On The Grounds of Brooklyn-Esther

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I walk through the streets of New York, Oscar's words still echoing in my mind.

Before I left, he told me to go straight to the Lodging House and stay safe. We kissed and we hugged and he entered the Refuge again.

But I couldn't go to the Lodging House.

I had to convince Brooklyn to join the strike.

I had to see Spot Conlon.

I finally made it to the bridge, where a newsie was gazing off into the distance.

"Hey, you from Brooklyn?" I ask. He snaps out of his daze.


"Get Conlon for me, okay?"

"Why should I?" He asks, drawing closer.

"Because we have important matters to discuss." I say stepping back. I take a few more steps then hit the back of the bridge railing.

"Oh yeah?" He grabs me by my collar, lifting me a few inches off the ground. I aim a punch at his head but he grabs my wrist. He just stands there and laughs. He has this devious smirk on his face and attempts to kiss me. I kick him in the spot as hard as I could. He looses his grip, but only for a second.

"You are going to pay for for that, you little-"

"Put the girl down, Skipper."

Spot is standing behind us, arms crossed. He looks pissed.

"I said put her down." The newsie, Skipper, let go of me and ran off, vanishing.

"Thanks." I say.

"You're welcome....Esther?" He says. I nod. I'm surprised he remembered my name.

"We need to talk."

"Anything for you, sweatheart."

"I ain't here to flirt. I'm here about the strike."

"Listen, I already said no." He looks at my face. "Wow. Skipper soaked you big time."

"Snyder. Snyder soaked me big time." I correct.

"You were at the Refuge?" He asks. Snyder may be in Manhattan but he has gotten plenty of Brooklyn boys.

"Yeah. I know what you said about the strike before, but hear me out. Please?" I sound so desperate. And I am. He hesitated.

"Alright. Talk to me Kelly."

"This isn't just for the newsies anymore. Jack made a speech saying this was for kids anywhere. This for kids in the shops, working to support the family who can't support them. This is for all those kids working night and day on the street with no family or home to go back to. All they hope is that they can survive a other day without a soaking or being sent to the Refuge. This is for all of those kids in the Refuge, whose childhoods are stripped away from them and whose fates lie in the hands of the devil on Earth. Spot, I think with the help of Brooklyn, we can win this. For newsies and kids everywhere. Will you please join the strike?"


I burst through the doors of the Lodging House.

"BROOKLYN'S IN! BROOKLYN'S IN! Oh. Hey guys. I GOT BROOKLYN IN THE STRIKE!" I am soon surrounded by all the newsies. They ask me how I did it and all sorts of questions. Some hug me and I hug them back. A familiar accent spoke behind me. I turn to face a pair of clear blue eyes.

"What's all the noise fo-- ESTHER!!!" He runs towards me and he wraps me in a bear hug. I feel his warm tears running down onto my shirt. I squeeze him tightly, not ever wanting to let go.

"I missed you Race." I say. I feel myself crying too as the other newsies start to hug us as well. One by one we break away and go back to what we were doing before. Race and I just stand there, still hugging.

"I thought I'd lost you forever. Did he hurt you?" I didn't answer. He pulls away so he can look me in the eyes.

"Did he hurt you?" I nod. He pulls me back into a hug.

"But I'm here now Race. I'm fine."

"I never should have let you go." He says, crying even harder. He's even shaking a little.

"Race, please don't blame yourself for what happened. It isn't your fault. Okay?" I say. He whispers yes.

"So what were you doing before I came?" I try to break the ice.

"Jojo, Tommy Boy and me were playing poker." I smile.

"Deal me in."

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