Chapter 1

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"Is she ready professor?"

"Nearly. Just a few more injections and she'll be ready for battle."

"Good. She will be a useful weapon when the time comes."

I heard the two people I hate most say while I hung there, in pain. 'How many more injections will I be subjected to?' I wondered. So far, I had counted 129 but I've only changed because of the first one. I grew my Snivy tail.

"Candace?" the leader asked.

I only growled at him and narrowed my emerald eyes.

"Your Pokémon are ready for you when your done with your injections." He said.

I kept my eyes narrowed and didn't say anything. A scientist came over with a needle again. I don't move as he put it into my neck and slowly and painfully injected the liquid into my body. I don't make a sound though.

Seconds later, I'm let down and lead to where my Pokémon are waiting. 'Cadence!' My Snivy yells and runs into my arms. I giggle and hug her.

'Cadence!' The rest yelled and tackled me. In my team, I have Snivy, Ghastly, Eevee, Litwick, and a Frokie. I have room in my team for one more. All of my Pokémon are females for some strange reason.

"How are you guys?" I ask all of them.

'Ready to go when you are.' Snivy replied. I smirked as I'm the only one who can understand them.

"Okay, let's go train," I replied and stood up. My green hair swishing down my back as I walked. One of the scientists followed me to the training center. I watched him out of the corner of my eye and smirked to myself.

Snivy met my eyes and I swished my tail to the side a bit. 'Now Litwick!' Snivy said to her. Litwick emitted a spooky light.

"Litwick, use smokescreen!" I yelled. She emitted a dark cloud of smoke and it surrounded us. I ran forward and my Pokémon followed. "Return everyone!" I ordered and held out my pokèballs. All of them were absorbed into them and I placed them on my belt. I had the base memorized from years of being here thanks to my parents.

I neared the exit and burst through the doors. I continued my sprint and changed my form to that of a Zora. My clothes and pokèballs morphing with me. I quickly ran out of the lab and into the surrounding forest. I morphed into a Fletchling and flew into the afternoon sky.

'Oh goodness! It's been so long since I've felt the sun on my face,' I thought. I smiled in joy and did flips in the sky. I flew all the way to Lumios City before I collapsed from exhaustion.

I stayed in Fletchling form when I collapsed and was panting. "Oh no!" I heard someone yell and run toward me.

"It's a Fletchling!" Another said.

"It's injured. Look at its wing!" Someone else said. I was picked up and my wings were dropping over someone's arms.

I opened my eyes slightly. 'Ouch....' I said weakly.

"Hurry!" Someone to the right yelled.

'Stay with us,' a male voice said. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a pikachu. I passed out after.

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