Chapter 6: FINAL Practical Exam Match-Up & The Return of Gua

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At the Monitor Room,

Everyone in Class 1-A (A/N: Except for Deku and Bakugo, of course.) can be seen watching you and Zeppan's match against Eraserhead as their fight is about to begin inspite of the announcement indicating to you that you can already begin, for the Class to see that you, Zeppan and Eraserhead can be seen staring at each other for a brief moment.

During the stare off, the doors of the Monitor Room suddenly open for them to see Vlad King and class 1-B coming in, with Monoma to be dragged along by Kendo, to 1-A's confusion.

Momo: Class 1-B? Vlad King?

Uraraka: What are they doing here?

Vlad King: Well, to simply put, the class wanted to show their support to (Y/n). The girls said it is the least they could do for him since your classmate helped us, as well... and other reasons, too.

Tsu: Then I assume Vlad King told you guys about the surprise change of rules, as well?

Kendo: Yeah... Bummer, really. I thought we'd be taking on robots, but Vlad King revealed it to us earlier today before we came here to have a look at (Y/n)'s match-up that we'll be taking on our own teachers for our Practical.

Reiko: Who would've thought that your classmate would be smart enough to know about this.... blushes behind the mask spooky~.....

Recovery Girl: Well, look alive now, Classes 1-A and B, as the fight has already started.

Recovery Girl said.

And so, everyone looked at the huge screen before them as they are now watching the final fight that you'll be partaking in this Practical Exam.

At the Construction Site Fake City,

Eraserhead can be seen being thrown about like a ragdoll by your Zomborg arms elongating and stretching out to immeasurable lengths as you threw him about while having your arms wrapped around Eraserhead's ankles, crashing him onto the ground hard in front of a bulldozer, releasing him.

After that surprise attack, Eraserhead slowly got up while looking at him, holding onto his scarf.

Eraserhead (Inner Thoughts): (Y/n) really knows how to conjure up a surprise attack..... but let's see how he likes it when I give him a surprise attack on my-

Just before Eraserhead could finish, he noticed something towering over him from behind as there was a huge shadow overlapping and merging with his, for him to swiftly turn back to see Zeppan behind him, to his shock.

Eraserhead (Inner Thoughts): Wait.... when did it-

Zeppan spun around, delivering a tail whip which caused Eraserhead to get struck as he flew backwards.

Taken aback by what went on, Eraserhead quickly got back onto his feet as he donned his defense stance against Zeppan. Staring face to face with a kaiju, Zeppan immediately launched its Maga Zeppandon Attack Fire bullets at Eraserhead, only for him to leap up high to avoid them. Seeing that he's high enough, Eraserhead immediately used his scarf as he wrapped them around Zeppan, wrapping its arms to its body.

Eraserhead: Got you....

Eraserhead said as he pulled in so he could land a powerful kick when he gets close.

But then, Zeppan used Body Supernova (A/N: A stronger and Maga variant to Body Heat.) as he burnt off the scarf that was wrapped around it to Eraserhead's shock, giving the kaiju the opportunity to use its claws to swipe him to aside, only for Eraserhead's kick to clash with Zeppan's claw swipe as he leaped away to where Zeppan wanted to swipe him and landed safely onto the ground. Once on the ground safely, at the corner of his eyes, he noticed you utilizing EX-Red King Knuckle on the right arm combined with Zomborg arm as your arm lunged forward, for Eraserhead to lean backwards to let your arm to fly pass him, then back to you.

After that surprise attack, Eraserhead looked at you stopping at your tracks after casually walking, looking at him as he noticed you having a pair of cuffs being held tight on your right hand, smirking at Eraserhead knowing that you are toying with him.

Eraserhead: So I see...

(Y/n): Yeup, and you found out quick.

Eraserhead: I was expecting a challenge.... but so far you're toying with me....

(Y/n): Facts. This is just a warm up. The fun has just begun.

Eraserhead: Hmph. Funny. I was saying the same thing to you, too.

Eraserhead said.

Then, both you and Eraserhead immediately dashed into each other as the both of you began to exchange blows hand to hand while utilizing both your quirks with Zeppan utilizing its attacks to strike Eraserhead, only for him to dodge and evade them, with you to do the same to avoid Zeppan's attacks as you fought against Eraserhead.

As the fight continued, the students in the Monitor Room can be seen watching the final match with amazement as they watched both you and your kaiju's coordination in fighting when fighting Eraserhead.

Deku: Wow....

Setsuna: Both (Y/n) and Zeppan's coordination and teamwork against your homeroom teacher is very incredible

Tetsutetsu: Very manly, I must say!!!

Kendo: looks at Class 1-A Where... did he even learn how to do such coordinated teamwork and combat like that, if anyone knows? I believe there is more to it than the explanation we've got from the Sports Festival.

Jirou: Oh. (Y/n), as you know is from a different world. You could say he has a whole lot of experience fighting with monsters against other monsters than we are.

Deku: Yeah, that's right. Even the first match at the Sports Festival, he adviced me to look out for Shinso's quirk which are based on kaijus which were demon-like and can hypnotize people.

Ibara: He fought.... unholy monsters, too??

Deku: Well.... from what I have been jotting down, he has been through a lot.

Ibara: Then he'll have God's praise for exorcises those demons!

Deku: Uuuuhhh....

Kendo: It's her way in praising him. No pressure.

Deku: Ah, right.

Vlad King: I must say, Eraserhead seems to be having a tough time with theese two. 

Ida: Well, I guess you can say our homeroom teacher's quirk doesn't work with his kaiju-like powers considering the kaijus he has and where he's from are different.

Vlad King: I see.

Everyone in the Monitor Room discussed on while observing and watching the fight go on.

Back on the Fake City, Eraserhead can be seen standing on top of an excavator and for you and Zeppan to remain strong while maintaining their strength from fighting for quite awhile now, with you to utilize Zomborg arm, EX-Red King Knuckle, Kelbim Tail Spikes, Taganular Scythe (A/N: Its scythes will act like wolverine claws protruding out from EX-Red King Knuckle.) and Tsurugi Demaaga arm blades on your right arm, and Zomborg arm, Giras Brothers' horns and back spikes, Red Killer boomerang blades, Alien Tsuruk blade arms and other kaijus and aliens based on their sharp horns and blades to be implemented on your left arm, and for Zeppan to have its Maga Crystal and chest crystals to glow bright red and bright blue, readying itself to launch another attack again when commanded.

Readying yourselves, you had your eyes on Eraserhead as you watched him ready his scarf for another one of his scarf attacks after he readied his eyes by dripping some eyedrops on them for a moment, preparing himself for another long fight.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): So.... his weakness is his eyes, huh? Quite straight forward, then.

Eraserhead (Inner Thoughts): Obivious he'll go for my eyes considering he's keeping a watchful eye on me.... though, I also must keep a watchful eye on looks at Zeppan him... his fireball, ear beams, electric breathe and pure strength from its arms, legs, body and tail are no joke.... Mr. Nezu is right about one thing, he and this kaiju had a symbiotic bond that I can't severe.... even my skills and my quirk can't even severe them...

Both of you said in your thoughts individually.

(Y/n): Zeppan!!! Go for his eyes! 
(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): But use your attack at its weakest. If that doesn't work, use your hand beams in its weakest strength. We don't want him to be permenantly blind, okay?

You yelled.

Eraserhead (Inner Thoughts): Wait, what?!

Zeppan nods to your words and the words in your thoughts as it launched a pair of dark purplish black Maga Zeppan Eldritch Beams in its weakest strength towards Eraserhead.

Seeing this, Eraserhead swiftly dodged them for Zeppan to launch numerous beams from its Pandon heads, making Eraserhead to swiftly dodge them. While dodging them, Eraserhead immediately used his scarf as he wrapped them around Zeppan's Pandon heads, rendering it from using its attack, for him to smirk at his brief success in rendering the kaiju's heads which was eventually short lived when Zeppan blasted a hand beam in its weakest strength in his face, causing Eraserhead to stagger backwards trying to regain his sight back and for him to release his hold on Zeppan's Pandon heads.

Rendering him blind for a brief moment, Zeppan launched its Maga Thunderclap at Eraserhead to send him flying back, giving you the opportunity to run towards where Eraserhead is landing, for the students in the Monitor Room to cheer for you.

Tsu: (Y/n)'s going to win this, ribbit.

Uraraka: Yeah!

Deku: You got this, (Y/n)!


Kendo: Come on! You got this...

Kinoko: .... you can do it.

They said, cheering you on in the Monitor Room.

Directly below Eraserhead, you used your left hand to reach out to him so you could bind him with your bladed arm, only for you to see his scarf wrapping around your left hand, causing you to smirk at this as you pulled Eraserhead down towards you. Once he's close, you grip onto his collar of his clothes by the use of your free hand, for Eraserhead to grab your right wrist as you both are now in a stalemate.

Seeing Eraserhead eye to eye, you see that Eraserhead's quirk has been activated inspite of your command for Zeppan to blind him temporary.

(Y/n): I see you fought through your blindness.

Eraserhead: Good move.... but it won't be enough to take my sight out!

(Y/n): I can say the same for you when it comes to your scarf. You're a formidible foe with your erasing quirk and your scarf, but it'll do you not when you're facing us. As I'm about to unleash a secret weapon for this particular moment!

Eraserhead: Then I'd like to see you try getting out of this and escort me to jail....

(Y/n): HAH!!!!! Gladl- Huh?!

Eraserhead: What? What's wrong? Forgot something?

Hearing this, you kept sensing that something wasn't right, for you to swiftly look up when-

(Y/n): WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You yelled.

- a dark fireball can be seen flying down towards the both of you.

Eraserhead looked up, as well, shocked to see that a dark fireball is heading down towards the both of them, for you and Eraserhead to break it up as you both leaped to the side and away from the crash point. As soon as you both got clear, the dark ball of fire struck where you both stodd before creating a crator at the center of the Fake City, to their confusion. Even those in the Monitor Room were confused about it, as well.

When you both gathered together and decided to take a closer look through the dust, a a figure soon emerged from the crator as it began walking towards them, causing you to look in shock at the being that is walking towards the both of you, recognizing its omnipotent power.

(Y/n): N-No.... No....

Eraserhead: looks at (Y/n) What? What is it?

(Y/n): I-It can't be... it just can't!!

Eraserhead: What?! What couldn't be?!
Eraserhead (Inner Thoughts): From the fear in his eyes, I'm saying that whatever that is disrupting the Practical Exams is something beyond our comprehension....

(Y/n): This being.... I've heard of him.... from my allies who fought against him... h-he's.... he goes by man names.... The Space Devil... The Combined Giant Demon Emperor..... The Phantom Combined Giant Demon Emperor.... but all in all.... he goes by the name of.....

Just as you were about to finish, the being emerged out fully from the crator, revealing its presence to you and Eraserhead, wielding a Bats Calibur and Axe.

(Y/n): Gua Spectre.... a Combined Space Emperor comprising of the Three Space Emperor Siblings.... Juda, Mold and Gina Spectres....

You said, finishing his statement.

(A/N: Gua Spectre.)

Holding his weapons in hand, Gua Spectre looks at you and Eraserhead as he scoffs at you both.

Gua Spectre: So.... this is the World that I heard of.... how suitable to create my Gua Army and destroy this world with it!!!

Gua said as his voice boomed.

Hearing this, you, Zeppan and Eraserhead donned their fighting stances as they readied themselves for a fight against the Combined Space Emperor before them inspite of the fear they are looming due to its presence.

To be Continued....

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