Unspoken Oath ✦ Finale

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The sound of vehicles zooming into the area can be heard in the thick of night. Retakka step out from the limo, the corners of his lips tug up into a smile as his eyes catch the familiar face of his accomplice. “Ah, early as always. I guess the transaction going well?” he mused, walking towards him with his armies loyal at his back.

Amato tilt his head forward to his man, motioning him to placed the briefcase he’s holding to the ground. Earthquake nodded, do as he were told and unlocking the briefcase; Retakka’s half of the bargain.

“Splendid.” A content laugh followed after.

At the other side behind from all the tall rustic container, a fight ensues.

Thunderstorm found them and the way it turns out is not favourable.

The pain jolted throughout his body as his only good arm start to lost its tension from blocking every powerful blow from the katana. His legs began to weaken, and with a very powerful forward thrust he lose his footing and fall. The blade rested under his chin as the teen pinned him down on the ground.

“So, this is how it will end?”

Kaizo feel the tension and hear the intensity in his own tone. A great deal emotion behind the words he’s speaking. It sound so wrong to feel them rolling on his tongue.

“Everything has ended years ago. You just come to realize it was all too late.” Thunder whisper, the grip on the hilt tighten. “The day you left him on that road.”

Thunderstorm breathe hitched, as the tip of a metal rested on his head. Didn’t he knocked the kid out in the car earlier?

“The moment you pull that trigger, they all will hear us.” Kaizo spoke, despite himself is in the edge of his life line. His eyes flickered to Cyclone as he hold himself from vibrating in fear.

Hesitation kills a man.

The sound of the gun shot, deafening the silence of the night.

His hand trembled, as the pain surge throughout the whole of his body. The phone fall to his feet as his knees sunk to the ground below. His stomach ached and the warm thick fluid oozing out from his pierced skin. His tongue soaked in the taste of blood.

”Lord Amato, we got a message from our team everyone has wiped off in the household!”

Such unforgettable last words. He feels like snorting.

At least, he able to do some good before facing his death.
“WHAT’S THE MEANING OF THIS RETAKKA?” Amato bellowed, all armies from both party held up their weapons to each other. Retakka hummed casting a glance on the fallen man before him. Too bad, he can’t have his eyes since things won’t going to end any sooner. Turning back to Amato, he grins.

“My bad. My hands slipped.”

The signal are given and the battle begins, with both leaders on their run. With one of them chasing.

Red eyes fixated on the body left littered on the ground. Footsteps increased in each step. Easily his hand swinging the blade to any obstacles that intrude him, either his enemy or his own team. He stopped, crouching down as his hand turned the body sideways. Meeting the empty stare of a once beautiful beautiful brown eyes he ever met. That always remind him of the freshly turned earth after rain.

Now he’s gone, for real now.

He ran towards at the end of the port, for the ship he ordered in case he needed for an escape route. Which turns out he actually in need of it now.

Retakka hot in his heels, catching up to him.

Once his face off from his head, his set will be complete. His throne calling for him.

Oh, he can’t wait.

“Run, run little boy. You can never get so far from me~!” He sang, pulling the trigger and shot him twice.
One missed.
One got through his feet.
The man fall with a loud scream.

“Oh no, not so mighty are you?” He sneered, feeling the ecstasy running in his veins as he sees the terror in Amato’s face.

The moment halted when a blade rise up from his side, blocking him to go any further.

“You’re supposed to be dead.” he spat, glaring to the owner of the ruby eyes.

“I’m dropping by to visit your funeral.”

Retakka clicked his tongue. The blade swing towards his face and he dodge away a little too late. Blood trickle down from the cut on his cheek. He have no other way but to kill this one first. “I see. This is how you repay me?”

“You’re not the one to talk.” Thunder snarled, his posture leaning forward before striking ahead attacking him.

Amato scrambled up to his feet, limping as he made his way towards the ship. Just a little more. Out from this hell. A hand hold his arm and he flinched, staring at the warm gaze of his son. “Cy?” his voice trembling. He nods, and he can feel his heart falter. He pulled him into his arms, and Cyclone melt in him. Biting his lips back from crying.

“We have to go!” Amato pulled him away from the hug, tugging Cyclone towards the ship. “This place is no longer safe-- Cy?”

Cyclone hold his wrist. He furrowed his eyebrows. “Cyclone quick, we don’t have much time-”

“Enough, dad.” he chocked, his throat burning from holding back from sobbing, “Enough running anymore. It’s time to face our fate.”

“The kid’s right.”

He turn to look at the raspy voice. He could feel his soul jumping off the skin. For a moment he thought the person is back alive, trying to hunt him now only to realize, that’s not him. He froze in his spot as the gun held up to his heart.

“Kaizo, what are you doing?! We didn’t agree for this!” Cyclone hollered, stepping in front of Amato, arm spread wide. “How could you!”

A knock were sent at the back of the pressure point on his neck, as he fell down on the ground. Dark spots covering up his vision, pulling him away from the reality.

“Don’t pull him into this. He’s not a part of it.”Amato spoke, glaring Kaizo. Seeing his son, in a part of this mess.

How selfish has he been?

The trigger were pulled and it shot his good leg, making him stumble and sunk to the ground. He can’t run anymore and this is it. Finally he have to face the punishment he deserve. How Ironic.

Kaizo grabbed a fistful of his hair, holding him up to face him. The muzzle pressed against on his forehead and their eyes met. Just how it was 8 years ago, between him and his dad.

“You killed my dad.” Kaizo whispered. Amato can feel the heaviness he heaved in each word.


“You were smiling. I can’t forget that face you made that day.”

The corner of his lips pulled up into a crazed, lopsided smile.

It’s nearing. His death is in front of him.

His eyes glance to his side, at the son he have neglect.

A failure of a man. That what he truly is.

Cyclone, I’m the worst.

He turned back to his front, closing his eyes.

This is it, time to say goodbye.

“I wish I could do the same.” The muzzle lifted up from his forehead and his eyes wide open, confused. Kaizo rolled the gun on his palm, hitting his head hard with the gun’s grip. Knocking him out.

The blaring sound of the sirens and loud commanding noise from the helicopter filled up the place. Police scatter and about, cuffing and apprehend the gangs.

“If it weren’t for your son, you’ll be dead by now.” he spat on the unconscious man, kicking him to the side. “Rot in hell.”

The sun rise up, bleeding the sky with it’s crimson stroke, finally putting an end to this extreme job.

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