Chapter 3

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As Robocop sit down in the metal chair he was having a nightmare of what happened too him when he was human, (in Ezra's nightmare)

(Ezra siting on his chair)

As Ezra had that nightmare the people that made him wasn't paying attention to Ezra as they sit and did nothing (Looks like this)

Then the nightmare got worse as Ezra shook around in his chair, as the people that killed him and the man that put a bullet into Ezra's head that was wedge.

(That's Wedge shooting off Ezra's hand in chapter 1)

Ezra moved around in his chair as Wedge shot his right hand off. (Looks like this both of the pictures)

Then when that happened the rest of Wedge's friends shot at Ezra, as Ezra shook out violently, (Looks like this with the people that shot at Ezra and Ezra shaking when that shot him)

They all stopped as Ezra remembered that wedge pulled out his gun out as Ezra moved his head down, (Looks like this)

The last words that Ezra remembered was from Wedge "funs over" as Wedge shot Ezra in his head, Ezra stood up as the people that made him realized what happened (Looks like this the pictures)

Ezra opened the door as he walked out as one of the people that made him said STOP! (Ezra opening the door)

Ezra opened the door as he walked out as the doctor said to him STOP! GET BACK HERE! (Ezra walking out of the door)

SOMEONE STOP HIM!!! Said the doctor as Ezra continued to walk out and was gone.

Too be continued.........................

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