25. Truth

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"Why is Max coming with us?" Sienna says in a hushed voice as we follow Wes.

Wes has taken us across several fields into a forest. Weaving around large trees, my back is already sweating and the bag I'm carrying feels like it's getting heavier with every step. If I find out Wes hasn't stuffed this bag with gallons of water and bags of food, I'm going to kill him. We've only been for walking for an hour and I'm already hot, bothered and hungry. I've got a feeling this is going to be a long hard day.

"Orla invited him," I say, glancing over my shoulder at Orla and Max who are several steps behind us, deep in conversation.

I can't hear what they're saying but I've noticed over the last few days they've started to spend more time with each other. They're drawn together by their similarities but it worries me. Max was allowed to come with me on the condition he was told nothing about our mission, and it's going to be difficult not to mention it as the whole of today is about us preparing to break into a Labour Camp.

"She shouldn't have invited him. He's not meant to know anything," Wes says quietly.

Sienna rolls her eyes. "She likes him, doesn't she? She's thinking she'll partner up with him, get all sweaty then she's got an excuse to strip off and before you know it, they'll both be fucking against a tree."

I laugh loudly. "That might be your method but I don't think either of them would think about doing that. They'd want to get married first."

"I don't know. I think the whole innocent, 'ohhh I'm so disgusted by your rudeness, Sienna' is an act. Secretly, the two of them are more sordid than all my previous clients put together."

"I doubt that very much."

Sienna huffs. "You're right, they are so innocent. They've probably not even kissed anyone let alone anything else." Sienna sighs. Swivelling around, she walks backwards with a mischievous glint in her eye. "So... me and Cady were just talking about how we need to make more effort to bond as a group. Part of today is about developing trust in each other, yes?"

I arch an eyebrow while Max and Orla look at each other slightly perplexed.

Sienna nudges Wes. "You agree, don't you, Wes? Zed said if we want to work cohesively as a group we need to develop a bond and start to trust each other."

"Yes, he did say that and I do agree," Wes says warily and glances at me. We're both waiting for the punch line which will end in Orla or Max, probably both, being insulted by Sienna's inability to filter her thoughts.

"Well, I suggest we play a game of truth. Everyone gets to ask the group something and we all have to answer it honestly." Sienna grins.

I'm not sure I want to play this game. I look ahead as Wes leads us deeper and deeper into the forest.

"You go first, Wes," Sienna says.

Wes groans and I can see this is not his idea of bonding. In fact, I get the distinct feeling babysitting a bunch of kids who are about twenty to thirty years younger than him is his idea of hell. "State one thing you're scared of."

"Good one, Wes." Sienna claps her hands together. "I'll go first. I'm scared of the dark, like seriously petrified. Your turn, Cady."

"Officials," I say flatly.

"As is everyone," Sienna shakes her head dismissively and looks at the others waiting for them to respond.

"Being captured," Wes says.

"Labour camp," Orla says.

"Disappointing my parents." Max stares at the ground, digging his heels into the damp earth as he follows us.

I'm already not liking this game. However, it continues from Orla's 'what's your favourite colour?' to Max's 'would you rather eat dog food or cat food?' and my 'what mark do you most regret getting?'. Sienna smiles when it's her turn, and I waiting for the inevitable overly sexual question which will upset Orla and Max.

"Would you choose between going naked forever or having all your thoughts being said aloud for everyone to hear forever?"

"Naked," I say automatically. Taking an exhalation of relief, I'm surprised by the simple non-offensive question.

"Definitely naked," Wes agrees.

"Thoughts said aloud," Orla says.

"I'm the same, thoughts said aloud," Max says.

Sienna chuckles. "I'm happy for you all to see me naked and for you to know what I'm thinking."

"I'm pretty sure we all know what you're thinking, Sienna. You're not known for censoring your thoughts," I say, stepping over several fallen trunks.

"How much further, Wes?" I ask.

"Further," He responds flatly.

"Good, we can continue then," Sienna says. "I'll ask first this time. When and where did you pop your cherry?"

I stumble slightly, Wes clears his throat loudly and throws me a look which says 'what else did we expect? Max frowns not understanding the reference and Orla has suddenly found the air above her incredibly interesting whilst trying to hide her mortification.

"Sienna, we don't need to embarrass anyone," I say quietly because not only is this going to get awkward fast I don't want to discuss this. Not with them. Not with anyone.

"It's not embarrassing. Sharing is caring."

"I don't think that phrase applies to this situation," I say.

"Are you trying to avoid answering, Cady? Because I would have thought with your unmarked body getting any action would be a no-no but now I'm beginning to think I was mistaken." Sienna arches an eyebrow and smirks. "Who was the lucky person and where are they?"

"They're dead," I say flatly.

Sienna looks as though she's going to ask more questions but Wes intervenes, "I'm no longer a virgin either. Lost it to my wife at the age of nineteen in a bedroom. What about you, Sienna?"

"I lost it when I was handed over to Hana and started working for her. It wasn't all fireworks and love hearts like I had dreamt about, but Hana found me someone who was decent and gentle for my first time. It could have been a lot of worse. I should know, I've had a lot worse," Sienna sounds carefree and unfazed.

Part of me thinks she's hiding her real feelings. It makes me wonder how much of a lie it is when she says being forced to choose to sell her body hasn't affected her. It would affect me. I would have thought it would affect anyone.

Sienna swivels around. "Max? Orla? Virgins or Non-virgins?"

"What do you think?" Max spits.

His contempt is obvious which only fuels Sienna more. She's going to see how far she can push him before he breaks. "I don't know. The way you look at Orla makes me think you think about getting her naked and fuc-"

"You're disgusting," Max snaps.

"You're the one thinking it," Sienna retorts. "You and Wes could tag team her. Wes could teach you a few tricks-"

"Sienna that's enough," I snap as Max storms away. I grab Orla's arm to stop her from going after him. "Orla, I'll speak to him."

I shake my head at Sienna who laughs. Lifting her hands in the air in a gesture of innocence, she says, "I solved our problem at least. He's going back."

Chasing after Max, I finally catch up with him as he stomps heavily onto the earth, his footsteps muffled by the layer of rotten plant matter. "Max, wait."

"I don't know how you can stand to be around her. She's sick," Max hisses.

"She does it to wind you up and it works every time." I grab Max's shoulder and pull him so he's facing me. "If you don't react, she'll give up and find someone else to annoy."

Max shuffles, not looking convinced and I squeeze his shoulder. "Go back to the house, calm down and practise your unbothered face. I promise once you start seeming indifferent she'll stop."

"Ok." Max's shoulders sag.

Looking at him closely, I can see he's lost weight and his eyes are puffy. He's suffering more than I've noticed. "Max, I'm here for you if you ever want to talk about stuff. Not just this stuff, other stuff too."

"I don't want to talk about any stuff," Max says looking as uncomfortable as I feel. Is it bad that I'm relieved he doesn't want to talk to me?

"If you change your mind, I'm here," I say, letting go of his shoulder. "I better get back to them."

"Was Grey the one to... You know?" Max mumbles.

"Yes," I say surprised by his question.

"Were you engaged or married?" Max looks up.


"Why would you..." Max hesitates. "You know... give yourself to him then?"

"Because I trusted him," I say quietly.

"Do you think that's enough to take that step?" Max asks and I don't think he's being condescending or rude. He's inquisitive, considering how others approach situations.

"For me it was but it's a personal choice. Everyone should be able to make their own decision and not feel pressured into anything, whether you choose to wait for love, marriage or don't. That decision should be made by you because you're the one who has to live with the decision for the rest of your life." I step backwards. "I'll see you later, Max."

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