Chapter 3

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"Are you awake?" - Sakata was happy that Mafumafu was, finally, awake. The redhead was impressed by albino's abilities to not wake up in any kind of situation, but still, he was a bit worried about the male.

"Uh, where I am?" - Mafumafu looked around the surroundings with unfocused eyes.

"You are in your room" - the redhead smiled. - "I'm Sakata, in case you don't remember me. You were feeling bad so you couldn't participate in training, so you helped us... differently" - the male paused a bit, remembering the events that occurred during the game.

"Sakata? I remember you, of course. But we might miss something during the time I was here" - said Mafumafu. "I think we should go and check on the others now" - he ordered the redhead

"Of course, if you feel refreshed enough for this. Let's go!" - Sakata helped the hero stand up from the bed and they left the room together

As soon as they reached Amatsuki's room, everyone looked up at them as they didn't know what to say at first which resulted in awkward silence.

It was Soraru who spoke up first as he looked at the albino. "Do you feel better now, Mafu?", he asked.

"Of course, Soraru-san!" - Mafumafu exclaimed, smiling at the ravenette. "I hope the training went well" - that phrase made Sakata cough violently, as he tried to hide his laughter

"Don't you remember something from the game, Mafumafu?" - the redhead decided to ask the albino.

"Not really... I only remember the warmth... I guess I slept pretty tight" - the male scratched his neck.

Soraru only coughed when he heard this as he gave everyone a threatening glare as if to warn them to not say anything if they didn't want to suffer the consequences.

"Well, Amatsuki got injured while training. But fortunately, it wasn't too severe and he will be able to train with us soon again. He will have to skip the next training though just to make sure that he doesn't open his wound.", Kashitaro informed them as he squeezed Amatsuki's hand.

"Don't worry anyways, Mafu-kun. It doesn't hurt too much - I almost don't feel it" - Amatsuki smiled, trying to cheer Mafumafu up, who seemed pretty upset once he heard about the injury.

"Can I inspect the injury?" - Mafumafu suggested although Amatsuki shook his head in disagreement. That made Sakata surprised

"Is Mafumafu a doctor?" -the male asked Soraru, trying to comprehend everything, that happened since the time he had joined the team.

"He's not a doctor. It's kinda his ability. Just watch and see what will happen.", Soraru instructed the redhead as he motioned for the younger male to look at the albino and the brunet.

Kashitaro stepped a bit back so Mafumafu could help Amatsuki without anyone standing in his way. "Thank you, Mafumafu-kun.", the brunet thanked the younger male. "Don't force yourself too much though alright? You just recovered after all.", the brunet reminded the albino.

Mafumafu stepped closer to Amatsuki, gesturing the male to show him the wound. The brunet obeyed, demonstrating the albino his bandaged leg. Mafumafu took all the bandages off, revealing everyone the bloodstained injury. Sakata froze in shock once he saw it, realizing that he was the one who harmed the brunet. Surprisingly, the albino didn't seem affected by it at all, touching the leg slightly. Gradually, the blood started to disappear, the condition of the wound became better. Although right after the treatment was finished, Mafumafu reeled, feeling very weak. It scared the redhead.

Soraru immediately rushed to the younger male's side as he gently held him on both sides of his arm in case he would fall over as he sighed and looked at the albino in worry.

"Hey, you alright? We told you not to strain yourself so I hope you didn't use too much of your powers.", Soraru reminded the younger male as he walked to the closest chair and guided Mafumafu to follow him before telling him to sit down.

"I am... okay. It's always like that. I'm used to it" - Mafumafu smiled weakly, not wanting to disappoint Soraru or others. He put his head against the wall and breathed heavily.

"Why is he like that?" - the redhead couldn't help but worry for the albino, partly because Amatsuki's wound was his fault

"Well... Mafumafu-kun has the ability to heal wounds of people as you can see. I think he can heal all kinds of wounds no matter what. Unfortunately... that power comes with a cost. As you can see he just used his powers for Amatsuki-kun.", Kashitaro said as he motioned towards the brunet.

"The more he uses his powers the weaker he gets. Mafu already has weak health and all and if he uses his powers too much it will become fatal. That is why we want to avoid him using it too much.", Soraru explained sighing as he glanced at the albino as if to make sure that he was still alright.

"Nothing bad will happen with me healing the one person. You shouldn't worry, I will be alright soon" - the albino replied, still attempting to calm everyone down.

"Your ability is so cool, Mafumafu! I wish I had something like that..." - Sakata turned his gaze. He was a bit jealous - although he understood that it's not the right situation for him to be. "I still don't know how to control mine, though..." - the male muttered.

"I'm sure your ability is even cooler!" - Mafumafu encouraged him. - "What is it, by the way?" - he asked the redhead curiously.

As soon as Mafumafu asked that, Soraru, Amatsuki and Kashitaro's mood immediately sunk which must have surprised the other two.

"About that... While we were training, we actually saw Sakata's abilities.", Kashitaro informed them as he looked at the other two as if silently asking them if they should tell them or not.

There was a short silence before Soraru sighed and nodded before speaking up so the other two wouldn't have to say anything. He felt slightly responsible anyway, being in the same team as Sakata.

"Truth is that when we saw Sakata using his abilities, we noticed something because we never saw any hero with his ability before. And the only conclusion that we arrived to was... that Sakata has villain powers.", Soraru declared as none of them said anything anymore after that, waiting to see their reaction.

Sakata was frozen in shock, not able to say anything. He didn't know what to do next... 'That's why I've hurt Amatsuki so badly...' - the thought crossed his mind.

"Can it be a mistake?" - Mafumafu asked quietly. He had already known, what the answer would be like, but still couldn't stop himself from hoping on something else.

"I know it's hard to admit, Mafumafu. But it's true" - Amatsuki stated, staring at his leg, which was bandaged again.

"We tried to think of any possibility that it might be something else... Or if it was really just a mistake. After all, he seemed like a decent person. But after thinking about it longer and longer, we still didn't find any other solution other than this.", Soraru told them.

"So we decided to see how this would go on. We honestly don't know what to do yet but even if you do look like a nice person, I'm sorry to say that we can't trust you fully just yet.", Kashitaro said giving the redhead an apologetic look.

"I... understand. I will try my best so we can trust me!" - Sakata exclaimed with passion, trying to cover up his confusion. Mafumafu and Amatsuki looked at him apologetically.

"Why are all of you so cruel to him? No one chooses their ability" - stated the albino, trying to protect the redhead. He knew that feeling - the disappointment in the ability. To be honest, if Mafumafu had to choose the ability, he would decide on any except the one he had then... The brunet bitterly smiled.

"I see that you want to believe in Sakata until the end... But no one is forcing him to leave now. It's still too early to suppose something." - Amatsuki replied, feeling sorry for the albino.

"Yeah. It's because we still have some trust in him that we didn't throw him out yet. If he shows that he truly doesn't have any evil intent, which should be easy for him if that is true, then he can stay. For now, we will just have to see how this goes on.", Soraru told them.

"Well, don't worry too much about it. If you don't mean any harm, you can stay.", Kashitaro said with a small smile in an attempt to cheer the younger male up.

"I-I am sorry... I need time to comprehend it" - Sakata stood up, leaving the room, so no one might notice the trace of tears on his cheeks.

Silence enveloped the room. Everyone seemed dejected.

"It might be hard for him" - Mafumafu spoke out everyone's thoughts

Sakata didn't notice how he ended up outside. All he wanted to do was to run away from that place, run away from the truth to make it less painful.

The redhead stopped in the unfamiliar garden. He noticed the bench and sat there, letting himself cry everything out. He wasn't sure how to feel when his dream was crushed. He doubted that heroes would trust him fully - but more he doubted that he could help the world with the powers... of the villain. Being full in his thoughts, Sakata didn't realize that he wasn't alone in the garden.

A brunet had spotted the redhead in the garden as it was actually his property. He was just going to water the flowers until he suddenly noticed the red-haired male sitting there, his head becoming more alarming when he realized that it was the person who came on that day and wanted to become a hero.

Urata then slowly crept up to the younger male before jumping out and holding him down so that Sakata didn't have any chance to fight and defend himself as the older male glared at the younger male. "You... you better not think you can just waltz in here and spy on us. If you even think about doing anything... I will kill you."

Sakata couldn't speak because of the surprise. He was staring at the unfamiliar male, trying to remember where could they have met.

"W-who... are you?" - he managed to croak through the hold. The redhead felt awkward although he knew that it was rude to invade someone's personal space. "I didn't know it was your garden, I'm sorry" - he quickly apologized, feeling scared.

"...You don't even remember me? You are an idiot if you suddenly decided to walk into the enemy's territory.", Urata said sighing. "My name is Urata, the leader of these so-called villains. Remember my name because I am the one who will take over this world."

"But causing harm is wrong!" - Sakata attempted to get free from the brunet's hold. "Why do you do it?" - he almost cried.

"That is none of your business.", Urata hissed before pulling back, holding the younger male's wrist tightly. "Anyways, I can't let you go now that you stepped inside of here... I will bring you back to the others and we will see what to do with you.", Urata said as he pulled the red-haired male up.

"N-no! You can't do it!" - Sakata knew that he shouldn't follow that strange male, so he decided to fight until the end. Forming a star on his hand, the male closed his eyes and directed it to the floor. He heard a small blow after, which let him get free of the brunet's hold. Sakata gathered all his forces and tried to run from the garden until he felt a vine, restraining his moves.

Urata sighed as he tried to not be too shocked as he pulled the younger male back to him. "You... you got powers of a villain huh... Well, I don't know why you would still want to become a hero despite of that. Probably because you're an idiot... But either way, you are coming with me now. And if you still decide to struggle...", the older male trailed off as he tightened the grip on his vines on the younger male. "I won't hesitate to end your life right here and now.", he threatened.

At the mention of his power once again, Sakata broke down, tears flowed from his eyes even more. The male tried to create another star to save himself from the vines, but all he could make was a brief flash of light. It was awful to feel so down, he shouldn't have given up yet, but he couldn't fight anymore. Sakata slowly stopped his attempts, passing out.

After noticing this, the older male sighed as he picked the redhead up with the help of his vines before carrying him to his house where the others were waiting for him. He could already imagine how much chaos would break out once he came back home with the redhead as he could only sigh to himself before quickly walking to the house to get everything over with.

As soon as he opened the door of the building, his friends immediately rushed out to greet him.

"Welcome back, Urata... Why is he here?" - Luz interrupted his greetings once he saw the fainted redhead. He accidentally touched his hand, remembering the wounds he had received from the meeting with the male.

"Long story... But basically this idiot walked into our garden without realizing it so I decided to take him with us before he could be any threat. What I also found out is that this wanna be a hero actually has villain powers.", Urata explained to them.

"What will we do with him?" - Senra looked at Sakata carefully, trying to comprehend why did Urata take him into their house.

"Yeah yeah~ Cause having an enemy here can be a bit dangerous ~", Nqrse added even though he didn't really care.

"I also think it's risky to keep him here. Better be save than sorry. I'd rather not have him attack us~", Shima said sighing.

"For now, I want to see if I can get any information out of him. We have to get any weakness we can get from the heroes. So I will take any risk on. Don't worry. You guys won't be forced to go near him. I will talk to him myself and get the information I need.", Urata said before he walked up the stairs with Sakata still in his arms.

"We have to win... in any way. So no matter the risk. No matter the danger. I will do anything so we will be the winners in the end."

Thanks for reading the chapter and waiting for it (because it was supposed to be published on Thursday). Hope you enjoyed it!
And this time it was Mikoto-san who proofread the chapter, so the fault is hers (actually no, Mikoto is very nice, blame me;-;)

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