The Most Dangerous Grocery Store Trip

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Tsuyo's POV

Ok. I'm starting to have a LOT of regrets by wanting to go to this store. 1. It's getting incredibly late and I'm feeling kinda sleepy. 2. I think I left my sword with Mizu. 3. Zero is not with me, so I think he'll be kinda scared. Soon, I felt really, really tired, until I got a phone call from Juzo.

Phone call

Juzo: Hello

Me: Hi

Juzo: Just now, this guy wrapped in bandages and was carrying a scythe came to our unit. Do you know him???

Me: No, why???

Juzo: he said that his name was...Zack, I think and he also said that his birthday was the same date as yours, and that's how he said that he knows you.

Me: Uh...Juzo? I'm really starting to think that he really might be a stalker. 1. How da heck does he know where we live? 2. If he said that our birthdates are the same, how did he know?!

Juzo: Oh frik. I gotta go, Tsuyo. Sorry.

Phone call ends

Seriously?! A guy, wrapped in bandages, carrying a scythe, claiming that our birthdates are the same AND going to our units?! I've seen a lot of creepy stuff, but this one, is BEYOND creepy. I sighed and continue making my way to the store, when I saw something gleaming out of the corner of my eye. I glanced left, but no one was there. I finally decided to ignore it when the gleam happened again, this time brighter. I gave up and just started sprinting full speed to my left, the direction of that gleam before. Before I knew it, I was on a bridge and almost ran into a hand carrying a large stick. I looked up and saw that a curved blade was attached to the stick, making it look dangerous- I was looking at a scythe.

Sakura's POV

What is taking Tsuyo so long!!! Is a five- minute walk to the grocery store and back really that tiring?! Soon, I got incredibly bored and started to pack for the sleepover in Yuya-senpai's house, when Mizu, Hiroto and Zero came through the door, panting really hard.

"Saku-chan..." Mizu said between tiring breaths. "Where is Nee-san again?"

"Still in the store," I said, rolling my eyes. "What happened? Is it urgent?!"

"So, Zero started mewing really loudly and we found ourselves in Kanglim and Juzo's unit, having them telling us about Renji, who we think is gonna launch an attack on them again, because they're unofficial Shinigami. Then, this weird guy carrying a large scythe came in and asked us where Nee-san was, and he said that their birthdates are the same to have evidence that he knows her." She said, panting even harder.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH, Mizu, chill." I said, trying to calm her down. "I'm sure Tsuyo would try to talk to him. Anyway, I'm pretty sure Zero has a part in all of this."

"Yes he does!" she exclaimed. "No wonder Nee-san didn't tell us where she got Zero. Kanglim gave him to her as a kitten from the Shinigami world, known as a cat that would only obey its owner, and become rebellious to any other person that the owner doesn't trust. So, when the official Shinigami from the Gotei 13 found out that Zero has been taken and lives in the human world, Aizen sent Renji to capture Nee-san, Kanglim and Zero, and any other unofficial Shinigai out there."

"WE GOTTA CALL NATSU TO HELP!!!" I said, panicked.

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