Chapter 7.5: Zeppan's Reionic Burst Battle

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(A/N: Zeppan's Reionic Burst Fight Chapter is right here. Enjoy~!)

While the three of you watched Gua Spectre walking towards you all, you three noticed him summoning Black King, Mecha Gomora, Tsurugi Demaaga and Re-Brocken, to the three of your shocks and the audience in the Monitor Room to look in worry.

Deku: This must be four of the many legion in Gua Spectre's Army (Y/n) talked about...!!


Back with the three of you, Zeppan roars and grunts to get your attention, for you to look at your kaiju.

Looking at Zeppan, you see that it wants to get in on them, for you to smirk at this.

(Y/n): You sure?

You ask.

Zeppan nods.

(Y/n): Alright! I won't stop you, considering you fought a lot of robots back then with Rei and his Gomora! So, let's Rock 'n' Roll!

You said.

Then, you stood up straight as you held your battlenizer, placing your arms in front of you in an 'X' pose, then lunging them down hard, for a white and gold aura to emit out of you. As that happened, Zeppan did the same and lunged its arms open in a 't' pose, unleashing its powers as it roared loudly with a different roar along with its own, for Eraserhead and everyone in the Monitor Room to look in shock by this.

(A/N: Maga Zeppandon (REIONIC BURST). It'll be similar to Maga Zeppandon but this time, it's different. In Burst Mode, Zetton Component on Maga Zeppandon will be in a bright hue of bluish black (A/N: For the Black areas.) and bright hue of cyan (A/N: For the White areas.), Pandon Component on Maga Zeppandon will be in a bright hue of reddish orange combined with yellow to give it the flame and burst motive (A/N: Something like Gomora (Reionic Burst) but in a brighter hue.) with the beak, claws and feet colour scheme to have a glow hue of white and fire red to give the form the reionic burst vibes, and the Maga Orochi component on Maga Zeppandon will have a bright hue based on Maga Orochi's colour scheme, to give out the Reionic Burst vibes on Maga Zeppandon (Reionic Burst) form The crystals on the form's chest and forehead will remain as it is to give it the Maga Zeppandon vibes.)

Kaiju Name: Light and Fire Fusion Lord Monster Maga Zeppandon (REIONIC BURST)
Height: 70m
Weight: 50000t
Origin: Planet Hammer
Special Move/s: Maga Final Demolition
Attack: 200000
Defense: 200000

Speed: 200000

Inside the Monitor Room,

Deku: So that's what Reionic Burst looks like?

Uraraka: Huh? Deku, you know what that is?

Deku: Yeah, according to (Y/n), Reionic Burst is power... power unimaginable. He said that his friend, Rei and himself experienced mental burst of rage and adrenaline that drives them and their kaijus into fighting. But those anger outbursts led to their kaijus' evolution into Burst Mode.

Tsu: ribbit. I can tell there's a catch to it.

Deku: Yeah.... Both good.... and bad...

Tsu: ribbit...

Kendo: So, what's the catch?

Deku: The catch is, if used correctly, the rage, its unbridal powers and its hold on (Y/n), he will be able to control that kind of power. If not used correctly and use that power out of rage,.... (y/n) will go into a frenzy....

Uraraka: my god....

Kendo (Inner Thoughts): looks down at the unconscious Monoma Something tells me that I should keep Monoma in line more often, now that Deku mentioned that....

They discussed.

Vlad King: Then I assume when he's using this Reionic Burst now, he's using it against that thing's legion?

Deku: I sure hope so....

Deku said with concern.

Back on the field, Zeppan in Reionic Burst form is ready to fight with you and Eraserhead to be ready, as well.

(Y/n): Zeppan! take care of Gua Spectre's Legion!!!!

You commanded.

Hearing your command, Zeppan roared as it swiftly advanced towards the four kaijus, for them to do the same.

(A/N: Black King, Mecha Gomora, Tsurugi Demaaga & Re-Brocken.)

Kaiju Name: Bodyguard Monster Black King
Height: 65m
Weight: 60,000t
Origin: Planet Nackle
Special Move/s: Hell Magma
Attack: 7000
Defense: 7000

Speed: 7000

Kaiju Name: Mecha Robot Monster Mecha Gomora
Height: 44m
Weight: 22,000t
Origin: Planet Cheney
Special Move/s: Mega Ultra oscillatory Wave
Attack: 7000
Defense: 7000

Speed: 6000

Kaiju Name: Molten Iron Monster Tsurugi Demaaga
Height: 55m
Weight: 59,000t
Origin: Umezawa City
Special Move/s: Heat generation & Molten Iron Heat Ray
Attack: 9000
Defense: 9000
Speed: 8000

Kaiju Name: Transforming Terrible Monster (Transforming Choju) Re-Brocken
Height: 63m
Weight: 46,000t
Origin: Space
Special Move/s: Flames & Energy Beams
Attack: 7000
Defense: 4000
Speed: 4000

As soon as the kaiju combatants are at an empty area to fight, Black King charged towards Zeppan first to begin the EPIC 4 -vs- 1 Kaiju Fight.

Seeing this, Zeppan charged towards Black King as it went up close in kaiju with it, blasting its hand beams, sending Black King flying back (A/N: In Reionic Burst Mode, all of Zeppan's attacks will be empowered, like Rei's Gomora.) for the next one (Tsurugi Demaaga) to charge towards Zeppan. Turning towards the next kaiju, Tsurugi Demaaga swung both its arms blades at Zeppan, only for Zeppan to teleport in a blazing cloud, avoiding its opponent's arm blades. Appearing behind Tsurugi Demaaga, Zeppan launched Maga Thunderclap and Maga Zeppan Eldritch Beam simultaneously, striking the empowered kaiju from behind causing it to fall on its belly. Watching the kaiju fall, the next one grabbed Zeppan from behind, appearing to be Re-Brocken as it reeled and pulled Zeppan backwards so Mecha Gomora could launch its Mega Ultra Oscillatory Wave at it. 

Just as Mecha Gomora launched it attack, Zeppan conjured out Maga Zeppandon shield for two blazing barriers appeared out from the two Pandon heads as they went in front of it, blocking Mecha Gomora's attack from hitting Zeppan. Once Mecha Gomora was done launching its attack, Zeppan used its body Supernova for Re-Brocken to release the combined kaiju due to its highest body temperature, causing it to stagger back, giving Zeppan the opportunity to swiftly turn and blasted numerous Maga Zeppandon Attack Fire Bullets at Re-Brocken while landing a tail whip on Mecha Gomora, causing the mecha kaiju to fall onto the ground from that tail attack.

Black King roared at Zeppan as it began to run towards it with its horn aiming at its enemy, for Zeppan to swiftly turn around for its tail to effortlessly rip the horn out of its head, for Black King to roar in pain from this. But its cries soon subsided when a dark fireball emerged from the severed horn as it formed a drill custom on Black King's head (A/N: Since this is Gua Spectre and Gua Army we're talking about, why not give a kaiju or two some upgrades, eh?.), to Zeppan's shock.

(A/N: Black King Drill Custom.)

Kaiju Name: Bodyguard Monster Black King Drill Custom
Height: 65m
Weight: 60,000t
Origin: Planet Nackle
Special Move/s: Drill Blaster
Attack: 7500
Defense: 7000

Speed: 7000

After that upgrade, Black King launched its Drill Blaster at Zeppan, only for Zeppan to launch its powerful Maga Thunderclap at it, for both attacks to collide for a biref moment before the rest of the three kaijus began to bombard Zeppan by using their own attacks in the attempts to strike it down from the back. While in a clash with Black King Drill Custom, Zeppan summoned its Maga Zeppandon Shield as the shields converged behind it, blocking its enemies' attacks so they won't strike it while Zeppan was dealing with Black King. After awhile, both combatants stopped as they charged towards each other, with Black King to charge in head first as it tried to drill through Zeppan, only for the latter to grab Black King's head and toss him away, sending Black King flying while spinning mid-air.

Zeppan turned to face the three after dealing with Black King for a moment, only to be introduced by Re-Brocken's flames and hand mists, disorientating Zeppan, giving Tsurugi Demaaga and Mecha Gomora the opportunity to launch their Beam buster Mega (Mecha Gomora) and Molten Iron Heat Ray in its charged variant (Tsurugi Demaaga) at Zeppan, weakening the combined kaiju. Assuming that the kaiju is defeated, the three kaijus stopped launching their attacks, only for Zeppan to emerge as it rebounded their attacks back at them by using its shields, weakening the kaijus in return. Seeing them weakening, Black King decided to take things into its own claws as it blasted a Drill Blaster at Zeppan, only for Zeppan to tilt its body to the side as it went pass it for the beam to strike Re-Brocken instead, destroying the kaiju by mistake.

Seeing one kaiju was down, Zeppan smirked to itself while Black King looked in shock at what it did by mistake (A/N: Treat it this way like Black King is like Telesdon when it struck a kaiju by mistake back in Mega Monster Battle.). After the mistake, Mecha Gomora advanced forward, only for Zeppan to jump and land a double kick into its mechanized stomach, sending the robot staggering backwards. Black King charged forward, only for Zeppan to spin to deliver a tail swipe to send the bodyguard kaiju falling onto the ground.

With Zeppan's attack on Black King is done, unbeknownst to it, Mecha Gomora can be seen charging its attack, attempting to launch its beams at Zeppan while it was not looking to attack it from behind, only for its charged-up attack to be halted as it began to shut down on itself. Deactivated, Zeppan turned to face Mecha Gomora as it pulled its tail out from the deactivated monster machine's belly which impaled its stomach right through the back of its neck, piercing right through it. As soon as the tail is out, Mecha Gomora soon fell onto the ground, motionless.

After taking care of two kaijus, Black King got back up on its feet to join Tsurugi Demaaga while the Molten Iron Kaiju began to self-evolve itself into Kamisori Demaaga as it roared while charging towards Zeppan.

(A/N: Kamisori Demaaga.)

Kaiju Name: Dimensional Evil Beast Kamisori Demaaga
Height: 60m
Weight: 70,000t
Origin: Another Dimension
Special Move/s: Kamisori Grindor
Attack: 9600
Defense: 9000

Speed: 8500

Zeppan saw this as it too charged towards the further evolved Demaaga, clashing claws and blows with each other with Kamisori Demaaga to launch a Demaaga Varion directly into Zeppan's face, only for the latter to counter it with its Maga Zeppandon fireball attack, for both attacks to collide and explode for the two to stagger backwards. 

While both kaijus are staggering, Zeppan took this opportunity to launch its Maga Thunderclap and its beams from its ears, forcing the further evolved dimensional evil iron kaiju beast back as it crashed into a destroyed building that was under construction. After dealing a critical blow on Kamisori Demaaga, it was the enemy kaiju's turn as Kamisori Demaaga began to launch Kamisori Grindor, Edge Scratcher and Demaaga varion at the same time, for Zeppan to be taken aback by this while blocking it with its tough hide. While blocking Demaaga's attacks by using its own body, the sound of a drill whirring can be heard getting louder as Black King can be seen charging towards Zeppan. Hearing it getting closer, Zeppan teleported away, for Black King to strike nothing in front of it, only for Zeppan to appear behind the bodyguard kaiju as it tail whipped it towards Kamisori Demaaga.

Seeing the opportunity in front of them, the three remaining standing kaijus began to charge their signiture attacks as they prepared to finish this up as soon as possible, for them to overcharge their attacks and abilities. Once their attacks were charged up, the three kaijus soon launched them for them to start clashing each other in the middle. WHile launching their attacks and clashing, Demaaga and Black King boosted up their attacks, for their combined attacks to slowly overpower Zeppan's only for Zeppan to raise its left leg as it stomped it down hard onto the ground, somehow boosting its attack, as well, overpowering their combined attack. While the kaijus are clashing with each other by using their signiture attacks, Zeppan noticed that its master is going to do something crazy, knowing that it was time to rap this up real fast, for Zeppan to charge towards the two remaining kaijus while firing its beams from its ears and claws to boost its signiture attack, which soon overpowered the two kaijus when Zeppan went closer and closer.

As soon as Zeppan was close enough and its attacks struck the two, the kaijus soon blew up in Zeppan's face, knowing that Zeppan can take it due to it extremely tough hide that it has. Once the dust cleared out, Zeppan can be seen standing victorious, which was eventually shortlived when it sees an explosion occuring at its left, for it to teleport away to Mr. Aizawa as it grabbed him. Once it has Mr. Aizawa in its claws, it soon teleport him to safety as the explosion continued.

(A/N: After Zeppan teleported Mr. Aizawa away to safety, eeeeh... you know the rest. XD)

To be Continued on Chapter 8: Last Minute Twist, Trust & Sacrifice Test & an Explosive Lecture

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