chapter 24

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Jango's pov 

I was with my father as we where talking toghter as he said to me son its time to end this war against the rebels. i know father said jango, here you would need to use this said ezra as he gave jango the darksaber. father are you sure? said jango. yes son you must lead the warriors into battle now, im getting to old to fight and with the injors I got in battle said ezra. I'll do my bust father said jango, i know you will son said ezra. 

later on...

Jango got ready to fight the rebels as he got his amour on himself as mira and rey said be safe jango said mira, yeah said rey. I will said jango as he put his helmet on himself as he flyed away with his jetpack as more of the warrors followed him. 

hours later...

as jango was fighting agantst the rebels he saw kanan as he ran to kanan to kill him as he turned on the darksaber  as they fight against each other as they got into a saber lock tougher as they fight toghter as jango kicked kanan into the face as he droped his lightsaber as jango grabbed it as he turned it on as he walked up to kanan to end the fight. 

to the next part... 


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