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"That was exactly what I needed before work tonight," Andrew said as we headed to the change rooms of the boxing facility. He windmilled his arm, his other hand resting on his shoulder.

"Exactly what you needed?" I pushed the change room door open. "You barely did anything. You spent most of your time socializing."

"I did my fair share of working out," he raked his hair back and gestured to his hairline. "Look at all that sweat."

I scoffed, turning the corner and towards my locker. "I could get more moisture out of a roasted almond."

Andrew tugged his white t-shirt over his head before grabbing a towel and heading to the showers in a huff. I stared after him, watching as he paused outside the showers to strike up yet another conversation. I let out a breath of laughter.

Andrew was not one for fitness. If he wasn't running his mouth—or underneath a girl—it wasn't the kind of physical activity he was into. Occasionally he'd come by the gym and spar with me, or spot me on late nights when I knew not too many people would be around. Sometimes I would hang out at the Red Room, sitting at the bar while he worked. Between the two of us, our free time had been limited. But we tried our best to make it work.

As I was slipping the sweat-soaked t-shirt over my head Coach Whitmore emerged from his office.

"Pierce," he called. His voice held its usual gruff tone. "Did you complete the additional thirty minutes of cardio we agreed upon?"

"This morning, Coach."

"Well done," he said with a stern nod. "Come in forty-five minutes earlier tomorrow. We'll go over some video review to prepare for your match next Friday. I don't think Briar will pose too much of a challenge, but there are some things I noticed from your last fight that we should look into."

"Hey Coach," Andrew waved as he returned from the showers. A white towel hung low on his waist.

Whitmore grumbled, "Bryant, of course I'd find you here in my change rooms."

A cheshire grin broke across my best friend's face. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, Sir."

"Unfortunately, you two are a package deal," Whitmore said. Then he returned his attention back to me. "By the way, I've received an email from Professor Hamilton about your midterm results."

I stilled, swallowing. "Yeah?"

Whitmore's thick, grey brows sat in two solid lines. My heart began to slam against my ribcage—the anxiety building. He was impossible to read and that only made the long pause he took even worse. But before I felt like I was going to burst with anticipation, a slow smile crept into his face.

"Whatever your tutor is doing, tell her to keep up the great work," Whitmore clapped his hand on my shoulder. "Well done, son. I'm glad we can continue to have you on the team."

It took a moment for his words to sink in. Continue to have me on the team? That means I didn't fail. I let out a hefty breath. "Thank you, Coach. I'm glad I can continue to stay on."

"You're a dedicated kid, Pierce. You proved that you deserve to be here." He waved a thick finger at me. "But don't slack now that you've gotten through the halfway point, understood? The final exam is the real deal. We need you in March, so don't go and fuck this up."

"Yes, Sir."

Whitmore gave me one final crooked smile before heading back into his office. He shouted over his shoulder, "And don't forget about the video review tomorrow."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

"Congrats, man. That's great." Andrew clapped me on the shoulder before making a face and wiping his hand on the towel that was still around his waist. "I guess Cali knows what she's doing after all."

"I guess so."

At the mention of her name I pulled up our text conversation. I drafted a message and sent her the good news, knowing that she would be fucking ecstatic to hear that I wasn't a lost cause after all.

"We have to celebrate," Andrew said once I had placed my phone back into my locker. He was slipping on his work uniform, the black dress pants were a stark contrast against the white brick wall behind him. They appeared much newer than the old, crusty suit I wore to my boxing matches.

I snagged the items I'd needed for my shower off of the bench. "It's really not that big of a deal."

"Really? Passing a midterm for a class you've been failing is no big deal?" Andrew moved around me to get my attention. "C'mon, you never let yourself have any fun."

"Fine," I said, tossing a towel over my shoulder. "What's your idea of fun?"

"There's a Halloween party happening at one of the sororities on campus. We should go."

"I'm not dressing up."

Andrew's fingers flew down his open dress shirt. "No costume required. But I do have a pretty dope duo costume idea, if you change your mind."

I gave him a blank look before closing my locker with a clank and heading off in the direction of the showers.

"Fine, don't dress up," Andrew called. "You're scary looking as it is."

* * * * *

author's note:

Next update will be the Halloween party! No one has guessed what happens (sorry for those of you who wanted a kiss lol) so I'll give you a hint. It involves another character from the original story that hasn't been properly introduced in this version yet.

Besides that, I hope your week is going well!

See you on Friday!

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