Trusty Trump Card ✦ One

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"You are surrounded, now hand me that kid."

Cyclone froze in his spot, fear etching on his skin. Shielding him behind my arm, I glared to the thug, challenging him.

It will be easy to throwing him away with a Judo throw,

But that will give room for his other two underdog to snatch Cyclone away.

"I-I'm sorry..." Cyclone whispered, guilt lace in his voice. I sighed, mentally facepalming. Saved the nagging for now, Kaizo.

"Kid, you have that thing I gave to you?"

"T-the... g-gun-?"

"No. But get ready to attract attention." I whispered, loosening my necktie.

"You guys leave me no choice."

A black suit was thrown to the thug's scarred face.

"Why are you getting nake-"


His shrill voice attracted the crowds that passing by the alleyway, and soon there are loud chatters and scream of some women.


The blaring of the police sirens fill the air and there are no more space for both sides to escape as the alley is now filled by every range of age of spectactors, phones held high up as they race the opportunity to get famous.

Hereby I declare, the dignity of Captain Kaizo has now scratched.






Scenes rolling back to before all the unholy crap started to now.

"Suspect targeted, 3 o'clock. Getting ready to board with the compartment." The static sound from the earpiece dies out, hearing the information from his team.

Suspect, Gopal a/l Kumaran also a well known infamous cook, "Arumugam", is going to escape away from the country, along with his 2 million Malaysian currency worth of stuff. Ready to be shipped internationally to the neighbouring country by this 2 am. The situation seemingly to be at his favour as the transaction between him and his client going smoothly.

It would be one of the largest drug trafficking syndicate based on the intel they have searched for this 6 past months.

"Cap'n the ship will be sail anytime soon. Orders?" the voice boomed once again, he twitched his eyes as the blaring sound irritate his eardrum.

"On my signal, Lahap."

"-Captain, Arumugam is on board now." Another voice boom up, this time more smoother than Lahap's. A smirk carved on his lips finally proping himself up atop on the container. "Roger that. Lahap...Granted."

A bomb blast out, attracting all of them to the burning compartment nearby the port.

"WOIIIII WE BUSTED. GO! GO NOW!" Gopal exclaimed, annoyance laced in his voice as the ship he's on finally moving. Lahap can be seen struggling with the fights from his men at the port. Too bad, he can't catch him now.


A thundering noise hits the back of the ship and the sirens blaring loud. Gopal grab the ship captain by the collar, swearing in his thick indian accent.


"I-I DON'T KNOW! Someone might had detonated or fire us with a bomb or something! T-The ship's going to sink-"


He exclaimed, crashing the man face to the control panels as anger seep in him. Leaving the control room, he is greeted with the view of his men littering around the floor. Unconscious and injured.

"No way to run now, Arumugam?"

The click sound of the gun coming from behind his head, as he stood froze in his stance. His men probably dead soon, the captain knocked out and the ship sinking. Realising he's facing a dead end, he sink to his knees, hands shivering above the air.

"I-I-I S-Surrender." he chocked in between his breathe.

"Target secured." Kaizo spoke, cuffing Gopal and hauled him up to stand. The police boat nearing to the sinking ship ready to put him into custody.

"You have the right to remain silence. Now do me a flip."

" A F-Flip--WAA?!"

Kicking him off from the ship, Gopal dive head first into the just arrived police boat. A sickening grin plastered on Kaizo's face,  muting his teammates babbling from the earpiece.

The night curtain fall down closing the case.

"72 million dollar?!" Fang exclaimed, repeating the info that he just heard. Earning a glare from both Kaizo and Lahap, he settle himself down as the meeting continue.

"Arumugam confessed that there will be the largest drugs trafficking ever going to happen and I'm sure filthy groups will come and gather out from their nest, to have this wealth to themselves. Only if, they have the balls enough to overthrown the next 'Kingpin'."

"Amato." Kaizo cutted off the shorty chief, Kokoci's statement. The middle aged man brush his slick green hair back, pushing his dark glasses up to the bridge of his nose. "Indeed, Kaizo." his voice grim.

The presentation panel change into the picture of the said suspect. Probably lurking around somewhere out there in his mansion, playing with his toys corrupting the society with the tip of his fingers.

"Legacy Association...which we all know have play a big part in the oil and necessity product industries have contributed more than we could ever imagine from the activist and sportsmanship to the country. Even go as far as building an empire to go international for the sake of the redeem the mistake he made after the huge scandal years ago that bring shame to whole. He stayed low ever since that."

"But for the past 6 months, our intel have showing leads back to him, making him on the top chart of the suspect list behind all of this packaging and distribution of drug abuse syndicate." Kokoci paused, making room for the brutal looking admiral, Tarung to speak.

"That's a heavy accusations, chief. Even with our intel do lead back all to the ceo of Legacy corporation himself, he probably have the prime minister at his pinky right now." Tarung stated, leaning forward in his seat as his hand brushing his short boxed beard. "Not wise to charge head first on him."

"What a corrupted world we're in," Maskmana hummed, deep chuckle escaped from him. "Hell is empty and all the devils are up here."

Kokoci frown never ceased as he click the button on the laptop, changing the panel image to a younger man-- no, a boy.

"We are not charging head first." Kokoci said. "We are going insides out." He turn to Kaizo.

The man posture were slump and his eyes half-lidded, not a natural manner for a professional but that fact is excluded in his case. Noticing all eyes are on him, he sat straighter, arms folded on his chest.

"Sorry, I can't go to work tomorrow. I fractured my motivation in my last case."

"Kaizo." Lahap scolded.

"Undercover mission. Amato's son, Cyclone. Keep an eye from the inside for now." Kokoci placed a folder on his table, giving no room for objections. "When the times comes. We tear that place down to rubble."

Kaizo opened the file; a mission proposal with his name written, a bodyguard application under the name 'Kassim' and a picture of the bubbly looking boy named Cyclone. He hold the picture up, looking back to Kokoci.

An innocent life misplaced and tangled in this absolute chaos of his old man game.

As if understanding the meaning that lies within the gaze of his deep scarlet eyes, Kokoci pulled his glasses away that blocking in between of their view. A habit he did, notifying how crucial this is.

"We need Amato alive."

"Your trusty little trump card." Maskmana deep voice sounds like a black hole. Deep and dark. The meeting has long ended and no one else there aside from him and Kokoci himself.

"I thought you were better than this?" the question will surely haunt the middle aged man every now and then, which he silently curling his fist into a tighter ball. Heavy sigh escaped Kokoci's lips.

"More crimes are committed in the name of righteousness in any other way."

mhm, the tea hasn't spilled yet.

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