Chapter Sixteen;Tyler Night

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Me and Alex wake up and eat breakfast with River, then packing up our things and getting ready to leave. I pull on my coat, River looking at me and Alex. "Where are you two going? There's no school today."

"W-We're talking about Tyler..." Alex stiffs up, straightening his back that was facing River and cracking his neck my rotating his head. He looks down, then turns and looks at River and picks up his jacket. "Just best friend and girlfriend."

"Was it something to do with showing each other the horrible things he's done?" River asks as we leave his room. "You can't seriously expect me not to hear that."

"Yeah, it is," I sigh and bite my lip, flicking it out of my mouth and turning to River. "So we're going to my place."

"Okay," he walks us to the door, smiling as we step into the hall and grabbing his keys from the bowl by the door. "Let me drive you." He smiles, putting on a pair of shoes and pulling on a jacket. We walk down the building and to Rivers car. He unlocks the doors and me and Alex sit in the back as he drives off to a stoplight. "Where too?"

"My house." I smile at him, River nodding and driving to my house. Me and Alex get out and I stop outside River window, him rolling down the window and leaning on the door and keeping a hand on the wheel. He smirks at me and I bend down and turn my cheek to him. I know Alex is watching us. River smirks more, holding my chin and kissing me on the lips. I can't help but blush.

He pulls away a little too soon and smiles at me. "See you tomorrow." I step back from the car, my fingers lingering on my lips as he pulls. Alex smirking and nudging my shoulders.

"Just friends huh?" He laughs and I glare at him, pushing his chest and him falling back into the snow on our front lawn.

"S-S-Shut up!" I stammer out, the front door opening. Alex laughs, soon stopping as we both look at my Mom in her red silk robe, her hair wet from what I'm guessing was a shower.

"What're you two doing?" She puts her hands on her hips, glaring into us.

"S-Sorry Ma'am. I don't think we've met," Alex nervously laughs and lifts himself from the snow. We;Alex, Tyler and I have never hung out together at my house. It was either me and Tyler or we all were at Tyler's or Alex's. "I'm Alex Penne." He smiles, holding his hand out to her as the snow on his back melts.

She hums, taking her hand in his and shaking it. "Samantha. Why don't you two come in. It has to be freezing out there."


"This is messed up." Alex continues to scroll through my screenshotted messages when I come back into my room to find him in the same spot wrapped in my comforter with the, now room temperature coffee, still on my nightstand for him. He loves coffee, can't really live without it. He looks up at me as I sit on the other edge of my bed. "Tyler shouldn't be talking to you like this."

"He was my best friend and boyfriend–only boyfriend. What else could I do? I didn't know how I should be treated." He hums and grabs the mug of coffee and takes giant gulps and keeps scrolling.

"You should know," he mumbles, ending the scrolling moments later and handing my phone back. "Did you know his dad bought his number so no one else could use it until Eloise dies?"

"Why?" I take a sip of my hot chocolate.

"So his wife can listen to his voicemail over an over again and so they can text him without an answer, per usual." He rolls his eyes as our gaze is met with silence to his computer. We don't speak for a moment, an hour, a minute. However hell long it was, it was too long. "Do you want to watch the videos?" I hesitantly nod and he hums, setting down his mug on my nightstand dresser and pulls up the video. "Me or you?"

I gently nibble on my lip. "M-Me." He nods slowly turns the computer to me. My door is closed, and Mom went on a grocery trip. So that means she won't be home for hours because she has to meet and talk to at least four friends for ten minutes which turn into thirty minutes of talking in the middle of the aisle.

"You sure?" I nod and he lifts a brow. "We don't have to watch at all. I can't just delete them and-"

"N-No. I need to know what happened that night." He nods slower and starts the video hesitantly. He's obviously edited it because it starts with a section of words.

"Tyler had me put in this." I nod.

February 15, 2014
12:15 a.m.

Mae Davis' birthday

We come in kissing, well Tyler kissing me. The laptop is on my bookcase, fourth shelf. I can just tell from the angle because from that shelf, you can see everywhere in my room. He puts me on the bed, kissing me and messing with my hair and then taking off his shirt and then mine and my bra. He pulls down his pants and starts kissing my neck. I hear me groan. The music is loud, but I see a speaker on my dresser.

"T-Tyler?" I mumble and groan.

"Shh Baby, shh, it'll be okay." He pulls down my jeans and underwear off and grabs a condom from his jeans then pulling down his boxers. I bite my lip as Tyler caresses my face. I know he's wearing a smirk by the way his shoulder blades pierce up. He moves up and down slowly and I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen growing as I watch. A low grumble escapes me as he continues to go. I groan louder. "It's fine Mae. Everything's fine." He kisses me again.

"N-No stop," I say, pushing on his chest but he continues to go. "T-Tyler stop." Another grumble from me. Alex pulls his arm over my shoulder and holds me as I continue to watch. I push him away. "T-Tyler stop!" I say louder. He holds his hand on my mouth and I hear myself scream.

"I said quiet!" He yells in a whispered tone. I go quiet. Whimpers. Groans. Sounds I don't like. Sounds I shouldn't hear. Blood that shouldn't be there. Something magical now terrifying. Tyler gets up, leaving me in a ball on my bed crying. "Clean that up before your Mom and Dad get home. I'll end the party." He pulls his clothes back on and leaves.

Alex turns to computer to him and looks at me. I hold my hand over my mouth as he keeps his eyes on me. "Mae?"

"D-Did he even know how wrong that was?"

"Tyler was psychotic. I only stayed friends with him to keep him out of trouble." He shrugs his shoulders, pulling me into a hug that I push away from again.

"I-I-I spent so long convincing myself that I said yes at some point that night when he just drugged me!" I yell. "I-I almost killed myself over this night because I thought the person doing it wasn't Tyler!"


"Why didn't you stop him!" I turn my head to Alex. "You were with us all night until that moment. Where were you!"

"Dealing with David because he was going to puke in your grandpa." Alex glares into me. I turn my head down and he sighs. "It's okay to be mad at this, just don't be made at me because I'm the only one here."

"Was I wearing something too revealing? H-How did I provoke him. I-" I shake my head, pulling it into my hands.

"You were fine. He was actually planning on having it be a birthday treat for himself but..." Alex coughs into his hand. I look at him. "Listen, I told the cops of his plan okay? They didn't believe me because Tyler was the perfect kid in town and I was fourteen. They didn't think we could do such a thing at that age and showing them now would prove that I was right but, it wouldn't do you much good because Tyler's dead. That's all you're going to get for revenge."

I bite my lip and nod. "C-Can we watch yours now?" He sighs and pulls it up, the same thing coming up on the screen. I look at Alex for a moment. He watches intently, like he hasn't watched it a million times before. But I can tell he can, by the way I hear him mumble the words under his breath perfectly.

June 8, 2015
10:16 p.m.

Alex Penne's Sex tape

Tyler comes through his window. Alex groans awake by the sound of Tyler's Nike shoes hitting the wood flooring of Alex's room. He groans and lifts his head off the pillow. "Tyler dude, why are you here so late?" His computer is open on his desk. I know how paranoid he gets so he has it record while he's asleep.

"You said you'd take Mae's place." Tyler smirks, his way too white teeth glistening in the moonlight. He pounces and everything happening quickly. Tyler's on Alex's waist, straddling him, taking off his shirt, giving him hickeys that will last weeks. Alex's whimpering. Tyler holding his hands above his head and his muscles tensing as he tries to fight back. A loud slap. Alex with a bruise on his cheek. "Don't fucking struggle. Oh I am so lucky your parents aren't home." Tyler cackles. Tyler caresses Alex's face, pulling his sheets off and flipping Alex over.

"T-Tyler stop."

"Or what?" He laughs, pushing Alex's head into the pillow. "You'll tell the cops? Highly unlikely they'll believe you," he laughs again, pulling Alexs sweatpants down. In my video, you couldn't see anything of mine unless you zoomed in on my boobs that were still growing and the size of mosquito bites, but with Alex's everything was out there. "Now be a good little bitch and shut the fuck up."

"And if I don't?"

"You'll get a shiner to match the one on your cheek," Tyler cackles again, slapping Alex's bare ass. There pulls down his pants and boxers and goes at it. Alex whimpers, groans, tears streaming down down his cheeks that stain his pillow that he bites into as Tyler's moaning like no tomorrow. He pulls out and Alex cries a little louder, falling to his side and pulling up his pants.

He wipes his eyes, standing up and pushing Tyler's chest as he buckles his pants. "W-What's wrong with you!"

"You're the one who said you'd do it," Tyler grins. "Now be a good little fuck baby and don't tell anyone." He takes out his wallet, handing Alex a fifty dollar bill and retreating out the window he came through. I look at Alex as he closes his laptop.

"Please, don't say anything," his voice shakes. His eyes are glossy; almost like glass. His chin is tucked into his knees that his arms are wrapped around, my comforter messing up his purple hair that mopped down on his face just to show how depressed he was about the video.

I close my mouth and put my head down. He starts laughing minutes later and I look at him. His head is in his knees and they're not happy laughs, sad ones. Ones you cry when you've been to hell and back so many times you give up on trying to get out again. He lifts his head looking at me, lines of tears stringed up on his chestnut cheeks. His smile at me shakes like his words.

"I-I tried to kill myself after he left and all it did was get me to the hospital for a week and his torment and abuse whenever we were alone." He shakily ran his hand through his hair. "M-Mae, he kept doing it."

"F-For how long?"

"T-The night he died," droplets hit my sheets. "He just did it when he texted to meet you and-" he inhales sharply. "A-And he actually said he'd do you at the park that night. I-I told him that he could do anything he wanted to me as long as he didn't hurt you again."

"Why did you protect me?"

He looks at me. His eyes are red from crying. "I-I've watched our videos so many times that I can't believe it's us. That we're so vulnerable. You're the most vulnerable person I know, Mae. I knew you wouldn't have stopped him and think it was better this way so I had to hold us up. It's why I'd always ask you if you were okay before and after we hung out with Tyler." I look at my hands. My nails wee digging into my palms. I pull them out, the little half moons going in so deep a few of them had bled.

"Thank you."

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