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"The eye sees a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination awake." Leonardo da Vinci

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"This is Westerden Optometrist."



"Er, I take it that you're not in the mood to help me today?"

"What's the point? All we do is end up in screaming matches."

"Like this?!"

"Ouch, my ear! And yes, exactly like that. Stop it!"

"Why are we speaking in exclamation marks?!"

"What do you mean, speaking in exclamation marks? That's not possible!"

"It is now!"

"What the hell are you on about?"

"You're a butthole!"

"Ow, what the frick? That was especially loud! This takes RIP headphone users to the next level, and I'm not even wearing headphones!"

"Stop shouting, then!"

"You started shouting first!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Stop slaughtering my ears!"

"Wanna hear a joke?"


"How do you make a glow worm happy?"

"I don't care!"

"Cut off its tail, it'll be delighted!"

"I don't get it!"

"You're a disappointment to all jokesters!"

"You're a disappointment to life!"

"Do you want me to fix your eyes or not?"

"I don't want help from life-disappointers!"

"Fine then! I didn't want to help you in the first place!"

"I'm going to hang up now! Goodbye, uncultured swine!"

"Goodbye, uneducated girl who can't take a joke!"

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