floor is yours. So, take your time.

Nezu said.

You nod at him when he said that. So, you began to explain to the teachers on where you were from before coming here 3 years ago until now after you were transported from your world to here.

The explanation was a few minutes long, but the teachers were still paying attention to every detail you said about you being in a team, before and after you were separated. You even mentioned being experimented on to be the ultimate weapon to eradicate All Might by having tons of quirks, including All for One's blood and quirk, which made the teachers including All Might feel disgusted that All for One would go such lengths to do this.

You also mentioned every detail on what happened after you escaped on how you got your quirk as you showed the Giga-Battlenizer to them.

(y/n): - and yeah.... that's how everything went down....

You finished.

All Might: All for One...used his own blood and quirk to... that explains how you fought like him, but in your own fighting skills.

Snipe: To think that All for One would go such lengths to transfuse you with a lot of quirks including his own and his own blood... and to control you to become something even more powerful than that thing back in U.S.J....

Cementoss: Fortunately you escaped.

Midnight: A charmed man controlled by a villain.... growls how could a villain experiment on a handsome young man and slots so many quirks into him?!?!?!

Aizawa: my thoughts exactly. But please don't get any ideas, Midnight.... besides, I can already tell (y/n) didn't want this himself.... but he was taken from his team with no questions ask. From the look in his eyes, I see fear, revenge, and determination. Which is why you wanted him to be apart of us as a student, yes?

Nezu: Exactly, Eraserhead.

All Might: And what if young (y/n) goes b-

Aizawa: Don't worry, All Might. It's all covered.

All Might: Hmm?

Cementoss: Oh?

Ectoplasm: What do you mean by that?

Everyone looked at Eraserhead, for him to look at you.

You nod at Mr. Aizawa, for Eraserhead to speak.

Aizawa: (y/n) spoke to me before we went back to class... he says if anything goes wrong in short.... I must be around to stop him from doing just that. If anyone asks, no... it's not.... it's a precautionary measure if his All for One quirk goes against him... in a controlling kind of way.

All Might: I see.... so in other words, young (y/n) is already preparing for the worse if that were to happen?

Aizawa: Yes.

Midnight: Awwww~ how cautious... and to think I would jump on you from behind~

Cementoss: Midnight, please control yourself.

Nezu: Anyway, that aside.... (y/n), it is a good strategy that you're preparing for the worse. However, if Eraserhead were not to be around,.... what would you do?

Nezu ask.

You thought hard until I thought of something.

(y/n): I'm not sure if it'll work.... but it is worth a shot... I would have to unleash my reionics instincts to counteract it. Again, not sure if it works, but it's a longshot.

Ectoplasm: Reionics Instinct?

(y/n): Yes.

Cementoss: And how does it work?

(y/n): Well, to my experience back on Hammer... those instincts boils you to fight against your will till the fight is over. That's his will, after all.

Midnight: his will?

(y/n): Yes. But he's now in the past. His reign is over. I freed myself from my fate when it comes to his twisted little game.

You said.

Midnight: I see~ twisted for war, or for pleasure~~?

Ectoplasm: sighs Midnight....

Snipe: And about your instinct?

(y/n): It's through my own emotional view on things so, yes. That's how I trigger it. It depends on my emotions.

Nezu: Then I trust you'll have All for One under control until the day that you won't?

(y/n): pretty much so.

You answered.

Nezu: Then I suppose we are done here. You may leave to join your friends, (y/n). And remember what I said before in my office.

(y/n): Will do. No problem... OH! There is another thing.

Nezu: Oh?

(y/n): I.... I'm new to this world since.... after what I have explained to you. I,.... need your help in explaining to me on how this Quirk-like World works. Back in my World, we don't have these so called, "Quirks" to do our everyday life in work and all that. So, I was wondering if you could explain how that exactly works here.... if you all don't mind.

You said.

The teachers and Nezu look at each other as they realized that he is new here due to the fact the League kidnapped him.

Ectoplasm: Well.... he was kidnapped. Maybe it is for the best that we explain about this world and.... advice.

Cementoss: Hmmm. Guess there's no choice then.

Nezu: Then we'll all help along to get young (y/n) to know this world better.

The teacher nod.

Then, they turn back to face you.

Nezu: Alright then. We'll help get you up to speed about this quirk-like world since you are still new here.

Midnight: It'll be a long story, but i'm you'll be here for a while to hear our little tale~

(y/n): I'll do my best.

Nezu: nods Now, in this World, it started with-

And so, one by one, the teachers including Nezu began to explain to you on how this quirk-like world works from start to finish. It was a long talk about how quirks and meta abilities came to be and how people use them for good and evil while co-existing with people who are quirkless. As they explained, you nod in understanding as you began to piece everything together on what your classmates and the teachers were explaining as you began to write extra notes about it.

After a long few minutes of explaining, they were finally finished in explaining to you on how this world works, for you to stop writing notes down as you placed a notebook and pen inside your pocket as you yourself are done writing every information that was said to you, for study and for take note when you are rescued.

Nezu: I see you were writing down everything you were being told.

(y/n): Yes. It's for studies, logbooking and a take note for myself and when my team comes to my rescue.

Snipe: I see.

(y/n): So.... that's it?

Nezu: Yes, my boy. That's it. Again, we are done here. You may leave to join your friends, (y/n). And remember what I said before in mu office. Thank you for coming to explain yourself.

(y/n): No problem, and many thanks Mr. Nezu. And teachers.

You said.

And with that, you left the room, leaving the office as you began to walked away. After seeing you leave, All Might stood up as he heads towards the door.

Nezu: Where are you going, All Might?

Nezu ask.

All Might stopped as he spoke.

All Might: I.... want to reach out to our new student, Young (y/n), personally. As after hearing that he was experiemented on by All for One.... it is highly at stake that we must deter him from All for One's path,... to ours.

All Might said as he left.

The teacher looked at Nezu, nodding while looking down

Nezu: I know.... the poor child...

Nezu said.


You are on your way back to the classroom to meet your classmates after your meeting with the teachers when you stopped in your tracks, sensing someone walking to you.

Upon sensing someone, you slowly turn back to see All Might standing behind you with a smile on his face.

(y/n): Oh. It's you, All Might.

All Might: You have a sharp sense in knowing that I was trailing behind you.

(y/n): Y-yeah. One of my powers in my quirk and one of All for One's quirks, you see.

You said.

(y/n): Look, All Might. Since you're here, too. I would like to talk to you personally about what you heard at U.S.J. and what you heard when I told you and the teachers about my life story.

All Might: Oh?

(y/n): .... yes,....

All Might: Then let's talk somewhere else. I know a place.


At the Teacher's Lounge,

(y/n): The teacher's lounge again? Good choice.

All Might: Indeed. Now what do you want to talk to me about, Young (y/n)?

All Might ask.

Hearing his question, you took a deep breathe to gather up your courage as you began to speak.

(y/n): ...... it's.... true that the crazed Doctor... and All for One fused me with so many quirks.... as well as his own blood and quirk.... I know, deep down you hate people who has All for One's quirk, so I can understand why you want to talk to me. Three years of fusing and testing.... three years of getting stronger .... three years of being experimented.... I.... I'm not sure if I can hold on much longer. I only escaped as I know they want to control me to be their puppet to kill you... but, I don't want to kill anyone. Not even you.... but these scars I regenerated. They're still there despite of it.

You said, taking off your Z.A.P. Jacket and top uniform to show your scars, stitches and needle holes all over you to All Might, to his shock.

(y/n): That's why I always go to those hospitals, to try and return those stolen quirks to their rightful hosts,.... and keep the stolen quirks whose hosts are no longer around,.... to remember the suffering that I had to go through three years ago till now. But now,.... first few purposes here which you already know, is using these quirks including All for One, for good. That's my justice, to use this curse that is now infused with me.... I'm not going to use it for evil that All for One is doing right now. I.... I don't want to hurt you.

You said.

All Might (Inner Thoughts): sighs .... it can't be helped... I guess he is an exception considering the shape he's in that i'm looking at right now and after what I heard....

All Might said in thought.

All Might: Young (y/n). It's true that I wanted to talk to you about your other quirk, All for One. But after hearing that it was given to you by an experiement, I've decided to overlook that negative view about you when it comes to All for One.

(y/n): B-But why?

All Might: Young Man. It is true I hated All for One so much due to the crimes and the murders he has done,.... including the murder of my Master.

(y/n): I'm so sorry to hear that.

All Might: That's alright. BUT! points finger upwards after listening to what you said, points at you you are not like him, or anything like him. You never wanted this when you were in another world, but it was forced upon you by All for One. And after seeing the state on your body, I can tell they've done terrifying and horrible things to you while you were in captivity.

(y/n): .... it's true.... like I stated before.... looks down

All Might: But you don't have to worry about them anymore.

(y/n): eh? looks up at All Might

All Might: Look up high and stand tall, young man! I can tell you are a hero back in your World with your friends, Young (y/n). And in this School, you will be trained by the best of us, and you'll be protected by the best of us. Yes, again and again, you have a villainous quirk, but Nezu still brought you under our wings. Wanna know why?

(y/n): Why?

All Might: Because Nezu knows that you can overcome All for One's quirk while using own quirk and Nezu sees potential within you, my boy... true potential! And we are always here to help you whenever you needed help. The teachers including myself can help you become a hero but that is if you want to. Listen to your own heart and mind, and not that villainous quirk and I'm sure they'll tell you the same thing.

(y/n): Well.... they do.

All Might: thumbs up Then together with Young Midoriya, I'll be happy to take you in under my personal wing to help you get over this while you have your villainous quirk. Just keep your All for One quirk at the minimum, if that's alright?

(y/n): Well, that's what I have in mind so sure. And Mr. Nezu recommended to use only one quirk from that villainous quirk if I have to. So, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

All Might: A wise strategy in order not to let those stolen quirks go haywire if that happens.

(y/n): Yeah. A very wise strategy. nods

All Might: And oh yes. I'm also aware you want to participate in the Sports Festival. I got that information from Nezu.

(y/n): Yes. He said that I can do it with my own quirk.

All Might: Then like Young Midoriya, you have my full support. thumbs up while laughing

(y/n): I appreciate this, All Might. You won't regret this, sir. So.... offer out hand friends?

You ask.

All Might sees this as he brings forth his hand to grab yours and shakes it.

All Might: Yes, Young (y/n). Friends.

All Might said.

All Might (Inner Thoughts): Well, this is a first, being friends with a student....

He said in thought.

After shaking, they broke the handshake.

(y/n): So, what do I do now?

You ask.

All Might: For now, you may go back to class to hang out with your friends. I'm sure they'll be wondering what's taking you so long.

(y/n): Oh yes! I also forgot I don't have a place to live. So, yeah. And that, too. I got to go!

You said, grabbing your uniform and jacket as you rushed out.

All Might: Be careful! And don't run in the halls! sighs (y/n) (l/n),.... a poor child being experiemented, but he still wants the best of others. What a hero he will become, despite of his Villainous quirk he was given through being experiemented on..... looks like there is still hope for him, yet.

He said.

In the class 1-A Classroom,

A handful of students were still in class when you returned from the Meeting Room and from a small chat with All Might.

They asked what you and the teachers were talking about, for you to explain that it was the usual for them to understand, not before you noticed some of the girls blushing as you just realized that your top-naked, for you to blush at this as you immediately put your uniform and jacket back on in a rush and embarrasement for the boy to chuckle at this.

Then, it dawned upon you that you needed a place to stay, so you asked the handful if anyone could take him in until his team arrives, in which Izuku Midoriya offered to let you stay in his house, for you to be thankful to him.


Everyone left the school as they began to leave for their homes, with you walking together with Izuku as he offered to let you stay at his house.

(y/n): I appreciate you taking me in, Izuku... or Deku was it?

Izuku: Oh, Deku is what Kacchan always calls me.

(y/n): But... Uraraka also calls you that, too?

Izuku: Well, I let her call me that, you see...

(y/n): I see.... then may I call you Deku, too then?

Izuku: Well... if you like, sure.

(y/n): Okay then, Deku.

You said.

The two chuckled for a moment. After a while, Deku aka, Izuku began to ask a question.

Izuku: So umm.... (y/n).

(y/n): Hmm?

Izuku: I'm just curious. Hope you don't mind. It's about your quirks. Well, not that monster quirk you have. I'm talking about your experimented quirks that were infused and transfused into your body.

(y/n): Oh.... those....

Izuku: Well, if you are uncomfortable, I can just-

(y/n): No no. It's fine. Since i'm going to use these quirks and that villain's quirk for good... I'm okay with you asking any question you ask. So, we're okay, Deku.

Izuku: Oh, okay. So,..... seeing that you were experimented and given those quirks for like.... 3 years-

(y/n): Correct.

Izuku: H-How many quirks do you have at the moment, excluding the ones you've returned?

Izuku ask.

You thought hard, thinking back on what you've heard back when you were still in the tube as you recalled how many were experimented and given to you forcefully by many transfusions.

(y/n): There were... a lot....

Izuku: How many is a lot?

(y/n): ...... I can't say but.... I know it was around.... hundreds of thousands of them....

You answered.

Izuku's eyes widened upon hearing this.

Izuku (Inner Thoughts): Wait..... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

To be Continued....

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