prologue. you need to keep moving

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you need to keep moving


SHE COULD FEEL HER FACE WET, it was a familiar feeling—it had been every night that she found her face dripping wet in tears, but this time she couldn't tell if they were tears or blood. Probably both, she thought, but she didn't want to touch her face to find out, it hurt too much.

Mia was alone, running on a road. She felt tired and knew her feet were about to fail her and leave her lying on the floor. She never looked back, she could hear it running behind her, the steps getting closer each time. They don't seem to get tired, unlike her, each second they get stronger as she gets wicker. It was like it consumed her energy, like it wanted to leave her drained and dead.

There was no goal to get, nowhere to hide, but she kept running. What else could she do, anyway? If it caught her, she'd get hurt and die—but that didn't worry her, she just couldn't see it, couldn't have it so close, that would be the real pain to her.

Something got in her way. A motorcycle almost ran over her, and she fell. Pain spread through her knees and palms when they hit the pavement.

"Jesus, Merle," a man's voice said, while some other man, Merle, laughed.

"You alrigh', kid?" Looking up throught the tears, she saw a man standing tall in front of her. She couldn't say a word, the shock finally hit her and she felt her body paralyzed. "Fuck," he said when he got a look at Mia's face, cuts and bruises all over it. "What happend to you?"

Mia tembled, shivers running down her spine when she heard it still running towards her.

"Daryl, look up," Merle said. He sat careless on his motocycle, shoving up pills.

The man in front her, Daryl, took a crossbow from the motocycle and shoot.

"No!" Mia shout with a guttural scream. She finally looked behind, seeing the remains of her little sister fell down to the ground when the arrow crossed her face. And so she finally stopped chasing her. "Lily!" Mia tried to run, she now deserved to look, she had to see what she had caused.

But an arm held her back, preventing her from moving.

"It's dead kid," Daryl said. "You need to keep moving."

You need to keep moving. His words resonated in Mia's head. She remebered the time her mother told her those exact same words. Sick in bed, about to die, Meredith Murphy held her child's hands, "You can cry now, but the world won't stop for you, so you need to keep moving".

Daryl knew he wasn't good with words, much less to comfort, but he was completly clueless about how his words impacted Mia in that moment.

He helped her stand up.

"You'll be alrigh', lets go," he said.


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xoxo cassie 💌

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