Oh Brother-----Esther

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It's time for another day of selling. With the strike over, we haven't really been talking ad much as we did before.

We talk a lot more than we did before.

I grab my cap and start towards the door, ready to go.

Jack stands in the doorway. He moves to let Elmer pass.

I try to pass but Jack won't budge.

"Esther, I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh yeah?" I say back. He leads me into the bathroom.

"What's so important that we can't discuss it out there with the boys?" I ask.

"You are. When I first met you, I vowed to always be there to protect you. I wanted to make sure that nobody could hurt you ever again. And when you were taken back to the Refuge, I was tempted to jump off the roof because I knew I failed at being a brother. I was supposed to protect you but I couldn't. Oscar Delancey is known for hurting people, mostly us newsies. And when I saw you with him on the roof....I went crazy thinking he would hurt you. Then some of the boys were telling me about him getting you out of the Refuge and I started to think a little differently about him."

"Jack, what are you saying?"

"If I can have a Pulitzer, you can have a Delancey."

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I am hugging Jack as tight as I can and he hugs me back.

"But if anything does happen-"

"Jack! I'll be fine."

He smiles. "Go get your papes and go get your man."

I race out the door of the Lodging House and am the third in line for papes. The line moves quickly though and I am finally at the front. Something seems off though.

"Hey where's Morris?"

Oscar laughs a little. "He was arrested last night for some violence stuff. He has a long sentence ahead of him."


"Are you sure Jack would like us talking this long?"

"He's fine with it. I got his approval. We's official!"

Wow super short chapter but I needed a filler in here. The epilogue is coming and then this story is finished! I know I know I've said this before. This was so fun to write and I'm sad it is coming to a close! Hope you like it!

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