Prologue: Gearing Up for the Final Exams

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The Next Day,
In U.A. Highschool,
In Class 1-A Classroom,

The bell tolls to indicate that class has ended for today, for Mr. Aizawa to give an announce to the whole class regarding the Final Exams that are coming up in a week's time.

Mr. Aizawa: Alright. That's it for class today. It's only one week left before your Final Exams begin. I'm sure you all are studying constantly, right? Don't forget to keep training. The Written Exam is only one element. There's also the Practical portion to worry about. Good Luck.....

Mr. Aizawa said plainly while leaving the class.

As soon as Mr. Aizawa closed the door behind him after making his way out of the class, you hear your classmates began to talk about the Final Exam.


Kaminari: And with the Sports Festival and Internship, I didn't have time to read the textbook!!!

Kaminari and Mina exclaimed as they are in 20th (Mina) and 21st (Kaminari) Placings in their Midterms.

Tokoyami: It's true we haven't had very much freetime lately....

Tokoyami said, being in 15th Placing in the Midterms.

Sato: We barely learned anything when we took our mid-terms so, that didn't seem all that hard but I'm kind of worried about these...

Koda: nods

Sato: We've been through a lot, they'd probably won't pull any punches when it comes to testing us.

Sato said with Koda listening to him as he nods at what he says, with them being in 12th (Koda) and 13th (Sato) Placings respectively.

Mineta: If someone ranking the Top 10, I'm not that concerned.

Mineta said while sitting with his back facing them cockily, as he's in 10th Place in the Midterms.

Kaminari and Mina approaching Mineta, surprised at his ranking.

Kaminari & Mina: WHAT?! You were 10th in the Midterms?! 

Mina: Aw man, and here I thought you were one of us?!

Kaminari: Don't you know weirdo little creeps like you are only likeable if they're kinds of stupid?!?! Who's gonna love you now?!?!

They said, complaining about it to Mineta.

Mineta: everyone. trust me.

Mineta said cockily.

While the three were talking amongst each other, you and Deku approached them with determination.

Deku: Ashido. Kaminari.

Mina & Kaminari: turns to look at you and Midoriya ???

(Y/n): We still got time to study for our Finals.

Deku: (Y/n)'s right! When we do that and pass, we will all get to go to the Training Camp together. Right?

(Y/n): All of us!

You and Deku said to encourage Mina and Kaminari, with you both taking 5th (You) and 4th (Deku) Places in the Midterms.

Hearing those worde, Ida can be heard and seen raising his hands as he spoke with his determination to address the class.

Ida: YES! As Class Rep, I have high hopes that we'll make U.A. proud!!!

Ida said taking 2nd Place in the Midterms.

Todoroki: It's pretty hard to fail if you just paid attention in class, isn't it?

Todoroki said while asking, taking 6th Place in the Midterms.

Kaminari: Why'd you gotta cut me down like that?!

Kaminari said, grasping his shirt hard.

Momo: Hey, don't worry about it, you two. I can catch you up to speed on the important topics if you want.

Momo said, taking 1st Place in the Midterms.

Mina & Kaminari: YOU'RE THE BEST, YAOMOMO!!!

Both said in unison, appreciating Momo's help.

However, Momo suddenly looks down as helping them with the Written Test is one thing but for the Practical, it won't be straight forward.

Momo: I'm afraid I won't be any help when it comes to the practical, though...

Momo said.

Then, Jiro came by to ask for Momo's help.

Jiro: I've been studying, but... could you help me out, too? I'm having some trouble understanding Quadratic Functions.

Jiro said, taking 8th Place in the Midterms.

Momo looks up to Jiro, surprised that another person has come for her help.

Momo: Really?

Momo asks.

Sero: Tutor me, please! Classical Japanese is killing me.

Sero pleads with his hands clasp together on top of his head, with him taking 18th Place in the Midterms.

Ojiro: Is there room for one more? I'm afraid I'm falling behind a little...

Ojiro asks, requesting for help, as well, taking 9th Place in the Midterms.

As they are crowding around, seeking help, you came up to Momo, as well.

(Y/n): I may need some assistance, as well, Momo.

Momo: Huh?

(Y/n): As you all already know, it has been a week plus and a few days now that I'm in U.A.,... so.... even if I'm able to discover things by just listening, I still.... do have much to learn. heheh! How Ironic.... Even a Member of the Space Pendragon and a Reionics needs guidence, when it's needed. So please, Momo. On behalf of Kaminari, Mina, Jiro, Sero and Ojiro, will you assist us, Vice-Class Rep?

Kaminari, Mina, Jiro, Sero and Ojiro: Pretty please?

You requested, followed by the five, pleading for Momo's help.

Momo blushed and gasped when she hears you and the five coming for help.

Momo: This is wonderful...

Momo said.

Then, she shot up from her seat excitedly as she accepted their pleas for help and your request.

Momo: YES! Let's do it!

Momo said cheerfully.

Kaminari, Mina, Jiro, Sero and Ojiro: YES, Alright!!!

(Y/n): Thank you, Momo.

You all said.

Then, you began to hear Momo talking as she said her arrangements to you six.

Momo: Okay! We'll hold a study session at my residence over the weekend.

Mina: Seriously? I can't wait to see your fancy digs!

Momo: Oh! I must call Mother and prepare the Great Hall for us to set up! It'll be a great spot!

Hearing this, you look in shock, surprise and confusion to figure that she might be rich, for you to see the five who wanted help from her to have the same reaction as you, but different.

(Y/n) (Inner Thoughts): Residence? Great Hall? Tea? Other Preferences? Vice-Class Rep must be Rich!!!!

You said to yourself.

As you thought about that, you and the five watch Momo humble-bragging without her even noticing that she's doing it. While watching on, Kirishima and Bakugo were having a brief talk about the Final Exams as he says he wants to go get help from Momo, thinking Bakugo can't help him.

Kirishima: Sounds like I should be studying with her.

Kirishima said, taking 16th Place in the Midterms.

Bakugo: You think I don't know enough?! Maybe I should beat the lesson into your skull!

Bakugo angrily said, taking 3rd Place in the Midterms.

Kirishima: I'm counting on it.

Kirishima said.

Meanwhile at the further corner, Shoji can be seen making his way to Aoyama as he began to speak with Shoji about his classmates.

Aoyama: Looks like everybody's panicking, right now. But it won't do any good to cram this late in the game...

Shoji: stretching out my mouth appendage to speak Shouldn't you be more concerned? You didn't do very well in the Midterms.

Aoyama: turns to look at Shoji Are you talking about moi? I did just fine, thank you.

They talked, with Aoyama taking 19th Place and Shoji to take 11th Place in the Midterms.


At Lunch Rush's Eatery,

You and your class can be seen sitting at the table, eating your meals while feeling nervous about the the Practical Exams, for Deku and a few of your classmates to start talking about it.

Deku: I'm kind od scared about the Practical. I have no idea what's it gonna be.

Ida: Hard to believe they give us something too crazy.

Deku: The Written Exam Questions will all be stuff from class, so.... I should at least be able to do those.

Ida and Deku said as they ate.

Uraraka: Do you really think it's going to be that simple...????

Uraraka said nervously, shaking a little, as taking 14th Place in the Midterms.

Deku: It's driving me nuts... I just wanna know what they'll have us doing...

Toru: It's a comprehensive Test that everything we learned this year. (A/N: 17th place in the Midterms.)

Tsu: Yeup, and that's about all we could get from Mr. Aizawa to tell us. (A/N: 7th place in the Midterms.)

Uraraka: Okay so... then, it'll cover Combat Training and Rescue Training... oh, and Basic Training.

(Y/n): We can't study. We also have to stay in great physical shape, too for our Practical... whatever lies in that hurdle...

Deku: I agree...

You, Deku, Ida, Toru, Tsu and Uraraka discussed.

While discussing about the Practical and the Written Exams, you sensed someone having an ill-intent upon your class, sensing him getting closer for your Cloak to grab his elbow from landing a huge hit on Deku's head, to his shock and Deku's confusion. Seeing that the hurt on Deku's head has been avoided, you shot up from your seat as you made your way to the schoolmate who wanted to bump Deku's head hard with his elbow, standing before him.

(Y/n): I'm sorry.... is there a problem?

You ask.

Deku looks back to see it's someone he knows from Class 1-B.

Deku: You're from Class 1-B? Monoma, right? 

Deku ask.

You heard Deku, for you to smile, knowing that you and Monoma has crossed paths, once again.

(Y/n): Oh, I see. So, you're Monoma from next door back at the Sports Festival? So, I assume you about to elbow Deku's head means you want to pick a fight with me, is that it?

Monoma: I should be asking the same thing with you?

(Y/n): Usually I respect a bit of Competition from you, but bullying... that crosses it.

Monoma: So, I heard. And I also heard you and a few others including him (A/N: Him, he refers to Midoriya.) stumbled across the Hero Killer? 

(Y/n): Yes, and what of it?

Monoma: Just like in the Sports Festival, Class 1-A isn't happy unless they're the center of attention.

(Y/n): Oh, I wouldn't call that Center of Attention. I would call it, Fate. It is Fate that we fought on to this righteous path. And we're not here to gloat over anything or be the center of attention to anything. So, pick your words and vocab wisely while you still can.

Monoma: scoffs You do realize you're not in the spotlight because people think you're good Heroes, right? It's just if you keep getting into so much troubl-

(Y/n): Oh that I'm aware. That's why we're here, even me. To make our own spotlights so that we can be perfect Heroes in anyway~ Quirk or No Quirk, one way or another, we are our own heroes with our own decision-making skills. And I must admit, you're very entertaining when it comes to you spouting negativity, ya know?

Monoma: heheh! So that's what you think and thank you for the compliment~ But here's the thing! Someday the rest of us might get caught up in your mess. And then we'll all become unwilling victims, as well. What kind of villains will you bring down upon us? What demo-

(Y/n): Demon? Oh, I have plenty! And since you mentioned that word, "Demon", how about you fight all Eight of them at this very moment, right here, right now... in front of our schoolmates, huh? Maybe get some credit out of it.

Monoma: Oh, that I Accept!

(Y/n): Here are the stakes~! If you win, you shall be praised and be the center of attention like we are. BUT, if you lose, you are to apologise for your critics and your about-to assault for a bully tactic on my friend Deku aka, Izuku Midoriya. Sounds fair?

Monoma: Oh, sounds fair to me, (Y/n)!

Uraraka: (Y/n)...

Deku: uuuhhh... (Y/n)... I don't think you both should do this here....

(Y/n): I'm looking forward to seeing how the fight unfolds with your Copying Quirk.

Monoma: So you already know my Quirk? How interesting. Well, feeling's mutual as I can't wait to get sta-

Just before Monoma was about to finish what he says, Kendo can be seen chopping his neck, knocking him out cold while she grabbed his food tray. Seeing this, everyone on their individual table can be seen watching this unfold with sweat demeanors on their heads.

Seeing her, you smiled while your cloaked unravelled itself from Monoma's arm, knowing that you were stalling for time for Kendo to arrive when you notice her on her way to walk pass your class's table while you were having a feud with Monoma which turned out to be a distraction in disguise, despite feeling the relief that his accursed critisms have ended.

Kendo: That's not funny, Monoma! You heard what happened to Ida. Chill out! 

(Y/n) & Ida: Kendo.
(Y/n): Heheh, I'm glad to see you. I saw you coming our way so I thought I stall him so you may deal with him. Though I hate his critics, really. Competition is fine, but critics and bullying, not much my alley.

Kendo: holds Monoma by the back of his shirt while looking at Class 1-A table I apologise about him. I'm pretty sure there's a hole where his heart should be... looks at (Y/n) And I hope he didn't say anything to trigger you like this. Again, I'm sorry about him.

(Y/n): Oh no~ When I saw you coming our way, I began to feel that his words entertained me upon your arrival so I entertained him back to keep him busy so you may deel with him from behind. He even said he accepted a fight against Eight of my Demon King Beasts but... I suppose that is now on hold, for now.

Kendo: sighs while looking at the unconscious Monoma That idiot.... again, I'm sorry... blushing while nervously chuckling

(Y/n): So anyway since you're here.... don't mind if I ask this but, you have any ideas about the Practical?

You wondered while asking, knowing that you don't have to deal with Monoma at this moment as it hase been covered by Kendo.

Kendo: Well, the thing here is, I was listening. I know you all are worried on what's going to be on the Big Final Practical... I heard it's gonna be combat against Robots like the Entrance Exam.

Kendo said, helping you and your class out.

Hearing this, you all look with surprise as you all heard that your class will be fighting against Robots.

Deku: Really?! How did you know that?

Deku asks.

Kendo: One of my Upperclassmen of mine filled me in. I know. Cheating. But oh well. 

(Y/n): If it's an Upperclassmen, then it doesn't count as cheating.

Kendo: Oh? How so?

(Y/n): What you did was basically seeking knowledge from your upper peers, which is the right thing to do. Now that you have insider knowledge from that Upperclassmen and you have shared it with us, now both Classes 1-A and B have the advantage to train harder at best to put some dents onto those Robots.

You said.

Then, you placed your hand on her shoulder. 

(Y/n): U.A. High is wise to recruit you into this Academy for your decision-making in requesting help from your senior classmen, Kendo. Now, both classes now have the upper edge to know what's to come for the Practical.

You said, giving Kendo an encouragement.

Hearing this, Kendo blushed hard upon hearing your praise.

Kendo: Th-Thank you...
Kendo (Inner Thoughts): Wise? WISE?!?!?!?! Is he- Is he praising me~?!?!?! How is he so cool when he does that?!?!

Kendo said and ask in thought.

But Deku thinks that there is more to it than Robots being in the Practical, for him to start muttering about it, for you and your classmates, as well as Kendo to look at Deku as he mutters on and on, for you to snap him out of it.

(Y/n): Deku, you're at it again.

Deku: HUH?! Oh. Heheh, sorry. Just uh, hearing that the Practical will be us beating Robots, I thought there is more to it than that.

(Y/n): And so I hear.

You said and you and Deku began to giggle a bit.

Monoma: What kind of idiot are you, Kendo... you just gave away our whole strategic advantage!

Monoma said as he struggled to get up after being knocked unconscious.

Monoma: This is our chance to finally pull ahead of that class full of Idio-

Just before Monoma could finish again, both you and Kendo chopped his neck, rendering him unconscious again.

(Y/n) & Kendo: My Class aren't a Class of Idiots!!!!/They're not the Idiots!!!!

You both said in unison.

Knocked out, Monoma is now being dragged away from your table by Kendo.

(Y/n): I trust you'll keep him under control?

Kendo: Oh yeah~ For you I will~~

(Y/n): wait, wha-

Kendo: Nothing~ I will. So see ya! And good luck!

(Y/n): Yes. Good luck to you, too.

You said, watching Kendo leave with Monoma.

(Y/n) (Inner THoughts): She's like a Big Sister to Class 1-B? Interesting.

You implied to yourself in thought.


Inside Class 1-A Classroom,

Back in class, you and the others at lunch began to tell your other classmates about what you heard from Kendo about the Practical Exams.

Mina & Kaminari: ALRIGHT!!!!

They exclaimed with delight in unison.

Kaminari: This will be super easy if it's just Robots.

Mina: Such awesome news.

Shoji: Why do you sound so happy? You both have a hard time in controlling your quirks.

Kaminari: Yeah! But I can let loose with Robots!

Mina: And melting them will be a Singe for me~!

Sero: Now you just need Yaoyorozu to help you study and you'll be all set for the Finals.

Mina & Kaminari: We'll definitely be able to go to the Training Camp now!

Seeing and hearing this, you smiled, knowing that there is a calm before the storm.

While lightening up the mood for a moment, you heard Bakugo speak up as he stood up from his seat, spoiling the mood

Bakugo: It shouldn't matter if it's Robots or actual people. Why are you morons so excited?

Kaminari: Hey! Who're you calling me a moron-


Bakugo yelled, silencing Kaminari while scaring him and Mina.

After which, he turns his attention to Deku.

Bakugo: Hey, Deku....!!! 

Deku: Huh?

Bakugo: I don't know what's going on with your power! But I've saw the way you're using it, now I want you to know... it's seriously pissing me off....

Uraraka: Uh oh... he must mean how Deku was flying like him the other day....

Mina: oh... yeah, totally...

Bakugo: I won't have another person going soft on me like the fesitval when (Y/n)'s power awakened some hidden power from within... We'll be getting individual scores in the Upcoming Finals... New Rankings! points at (Y/n) and Deku So we'll all know exactly where we're standing! I'll show you how much better I am! looks back at Todoroki And Todoroki?! I'll kill you, too!

Bakugo states for the entire class to hear.

After hearing all this, Bakugo then stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door behind him.

Kirishima: .... it's been awhile since I've seen him that worked up....

Kirishima said, implying about Bakugo.

Tokoyami: Think it's impatience.... or hatred....

Tokoyami said.

(Y/n): I fear it's pretty much both, Tokoyami... pretty much both....

You said with concern while looking at Deku who is also worried, as well.

To be Continued....

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