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"Mustaches are so cool that I not only have one I have two. I wear both of mine above my eyes." - Jarod Kintz, Whenever You're Gone, I'm Here For You

DEDICATION: GirlOfHopeAndDreams for her supportive comments and positive attitude!

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"This is Westerden Optometrist, why am I not being cut off yet?"

"Because I felt like giving you the satisfaction of finishing a sentence today?"

"Hmm. Valid point."

"Do you know how to do a triple pirouette?"

"Why would you even ask me that?"

"Well, I've been trying to do one for the past few days, but I can only manage two-and-three-quarters. Also, before you forget, my cloudy eyesight?"

"Oh, right! How're your eyes?"

"Imagine clouds in the sky."

"Um, okay. Clouds. White. Fluffy. Cotton candy consistency. Yum, cotton candy!"

"Stop thinking about food. Now, imagine standing on said clouds. You can see clearly while you're standing, but you're basically surrounded by white pieces of fog."

"Sure, I can imagine that."


"Even though clouds are just vapour so you'd be falling straight towards the ground at high speed, but I'll ignore the flaw in your logic."

"Thanks. Now, face plant into a cloud."

"Fun! I mean, you'd think it would be ouch because of the falling sensation you get which mimics the motion of slamming into a solid object. But face planting into a cloud would feel like falling into a cushion. Except your brain tricks you into thinking that you're slamming into a hard object."


"Damn, physics is awesome!"

"Right, stop being nerdy."

"Nevaaaaaaaar! I will never stop!"

"When your face is buried into the cloud, you can't see shiz on a stick."

"Shiz on a stick? Strange imagery."

"Now, imagine that you're repeatedly tripping and face planting, getting up, and then immediately face planting again. And it's been like that for the past few months."


"Annoying, yeah? Well, that's basically my eyesight in a nutshell."

"Look, we still have a few months, right?"

"Mmhm, the recital's not until Christmas Day."

"So I'll try my best to research it and fix it before then. It's no problem!"

"I- well, thank you, Peanut. I really do appreciate this."

"Oh, er, you're welcome! It's kinda fun, actually."

"Like faceplanting into a cloud?"

"Exactly like faceplanting into a cloud."

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