Chapter 15

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Jango's pov
I saw my mother with my father as he was in a bank tank as he as he had a breatheing mask on as Mira grabbed my hand as she looked at me, jango is father...sobbing...going to...okey? Said Mira, oh mira my little sister don't make me cry now said jango as he picked up his sister as the med droid said mr Jango your father is out and wants too talk too you, what about mother? Said jango, I'm here jango said Sabine as Mira yelled out MAMA! As she jumped out of jango's arms and hugged her mother, can I see daddy? Said Mira, not now mira but after when jango is done talking too your father said Sabine as Mira and Sabine walked away as jango saw his father looking at him. Jango walked in the room as he saw his father, jango? What's wrong? Said Ezra but jango just hugged his father as Ezra didn't know that was going too happen but Ezra hugged his son back, I'm okay now jango I just have to get better said Ezra, I know and make that Jedi PAY! Said jango as Ezra smiled, yes he will and you will lead the warriors for me but you would need this said Ezra as he used the force to grab the darksaber. Take this with you and they will follow you said Ezra, but I'm not ready for this said jango, I wasn't ready before my mother died jango but when I get back on my feet you will have to give it back to me said Ezra, I will father I promise said jango, now go make the Jedi PAY! Said Ezra, yes my Lord said jango as he went for his armour as it wasn't the same one he had it was new (looks like this)

Wow said jango, you're father wanted you to have this jango said Sabine, he said that to me and can you help me put it on mother? Said jango as Sabine help her son as jango looked at himself, wow I look good said jango, here's your helmet said Sabine as jango looks at his new helmet.

Jango grab his helmet as he put it on as he said I'll kill the Jedi that hurt father said jango, I'll very proud of you jango said sabine, jango walked out of the his home as he saw the warriors waiting for him as they saw him, my Lord said one of them, are the men ready? Said jango, they are my Lord said the warrior, good now FOLLOW ME! Said jango as he turned on his jet pack as he flyed in the air as the warriors where behind him, as they want to a city from the rebels.

To be continued.................

I hope you guys like this one, tell me about it?

And remember the force will always be with you.

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