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"Did he set a time for us to arrive?" Max whispered to her in front of the door. "Because maybe we'll be interrupting something."

"He should have warned me then," she stepped and rang the doorbell twice before a kid opened the door with a smile of crooked teeth.

"What's your name, kid?" Max asked.


"Um.. well, we're here to check on your sick..grandmother?"

"Who's there, James?"

"People asking about my grandmother."

"Your what?" shuffling was heard before a lady in her middle ages appeared next to the child. "Yes?"

"We.. I received a call from a customer from here to come and check his mother's health."

"Ahh. Laith. You're friends?"


"Well, he's out for the moment. He said he's going to get some things for the visitors a while ago... but, um, you can come in."

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