Chapter 10

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As time when by Ezra's daughter is now 17 years old as Mira was hanging out with her friends outside of the backyard of Ezra's and Sabines home they where having a BBQ together because it's Mira's 17th birthday. Ezra was making the braggers of the BBQ as venom said I cant believe she's 17 tears years old today said venom in Ezra's head, I know said Ezra in his head. Then Sabine walked up to her husband as she said need any help ezzy? Said Sabine, no I got this said Ezra, okay it looks and smells good ezzy said Sabine, I know said Ezra, then they heard a knock on their front door as venom said don't open that door said venom, why its Mira's boyfriend said Ezra as he opened the front door to see kanan as he said oh hi mr Bridger said kanan, not him! Can I eat him!? Said venom in Ezra's head, no venom that's Mira's boyfriend said Ezra in his head, fine! Said venom in Ezra's head. Come in said Ezra, thanks mr Bridger said kanan, oh hi kanan said Sabine, hello miss Bridger said kanan, how are you doing kanan? Said Sabine, I'm fine said kanan as he saw Mira as Mira said KANAN! Said Mira as she ran up to her boyfriend and hugged him as did kanan hugged Mira back. ( I know it's weird that kanan is Mira's boyfriend lol)

So how you doing babe? Said kanan, I'm fine kanan said Mira.  That's good said kanan. Okay you two lovebirds how about you two just sit down and relax together said Sabine, okay said Mira.

Ezra's pov
I still really don't like kanan still but my baby girl is in love with him so I have to be fine with it said Ezra to himself. What's wrong ezzy? Said Sabine, I still don't think kanan is right for Mira said Ezra, why because he's older then our little girl? Said Sabine, yeah and I just have this feeling said Ezra but they heard Mira srcming as Ezra and Sabine run outside of their backyard to see kanan turning into charge (is that the red ones name?) he picked up Mira as Mira's friends ran away as one said I knew who you are mr Bridger, said they young lady, yeah and that is? Said Ezra, ENOUGH TALK! Said venom as he turned into his form as he ran up to charge and punch him as venom grabbed Mira safely but too Ezra's and venoms eyes they saw Mira bleeding by her stomach as Sabine said MIRA NO! Said Sabine as venom gave Sabine Mira and venom said GO ME AND EZRA WILL FUGHT AGAINST MY SON! Said venom, change got back up and said ohh looks like I hurt little Mira wren Bridger said change, we'll kill you both for that! Said Ezra, try too father said change as venom ran up to his son and fight against each other to the death as venom bit change by his neck as he and Ezra then got stabbed into their chest as change pulled out the sword he made to stab Ezra and venom with as change said ONE OF US HAS TO DIE FATHER! SO LET THERE Be CHANGE! As he was going to cut off venom and Ezra's head by venom kicked chance by his face kicking change off of venom and Ezra, change then said we'll meet again father said change as he was gone. Venom turned Ezra back human as Ezra said Mira!!! As he ran into his car and drove off to the hospital...

I hope you guys enjoyed this new update of my book...tell me if you want more of this book again.


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