6. Perfect But Not For Me

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After spending an afternoon with Isiah, I know he's going to make his fiancé one happy wife in the future. He can cook, clean, he's funny and kind. He's the perfect man. Yet, I feel nothing towards Isiah. There's no desire, no wishes that I could meet and marry either him or someone like him. I only want Grey.

"Are you sure you won't stay for dinner?" I ask as he walks towards the front door.

"No, I think I should go. Enjoy your meal." Isiah frowns slightly.

I know exactly why Isiah wants to leave. Faryl arrived home before Dorothea to find me and Isiah in the kitchen alone due to Max being in the bathroom. The way Faryl reacted, you'd think we'd been caught swapping bodily fluids on the kitchen counter instead of cooking tips.

"If it tastes even half as good as it smells we're in for a treat. Thanks for not only cooking the cake but also helping me cook dinner."

"No worries. I had fun. I look forward to tasting your cake tomorrow." Isiah chuckles.

'You mean your cake. If I get any praise, I'll be firmly directing it your way."

"It may be better not to publicise my involvement. Particularly if Aidan has warned you away from me."

"Aidan doesn't dictate who I spend time with. I like to be my own judge of character and so far, you seem like a decent enough guy. My opinion might change after I've tasted your food."

Isiah laughs then stops abruptly and frowns. "I've never met anyone like you, Cady. You're different and I mean that as a compliment."

"Doesn't sound like one but I'll take your word for it."

"I mean it. You're the first person to acknowledge my siblings being kil- I mean, euthanised as hard. Everyone always seems to assume I would be grateful. You question what everyone else accepts. It's refreshing." Isiah shakes his head. "Ignore me, I'm talking nonsense.'

"No, your not. I imagine it was hard on your whole family even if The State tell you it's for the best."

Isiah frowns. "I should be thankful for the family I have left. You must miss your mum?"

"I do." However, I imagine it's a different absence than most experience. I don't have memories of us talking, having fun or doing activities. Instead, I simply miss her presence. She was the comforting constant in my life. I strangely also miss the life I had in which I lived in an ignorant bubble, my biggest worry being survival for myself and my mum. Now I have the responsibility of ensuring the survival of a whole family.

I clear my throat. "Thank you again, Isiah."

Isiah nods before saying quietly, "There's no truth in the accusations by the way."

"You don't need to explain yourself to me."

"I want you to know. I haven't, am not currently and will not ever cheat on my fiancé."

I laugh. "Don't worry, I don't think your offer to bake me a cake was a way of you indicating to me you wanted to try put a bun in my oven."

Isiah splutters as a look of confusion mixed with embarrassment crosses his face. I'm an idiot. Those sort of comments, joking or not, are definitely inappropriate in normal society.

"I didn't think... I just didn't want you to think negatively about me." Isiah shakes his head. "The girl I met is a friend of a friend. She was sterilised due to being identified as having bad genetics and she wanted some advice because she's having problems finding a fiancé."

"She'll find someone, The State always guarantee everyone finds a partner otherwise how can they pretend their way of life is so perfect if there are obvious flaws."

"You shouldn't say that out aloud. No matter how true it is." Isiah glances around us."How have you managed to survive? Anyone else with your blatant disregard for The State would have been punished by now."

I bite my tongue. I'd prefer not to think about all the awful things I've done to survive, all the running and hiding, the fighting back, killing an Official.

"Isiah, you're amazing, kind and deserve the best in life. Don't let anyone make you think any differently." I smile. "Have a good evening."

"You too," He says, looking surprised.

Standing at the door, I watch Isiah walk along the path to his house next door. Further along the road, I see Aidan, his brow furrowed as he frantically rakes the non-existent leaves in his front garden.

I smile and wave. It's a stupid reckless move with a slight spark of rebellion. Aidan stops mid-stroke and his mouth forms a tight line. A flicker of life awakens within as it dawns on me how I can rid myself of the debilitating emotionless cocoon I have become trapped within. I need to stop anyone having to lose everything like I have. I need to stop The State.

Author's Note:

Just a short one... Please vote if you're enjoying the story xx

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