Chapter 10

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Ezra's pov

Sabine and I decided to adopt jango to be our son, he's been with us for a week now and he was ready to be trained to be a warrior to be on my right side of me. Okay jango let's see what you have? Said Ezra as he got ready to train his adopted son. Jango ran at Ezra as he tried to punch him but Ezra grabbed jango's hand and said nice try jango said Ezra as he pushed jango away from him. AGAIN! Said Ezra, as jango again ran at Ezra as he jumped as Ezra looked up but he got kicked in his face as jango was on top of Ezra, good kick jango but you didn't see this coming said Ezra as he kicked his son off him as jango fell down on the ground. Agh! Said jango, I had you that time said jango, jango in battle it's not had you have to get them before they had you killed said Ezra, yes father said jango.

Sabine's pov
I saw Ezra train jango but Ezra won again but it was like the last time jango didn't win this time said sabine to herself as she walked down in the training room as she saw that jango had a cut on his forehead. Jango come here said sabine, yes mother said jango as Sabine said did your father did this? Yes in training but I don't care about it said jango, you remind me of myself when I was your age said Sabine, then Sabine heard crying as it was Mira or Rey, I'll be back jango but clean up yourself okay said sabine, jango nodded as he did what his mother told him.

Ezra's pov
I heard my daughters crying as I walked in their bedroom as I saw one of my warriors dead as I saw kanan with Rey in his hands, KANAN! Said Ezra as he grabbed his blasters but he didn't have them on him, SHIT! Said Ezra as he attack kanan but he was pushed away from kanan as Ezra said too kanan, Kanan don't take my daughter away from me said Ezra as he had tears in his eyes as Sabine saw kanan as she saw that he had Rey, REY! Yelled Sabine as she grabbed her blaster as she shot at kanan but he just jumped out of the window as Ezra got up to try to run after him but kanan was gone. NOOOOOOO! Yelled out Ezra as he lost his one of his daughters. Jango saw his mother on the ground crying as he noticed one of his sisters are gone as he knew it was the Jedi that took his little sister Rey. Mother? Said jango as he hugged her as Sabine hugged jango back they both stopped as jango said we're going to get her back mother, you're damn right jango said Ezra as he ran to get his armour on as jango ran too see his father in his armour again.

Too be continued...............
Oh no what's going to happen to Rey next part? Tell me what you think about this and about Rey too and leave a comment too plz.

And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!

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