Chapter 1

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As Lucifer walks the earth he decided to become human but in human form he chose to be a human as he thought he could become one of the humans that God made but he can't hide it for long.

Sabine's POV
I am a detective like my parents where before, I'm a cop a detective and I just heard of a new case about a killing that happened today so I got into my car and drove off too see my boss. He was waiting for me as I walked out of my car as I walked up to him, what's going on now sir? Said Sabine. Well we have a killer on the streets now and we need to find him or her fast before they kill again said Sabine's boss. Who is the vitamon? Said Sabine. You don't want to know Sabine said her boss but Sabine didn't listen to her boss she saw who it was her husband jal was killed. JAL! Sabine said as she ran to her dead husband body, who sobbing did this?! Said Sabine, we don't know but we have a lead so far said Sabine's boss. What is it? Said Sabine. It's a man named Ezra bridger a rich man that's our lead and we are going there now said Sabine's boss as they walked into Sabine's car and drove off to find Ezra bridger (aka Lucifer)

Ezra's pov
I was just playing the piano as I had a drink of my wine as I heard a knock on my front door, I stop playing the piano as I got up and walked to the front door as i unlock the door to see two detectives looking at me. Hello is there anything wrong? Said Ezra. Sir please let us in said Sabine's boss, sure thing detective said Ezra as he let both of them in as he closed the door and had more of his wine. Then Ezra saw who was the second detective it was a female detective Ezra just felt something weird of himself. So Mr bridger you have some house here said Sabine, I'm sorry but have we meet at all? Said Ezra, no said Sabine as she knew ezra was checking her out. She felt cold as Sabine looked around in Mr Bridger's home still. What's wrong detectives? Said Ezra as he sit down and had more of his wine. There was a killing happened around your night club is at and we want to knew what happened and who did it? Said Sabine's boss. Hm I did hear about that this morning detective but I'm sorry I don't know who did the killing said Ezra as he got up and said I do better get going to my club now said Ezra. Sir wait said Sabine, Ezra stopped walking away from the detectives as he turned around and looked and walked back to the detectives. Wait for what miss detective? Said Ezra, I just want to show you a picture of the person who was killed this morning said Sabine as she shows ezra a picture of her dead husband. Ezra realize who it is, that's Jal is it not? Said Ezra, yes my dead husband said Sabine, I'm so sorry about your loss miss? Said Ezra, miss Sabine wren said Sabine, well detective wren it's nice to meet you said Ezra as he smiled at Sabine. Ah nice to meet you too mr bridger said Sabine, please call me ezra said Ezra as Sabine nodded at ezra. Good now I think I should be going now said Ezra. Wait just a minute mr bridger said Sabine's boss. Ezra looked right at Sabine's boss as Ezra said what's wrong now Detective? Said Ezra. I want you helping detective wren find out who killed her husband said Sabine's boss. Wait what? Said Sabine, why me? Said Ezra, because it's your club you run isn't? Said Sabine's boss, I guess it is said Ezra, sir you just can't give this job to me and mr bridger! Said Sabine madly about it. Sabine, please just do what I told you to do said Sabine's boss, yes sir said Sabine. Good now you two have fun said Sabine's boss as he walked back to the front door as Ezra open the door for Sabine's boss as he walked out of Ezra's home. Good luck you two said Sabine's boss. Great said Sabine. Please do be a dear and don't make me look bad in front of my club members said Ezra as he put his suit jacket on as he walked to his car as he turned around and looked at Sabine and said are you coming detective? Said Ezra, yes mr bridger said Sabine as she walk up to ezra into his car as he drove them both off too his night club.

Later on...

Ezra and Sabine got to Ezra's night club as they got inside of the club to see no one inside of his club because it's wasn't open so far. Where's is your friends not here? Said Sabine as she walked around the night club, because I didn't open it so far detective wren said Ezra, please call me Sabine said Sabine, okay Sabine said Ezra as he walked into his office and opened the door and walk to his working table and grabbed a drink. Sabine walked into Ezra's office as she saw many pictures of people have been in his night club, then she noticed a picture of he dead husband in one of the pictures, that's jal my husband in one of your pictures? Said Sabine. Yes he was a good friend of mine but never told me about you Sabine said Ezra as he sit down onto the chair of his work table as he had some wine. My husband was your friend? Said Sabine, yes we where but now we're not because you're husband is now dead been killed close to my night club said Ezra. He never told me he worked here for you said Sabine, huh probably he hide it away from you Sabine said Ezra. But why? Said Sabine, I don't know what to tell you but I do know he was cheating on you with one of my workers said Ezra as one of his workers walked into Ezra's night club as he said ah there she is now, Laura come here please said Ezra. Yes mr bridger? Said Laura, do you know who is detective is? Said Ezra, no mr bridger I don't know who she is said Laura, she's Jal's wife the man you sleep with a couple of days ago before he was killed close to my club said Ezra as he wasn't happy. Oh you must be miss wren? Said Laura. You sleep with my husband jal? Said Sabine, well yes said Laura. Sabine got mad as she was going to fight her but Ezra said NO! NO FIGHTING IN MY NIGHT CLUB! Said Ezra as he sit back down. Well Laura I think it's time for you too go bye bye said Ezra. Wait what? Said Laura, your fired laura said Ezra. GO TO HELL MR BRIDGER! Said Laura as she ran out of Ezra's night club. Well I'm sorry about that Sabine said Ezra, it's fine said Sabine as she sit down as she started to cry as she took off her wedding ring and threw it away, Ezra didn't know what to say but he said Sabine I think we should go find who killed your husband said Ezra, but your not a detective? Said Sabine, no but I'll help you said Ezra, okay said Sabine.

I hope you guys enjoyed this new book and chapter! Tell me what you thought about it? Tell me if you want more of it.


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