Love in Colors

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My love for you comes in colors:
Like that one I swore was purple,
Or wait, was it maroon?
That one we kept arguing about
From the morning until noon.
Like those lines that catch me off guard
And so my cheeks turn very pink,
Or those days you generously let me
Write on your skin with black ink.
Like the days where it gets chilly
And my nose turns crimson red,
So, you let me burrow your jacket
Without any further words said.
Like that once I made you coffee and
Your face turned green cause it was bad,
But you drank it anyways saying
It's the best coffee you've ever had.
Like the days you cheer me up
When I feel lonely and very blue,
And the constant rainbow of colors that
Remind me of what we've been through.
Those colors I haven't seen in a while
Because you're very far away,
But when I close my eyes and remember,
It's like you were just here, yesterday.

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