Chapter Two: New Friends and a Destination

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Third Person


Seto and Crossbreed walked through the whole in the wall Crossbreed had made. People were running around the two, trying to get away as fast as possible. They didn't seem to care they they were safe either way. A boy with glowing purplish red eyes and purple and black wings ran out and immediately started flying around, laughing happily as he flew around without a care in the world.

Another one, a boy with two eye patches and a gold and purple amulet also flew up into the sky once he was outside, the amulet glowing brightly. He flew in circles, spreading his white wings that faded into a beautiful golden color as far as they could go. He was smiling brightly, and Seto couldn't help but smile as well as they both seemed happy to get away.

Crossbreeds' eyes turned a hazel color with light blue specks in them as he turned and looked at a fluffy creature who was leaning against a wall, breathing heavily and smiling slightly. He ran over to him, supporting him with his arm. Seto walked over to them, confusion running through him.

He tilted his head, looking at Crossbreed and the fluffy thing in curiosity, the fluffy things collar reading A. S. F..

Crossbreeds' eyes switched back to a blue color with hazel specks as he talked, his expression changing from sorrow and worry to calm and happy. "This is Jerome. He's a Bacca. Those idiotic scientists did all kinds of shit to him, and he got real sick, hasn't gotten better since."

He nodded his head in acknowledgement. He could understand that, even with his short time living on the earth. Maybe the reason he couldn't speak was exactly that; he hadn't learned yet. He noticed how he used his wings to help him walk, flapping them with each step to lift him a bit into the air, only to fall back down, repeating that process.

He tried to make a sound, yet nothing at all came out, aside from his breath. He felt confused; did making noise come with learning, too?? It must, he decided, for what else could it be?

Crossbreed looked over at him, tilting his head as he supported the Bacca, both parties continuing to walk away from the building. He was about to ask what he was doing, when one of the two from before, the one with the white arched wings, crashed into Seto, a cry leaving his mouth as he did so. Crossbreeds eyes immediately switched back to brown with blue specks, as he quickly moved Jerome out of the way of being hit.

Seto cringed at the impact, quick to try and push the crazy man off of him. It hurt his chest, and he wanted it to stop. He was like a dog; in pain with no way to say so.

The man pushed off of him, getting up and brushing himself off. He moved his hands in an odd, speedy fashion, forming what looked like a ball of yellow light. He moved it so it was balancing with one hand, and helped Seto up with the other. Seto determined he must be blind, and was somehow using the orb to see.

"My title Skylar Dian Notch, but most refer to me as Sky. I apologize for hurting you in any way. What is your title?" 'Sky' asked, and Seto noted how different it was from Crossbreeds'. Did everyone talk differently?

Crossbreed seemed to choke at first, then burst out laughing. His eyes were blue, but the brown spots were a little more prominent.

"So you're an angel??" Crossbreed asked. Sky responded with a nod. "Why do you talk so funny?" They asked.

"Whatever must you mean?" Sky asked.  He sounded genuinely confused. Seto noted they must be from different places. He breathed out, an attempt at showing annoyance, that went over looked.

"Whatever. It's not important. His name is Seto, and ours is Crossbreed. Why is there an angel on earth??" Crossbreed asked after glancing at Seto with brown eyes with blue specks, seeing his annoyed look. Atleast, Seto assumed it was an annoyed face. It felt like it.

"I fell from the Ather. I was taken captive soon afterwards." Sky responded. Seto could tell there was more to that story.

Soon the other one with wings came running over, tucking them behind his back and making them blend in with his black and purple shirt. He wrapped his tail around his leg as he ran, soon getting over there.

"You're the one who broke us out, right?" He asked, referring to Crossbreed, his eyes glowing even brighter as he was incredibly close. He had two little horns that stuck out of his hair ever so slightly, looking like they could be covered by his hair if need be.

Crossbreed nodded. He had been the one to blow up the wall, knowing full well that was also the one that the security system was hidden inside. He had been the one to free all the poor souls inside. He had given people their rights back.

The boy jumped at him, hugging the hell out of him. It seemed like he was almost ready to cry, but quickly composed himself. "Thank you." He said, wiping the remaining tears. Sky quickly hugged him, a concerned expression covering what was visible of his face. He rubbed his back in a comforting manner.

"Where are you all headed??" Crossbreed asked. Jerome shrugged, mumbling something about going whenever Mitch went. Seto made the same gesture, figuring it was one of the neutral nature.

"I do not have permission back in heaven until I fulfill my duties on earth,  therefor if I am not a burden I shall stay with your party." Sky said, rubbing the boy in front of hims' back.

"I have to get back to my family. They must think I'm dead." The mystery boy said. "I'm Tyler Deadlox Endrine. I like Ty though." He finished.

"Well," Crossbreed said, smiling with his eyes closed, "To your family it is!!" He said, opening his eyes to reveal one brown and one blue eye.


A/N: 1027 words!!! That's amazing!!! I hope you enjoyed this, and don't worry, I'll be adding more characters in soon enough. See you next time!!! - Destiney Loves This Book A Lot

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