Chapter 10: The origin/Kenpachi's love story

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Ichigo's POV

I've been absent for a day and I can't be absent again today. Afterclass, I'll head to Urahara shop.

"(Y/N), after our class, I'll join you on your way home, okay?" I told her quickly. 'Of course she won't allow me to, but I have a plan.'

"I-ichigo, I'm sorry but I can't... Because-"

"Okay. I understand. But before you go home, will you please come with me first?"

"Uh... Sure, I guess... By the way, where?" She asked curiously.

"You'll see later."


As planned, I took (Y/N) to come with me. We we're walking when I noticed her eyes questioning where are we going.

"Oi, what's wrong? We're just going to my friend's shop."

"S-shop!?!" She exclaimed.

"Uh-huh. Why are you shocked?"
'I really know why, actually.'

"H-huh? No. I just need to go home early..." 'She's lying I can clearly tell.'

"Yeah. Don't worry, we're almost there." 'We're almost on our way to your home...'


"We're here!" I said as we were standing outside Urahara's shop.

Her eyes widen in surprise. "W-what are we doing here!?!"

I stared at her intently before I answer. "Because you told me you need to go home early..." I smirked.

"I-ichigo... H-how..?"

I didn't get a chance to answer her as Urahara-san called us to come inside.

"Yah! My pretty niece, haven't I told you I know about your friend, Ichigo? I already told him our story. By the way, Don't worry, I'm not angry... He's an exception to our rule..."

She still looked confused. "Y-you mean you're allowing him to come here? B-but I thought-"

"That's okay. Its normal for a teenager like you to bring friends with you... I know he looks like a criminal, but he's trustworthy. Besides, he's still a human."

"Hey! Is that even a compliment?" I uttered.

"O-okay... I have no idea why you're hiding me anyways..." She said. I can see a trace of sadness in her voice.

"The dinner is ready. Ichigo, why don't you eat with us?" Ururu told us. Urahara-san agreed.

"Sure. Thanks." I replied. We were on our way to the table when (Y/N) suddenly stood up.

"I'm not hungry. I'm actually sleepy... Ichigo, I'm sorry I have to leave you with them. Thanks anyways. G'night." She told us before walking upstairs.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Goodnight."

I asked Urahara-san if she's always like that and they agreed.

"Don't worry. She'll surely get down if she got hungry. I guess she thinks we're being overprotective of her. That's because she didn't know the whole story..." Jinta told me.

"I see." 'Anyways, what is the WHOLE story?' I thought to myself.

"After you finish eating, I'll tell you how it all started. Just like what I promised." Urahara-san replied.

"Did you hear what I was thinking!?! Anyways, sure. I'd love to."


After dinner, Urahara-san and I headed to the same isolated room we talked to last time.

"So, where do you want me to start?" Urahara-san asked me smiling like usual.

"It's up to you. But I'd prefer if you tell me right from the very start." I answered him.

"Sure... Once upon a time... In a land not so far away... Once live a king named Kenpachi..."

"S-shut up! This isn't a time to fool around. I'm serious!" I scolded him as a vein popped on my head.

"Okay, okay! I'm just kidding... I'll be serious now..."

'This will surely be a long story...'

"Kenpachi was onced a normal shinigami... But not that normal because of his hideous reiatsu which I'm sure you're familiar with... He was sent here to protect humans and help kill hollows together with Yachiru..."

"which is now his lieutenant."

"Exactly. He isn't really that bad but I'll admit he's not an easy guy to be with. He used to stay in this room that time."

"Really!?! O-okay... Continue..."

"Thanks. He didn't do anything here aside from fighting hollows and eating... Until he met Mizuki. (Y/N)'s mom."

"This is getting exciting... go on..." I told him curiously.

"She was sooo beautiful... But was also a hard nut to crack."

"I'm sorry, but what does that mean?"

"It means a person who is difficult to overcome or deal with."

"Oh. Sorry I'm not familiar with lots of idioms."

"That's okay. May I continue?" He asked with a smile but I know he's getting pissed off because I'm always asking.

"Sorry... You may now continue..."

"Okay. But before I continue, will you please promise not to distract me anymore?"

"S-sure! I promise!"

"Good! So as I told you a while ago, she was kinda hard to deal with. She has a high spiritual pressure that's why she was able to see shinigamis. She's a human but she's tough. She became friends with us but when she saw Kenpachi, her eyes uhm... Sparkle? I don't know but that's what I think of it. She went near Kenpachi and asked him to train her, but kenpachi ignored her as he found it just a waste of time..."


Urahara's POV

"Please, Kenpachi!!!" I heard Mizuki beg for Kenpachi to train her again. 'Just how many times are you gonna ask him before you finally give up?'

"I told you that's no use! You won't be as powerful as me anyways, you're just a human!" Kenpachi exclaimed.

"I don't say I wanna be as powerful as you because that's impossible. But that doesn't mean I can't be the most powerful human! Please, Kenpachi!!! And I wanna fight hollows too..."

"You!?! fighting hollows? I don't think so... You'll get killed immediately, that's for sure." After what He told Mizuki, I saw Yachiru slap him continuously while riding at his back.

"How can you say no to such a beautiful lady, Kenpachi! That's bad."

"Yeah, whatever... I said NO and that's final! Now Ladies, will you please excuse me and get out of my way!" Kenpachi told them before leaving. Yachiru followed him immediately.

I was about to talk to Mizuki just to atleast make her feel better but she ran off. 'This isn't going to be easy.'

Days passed by so quickly and I'm surprised to see that Mizuki still aren't giving up on him. It's funny how a beautiful lady begs for such a terrifying guy like Kenpachi.

"J-just when will you stop bothering me!?!" Kenpachi uttered in full annoyance.

"Until you stop ignoring me!" Mizuki answered.

"Seriously, when will they ever stop?" Yuruichi asked me with kenpachi and mizuki scolding each other at the background.

"I have no idea..." I answered with a big sweat drop.

Kenpachi head off outside. Mizuki ran towards us before asking, "How will I make him help me gain more strength? I don't want any other one... When I say it has to be him, It has to be him!"

I don't know what to say to her, but Yuruichi told her something I didn't expect her to say.

"Win him over... Seduce him if you must!"

Our jaws dropped as we heard what she told her. "Y-yuruichi..." I muttered.

"I'm serious! If you could make him attracted to you, it'll be easier to ask him anything..." After saying that, she smiled widely.

I almost got choked to death by my own saliva as Mizuki approved Yuruichi's plan.

"You guys!!! Tell me your kidding! Tell me!" Nobody listened to me.

"Mizuki, don't tell me you're that desperate just to gain strength!?!" I asked her.

"You're over thinking things, Urahara. I'm just going to be nicer to Kenpachi this time..." Mizuki replied with a wink.

"I-if you say so... But do you really think that'll work?"

"We'll see..." Yuruichi responded.

"Watch me!" Mizuki uttered before heading off.

I sighed.


Third person's POV

Mizuki was about to call Kenpachi when she saw lots of hollows approaching his way. Although Kenpachi was strong, she can't take it leaving him alone. So she ran after one of the hollows and started fighting.

"What do you think you're doing!?!" Kenpachi scolded Mizuki.

"Can't you see!?! I'm fighting a hollow!" Mizuki answered him sarcastically.

"You're so annoying! Just go away, Mizuki! Leave everything to me!" Kenpachi told her but she didn't seems to listen.

"Kenpachi! If I could kill three hollows, will you please train me! Please!!!" He wants to argue, but he saw determination in her eyes.

He have no choice but to face the other hollows while leaving few to her. "Okay! If you can kill at least three, I'll train you!" 'I don't think she won't get hurt though...'

They continued fighting but Kenpachi can't concentrate because he was always looking at her. 'She's such a pain in the ass!'

They finished the fight which seemed like forever. He was about to yell at her but he saw her smiling widely gesturing a thumbs up.

He sighed in relief, but he suddenly saw a hollow behind her. It was about to attack her but he shunpoed and killed it right away.

"Haven't I told you to leave! See, you almost got killed!" He told her angrily but she just smirked saying, "but I didn't! And it's because of you... Thanks!" She smiled her sweetest smile.

Kenpachi didn't answer, he looked confused. "A-are you okay!?! You didn't sound like yourself..."

"Huh? I'm always sweet, you know. You just didn't notice because you're... Uhm... so arrogant. Anyways, I'm gonna take a rest. I'll tell you when are we going to practice, okay?" She told him straightly.

"Oi! I don't take orders from someone like you! And I'm so arrogant!?! Well you're terribly immature!" Kenpachi exclaimed. She just pouted.

"Tomorrow, 9am. At Urahara's shop. Bye, Kenpachi!" He was about to argue but she kissed him on the cheeks. Kenpachi's eyes widen and he wasn't able to respond quickly. She headed home leaving him all alone. "What on earth just happened..." He muttered.

'I think I owe Yuruichi one for her effective plan...' She told herself while running her way home.


Urahara's POV

The uneasiness I always felt whenever I see Kenpachi and Mizuki together faded away completely today. They were seriously training for her to gain strength.

'Did Yuruichi's plan succeeded!?!'

What Yuruichi told Mizuki can't get out of my mind. "Win him over... Seduce him if you must!"

'As I come to think of it... If Mizuki followed her... She... Seduce Kenpachi...' "HOW GROSS!!!" I unconsciously exclaimed in disgust.

The next thing I know is that they are all looking at me, then a paperfan suddenly hit me in the head. "What were you thinking, Idiot!?! Can't you just be happy my plan worked!?!" Yuruichi told me angrily. We were stopped by a sudden, continues noise.

"Oi! Is that all you've got!?! Faster!!!" Kenpachi shouted at Mizuki. "Shut up! You're so unfair! You're using your power over me!!!" She replied with a higher tone. "It's better to practice with tougher guys! It will help you get used to it, idiot!" Kenpachi told her. "Whatever!!!" She answered back.

We(Yuruichi and I) didn't say anything. We just gave each other glances as we both sighed. "A strong-willed lady and a troublesome man.. They really suit each other..." Yuruichi told me watching the two. "Yeah. They're both tough cookies." I just agreed.


As the time pass by, I noticed how Mizuki quickly gains her strength. Kenpachi on the other side somewhat starting to be accustomed being with her. They still argue at times though and I don't think they'll ever change. But they became more attached to each other.

Mizuki became really close to us. In fact, whenever there are hollows nearby, she came right away and fight together with Kenpachi. She also helps prepare foods for us, cures the wounded and keeps secrets. She even knows all the happenings in and out of Soul Society because we're open to her at anything. We're like a family.

"Guys... Thank you..." Mizuki told us which made us all clueless. "I'm going now... I mean, I got what I want... I'm stronger now... There's no point in staying..." She smiled weakly.

"W-what are you saying!?! You can't just leave now..." Yuruichi answered back at her.

"Sooner or later, we'll still have to say our goodbyes to each other... Though I don't want that to happen, I can't stop it. There's no point in staying... B-bye." She ran off after she told us that. Kenpachi quickly followed her, leaving Yachiru with us.



Kenpachi followed her then quickly stopped her. "What do you think your doing!?!"

"I... I don't know!" She answered not giving any stares at him.

He didn't say anything. He just stare at her angrily while trying to read what's on her mind.

"You're the first one to make me feel this kind of pain, you know." He told him still staring intently.

She looked up to him while asking, "what do you mean?"

Kenpachi smirked. "I... I don't know."

Mizuki giggled. "You copied my line!"

He smiled. "Let's go back. Please..." He then lend his hand. She looked at it before she said, "I can't. I'm sorry... It's... for the best..."

Kenpachi got totally pissed off and so he scolded her. "What the f*ck are you saying it's for the best!?! Can't you see you're only making us worry!?! Are you that self centered!?!"

"No, I'm not! It's that I'm just being aware of what's gonna happen next! I know Soul Society's rule and so I know you're... you're not allowed to... uhm..."

"To what!?! Just spit it out, Mizuki!"

"You're not allowed to fall for a human like me!!! I... I love you, Kenpachi! I know you'll leave one day and I don't think I'll be able to handle that... That's why I'm trying my best to stop my feelings right away... I know I'm an idiot! But-"

Kenpachi hugged her. "So you feel the same way too... Anyways, What rule? Oh! that one which prohibits us to loving a human? That's impossible for me... By the way, I don't know about saying sweet pick up lines and all, so I'm sorry 'cause I don't think you'll hear anything like that from me, but you're lucky you thought me how to love and that's all I can tell..." He told her without mincing a word. "Don't worry, I'm willing to break a rule for you... I'll kill them all if you want." He added smirking.

"S-shut up! You're so violent! But... I-if you feels the same way I do, why didn't you told me earlier!?!" Mizuki asked him.

"B-because I'm not sure how I felt before... Until you told us you're leaving... I realized I can't take that! Anyways, everything's clear now... You love me, I love you. Let's go back." He answered.

"What's clear? I told you it isn't allowed! Once they've heard about us, you'll be punished!" Mizuki stated.

"So what? Your worth it, idiot!" After he told her that, he smirked.

"The last part isn't necessary! Ugh! Whatever... Let's go back now..." She grabbed his hands and head back to the shop.

"Good girl."

"Shut up, Kenpachi!"



Urahara's POV

"Things happen so quickly. She got pregnant and of course sooner or later, The Soul Society will hear about... So I've come up with a plan to get back to the past... I know it may sound impossible but it isn't. We cleared the evidences smoothly. She gave birth to a very sweet and loving baby girl, but we noticed something rare about that child..." I told Ichigo while reminiscing the past.

"W-what is it?" Ichigo asked curiously.

"She may look like her mom, but aside from that, she has no trace of being a human. She's purely a shinigami... Maybe its because of Kenpachi's strong blood... I'm not sure either..."

"What!?! But... She's a human! That's what I can clearly see! Or else..." Ichigo thought of something and I guess we're thinking the same thing. "Yes. She's in an artificial body. We're hiding her so that Soul Society won't know she's existing."

"Isn't that unfair to her!?! What happened to her mom anyways and why is Kenpachi in Soul Society? Isn't he visiting (Y/N) here?" Ichigo asked me continuously that I don't know what to answer anymore.

"Because our plan isn't as successful as we thought it would be... We didn't think about the other outcomes." I told him honestly.

"What do you mean?"

"Ichigo, do you really think nothing wrong would happen if a simple human bear a shinigami with a humongous power inside her womb?"

Ichigo's eyes widen in realization. "Mizuki... She died because of (Y/N)!?!"

"Exactly. She wasn't able to carry it anymore and so she got killed by her own daughter. That's the reason why Kenpachi left Karakura Town and live his succeeding life to fight. He felt like his the one responsible for what happened to Mizuki."

"Is he mad at (Y/N)?"

"No, he isn't. He just can't look at her because of her resemblance to her mom. Kenpachi cares about her daughter, he just can't leave because of his responsibility as a captain."

"I see now." Ichigo told me, understanding the situation. "But, if she's a shinigami, she can freely come, even live in Soul Society if she wants."

"We don't wanna take risks anymore." I answered him coldly.

"But it's her right." Ichigo replied.

I didn't answer. I just told him it's getting late so he has to go. He just agreed and thanked me for trusting him.

I sighed. 'Yah! Recalling that old days makes my head ache... I better go to sleep...'


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