Ending this Battle once and for all

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(No one pov)
Sarah was in the Command Room in the Militia HQ Building with the rebels watching the Holo-news around the galaxy people are rioting after the destruction of Lothal over millions of lives were taken in a day people are now believing the Empire are sending a message now people are now wanted the Empire to be gone including the senators of Coruscant are demanding all imperials to leave the others planet alone and to replace the Emperor as well the New reporter said as it show a crowd of people outside of the senator building with storm troopers trying to keep the people back "look like we final show the people the Empire true self Zeb said "yeah but it the IMC that did this Sarah said as she cross her arms "and half of the Empire ships were station on Lothal and in orbit so what left could be in retreat Sabine said "so where they could be? Kanan ask "most likely Coruscant with the rest of the fleet Kanan said as chopper show them a image of Coruscant "if the Empire are there then if your help we could end this war once and for all Hera said "indeed but we need a plan of a attack Sarah said "which could take months to plan and by then the Empire will be enforced their ships and men Gates said "but we can't wait we must attack well they are weak Kallus said "easy Kallus they are right we do need a plan Hera said "which is way may have a plan Gates said as she hand Hera a data-pad "the informations we recover on Ryloth also had alot of hidden Intel we can use Gates said as Hera look at the Pad "this tells about what happen to the Republic, about the Jedi, and the death of Padma Amidala Hera said "who she?Gates ask "she was one of the senators during the clone wars and some say she was married to a Jedi name Anakin Skywalker Kanan said "she was most friendly senator in the galaxy to anyone Sabine said "if we can transfer this Intel to the entire galaxy we could finish the Empire off for good Sabine said "alright once we refuel our ships and fighters we launch attack until them we wait Sarah said as she end the meeting. Everyone left the room but Sabine was stop by Sarah hey Sabine can I ask for your help Sarah ask sure what is it Sabine ask I need you to check on Ezra ever since BT death he close everyone off including me as well Sarah said yeah I know the feeling BT was important to him Sabine said I know that is way I need you to talk to him we can't pull this attack off without him Sarah said sure where is he Sabine ask he at the Pilot Bar just a few block down from the Airbase Sarah as said sure I'm on it Sabine said as she left Sarah and went to talk to Ezra. Sabine walk down the street she saw alot of store she walk by Clothes store, games store, vehicle repairs, and a few small business she didn't know. Sabine found the Bar Ezra was at the enter the Bar to see it was empty but music was still playing it was a nice bar

Sabine saw a person sitting at the bar so she know that Ezra she walk down the stairs and she saw several empty bottles of alcohol on the floor Ezra?Sabine said making Ezra jump and look behind him they Sabine Ezra said as he held his beer up in the air welcome to the Pilot Bar where all problems is solve at a end of ever bottle Ezra said as he drink his beer Sabine stood by him your Aunt told me to check up on you Sabine said oh I'm fine we won the war, we destroyed the planet I was stuck on for years and the death of BT Ezra said as he crush his beer bottle in his hand Ezra drinking your problems won't help Sabine said as Ezra reach over the counter and grab a new bottle I can handle my problems by myself Ezra said as he look at the bottle good old Ale solves all kind of problems Ezra said as he open it and took a drink but Sabine grab the Ale and took it away from Ezra Ezra drinking your problems ain't going to help you Sabine said and what does I lost everything I lost my parents, I lose BT, I lost everything Ezra said no you didn't Ezra you still got us, you still got me Sabine said You weren't there Sabine I was with BT ready to join my parents but BT active a protocol it was to protect me at all cost then he grab him and toss me then he was gone Ezra said as he look down my only family member gone in one day Ezra said as he grip his Ale we were partners we were post to have each other back and I fail, I fail my parents, I fail BT, I fail myself Ezra said Sabine look away before she sit down by Ezra but you didn't you didn't fail no one Sabine said as she place a hand on his shoulder you still got me and we got your back Ezra so does your Battalion we have a plan but we can't pull this off without you leading us Sabine said Ezra just look at the bottle of Ale Sabine I just can't I'm done fighting Ezra said Sabine got up from the stool then don't give up on hope Ezra it will be always stronger Ezra Sabine said as she left the Bar leaving Ezra to drink.

Sabine was at the Airbase when she look in the air to see a Rebels ship appear above the Airbase

A Bunker Buster Sabine said Hera Kanan Zeb and Chopper walk up to her Senator Mon Mothma has called the entire rebellion to here if we going to attack Coruscant we need all the help we can get Hera said that is why we are here as well A voice sais Sabine look in the air to see her Mother Tristan and her father landing in front of her with the entire clan Wren warriors landing behind them as well mother what are you doing here Sabine ask I called them Sarah said as she and Gates walk up to them why Sabine ask because we own your boyfriend a debt Sabine and Clan Wren is here to repay that debt fully Ursa said plus we wouldn't miss this at all Tristan said as a blue female Mandalorian landed Sabine meet a old Friend of mine Bo Katan sister to the Duchess Ursa said as she introduce Bo Karna your mother told me about your friend I respect him Bo Katan said so what the plan sis Tristan ask the plan is simple a voice said everyone look behind to see Ezra standing there making Sabine and Sarah smile.

*in the command room*

Ezra Sarah Gates Hera Kanan Zeb Chopper Ursa Tristan and Bo Katan were in the command room going over the plan. Ezra lean against the table your plan will work but with those Dreadnought we won't get near so we need to disable first Ezra said so how do we disable them we can't get close to them Hera ask with a good old EMP Gates said as she show them the Militia has a few EMP missiles in storage but all we need if their power source Gates said why the power source Kanan ask because the power is all we need it strong enough to disable those dreadnought and once they are disable we launch our fighters well the Mandalorians will sneak around and take out their thrusters creating a large enough explosives to take out their own ships making our attack easily Ezra said I get it use their own ships as a bomb I love it Ursa said with a smile good once we take down the fleet there have to use what remaining forces they have on the planet Ezra said so what our objected once we are planet side Gates said the senator building Kanan said it where the entire senators will be hold if we want to show them the Intel then we have to show them Kanan said alright we make a zone around the Senator with defences walls on these positions our men with turrets and Titans as well Ezra said the Rebellions has some new Anti-air tanks we been building we place those down as well Hera said and we deal with any flyers in the air Bo Katan said good once we hold that area I make way in the building and upload the Intel Ezra said and the Empire will be finish for good Hera said good I want everyone to get ready we leave in a hour Sarah said as she close the holo-map. Everyone left the room but Sarah stop Ezra hey I got something for you Sarah said what is it Ezra ask follow me Sarah said as she lead Ezra to her room. Sarah and Ezra enter her room there something I wanted to give you this when you return Sarah said as she grab a medium case and walk to Ezra she open the case up to show Ezra a Rifle in the case

Ezra pick up the repeater what this Ezra ask as he check out the repeater that your father Repeater he kept it here for you Sarah said make them proud Ezra Sarah said Ezra look at her and smile as he reload it the repeater.

Ezra walk up to his father ship to see his crew and teams ready once we do this there no going back Ezra said we are ready Kanan said want to give a speech before going to battle sir a Rebels soldier ask Ezra walk forward to see a large group of rebels, mandalorians and Militia Soldier's and pilots Listen up Ezra said making everyone stop talking and look at Ezra Coruscant is heavily defended but we show the Empire what happens when you mess with our home we all lost something and someone to them and now we get payback the Empire will fall on this day because we got something they don't have...we got hope, we got friends, we got family, and that one thing the Empire can't take away from us not now and Ever Ezra said as he saw everyone nodding their nod Let me tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbow, it's a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you there permanently if you let it you me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but it ain't how hard you hit it's about how hard you can GET HIT AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD HOW MUCH YOU CAN TAKE, AND KEEP MOVING FORWARD THAT HOW WINNING IS DONE!Ezra said as everyone cheer and clap at Ezra speech NOW LET HEAD TO CORUSCANT AND SHOW THE EMPIRE WHO THE BOSS!Ezra said as everyone ran to the ships. All of the ships fighters gunships took off in the air and enter orbit Ezra saw the entire rebellion fleet and Mandalorians ships with the Militia Fleet and Bridger Battalion all ships set course to Coruscant Ezra said as all ships enter Hyperspace.

*At Coruscant*

The rest of the Empire fleet was orbiting Coruscant well several groups of Storm troopers and senator guards try to get the riots under control. Grand Admiral Thrawn was aboard his dreadnought when one of the crew pick up something Admiral I'm picking up multiply ships coming out of Hyperspace in front of us he said it may be more ships from our other outpost Thrawn said but what he saw were Militia Rebellions and Mandalorians ships exiting out of Hyperspace

(Rebellion Fleet)

(Mandalorian Fighters)

(Mandalorian fleet)

Thrawn saw so many ships that it outnumber them defences positions now Thrawn said as all of the crew got to positions. Ezra saw the Empire fleet moving in to defences position

your right Ezra they are scared Gates said good all fighters launch Ezra said as the every fighters took off Hera was in the ghost leading the attack as the Empire launch all Tie's fighters and Interceptors. Both army's collided Tie's fighter were shot down exploding everywhere A X-wing was being chase by two Ties but a Militia fighter shot down the Ties. The entire Fleet open fire at the Ties as they move in opening fire at the Dreadnought Sabine Ursa are you ready Ezra ask Four Mandalorians Bombers sneak out of of the Mandalorians hangers

(Mandalorian bomber)

Four Mandalorians bombers flew around the backfield with Sabine leading the bombers we are moving in Tristan how the EMP Sabine ask Tristan check on the EMP power source

It good but should it be making noise Tristan ask yes once you are being behind the dreadnought you must time it for the EMP to be drop Ezra said Roger that Sabine said as she and the other bombers move in. They saw the Dreadnought engine target in sight Sabine said as she ready the target the bombers got close soon they flew over the Dreadnought NOW!Sabine said as she and the other bombers Pull up in time as they launch the EMP it hit the Engine blowing up the thrusters and blowing up the back of the Dreadnought Tristan and his bombers Pull up as they launch their EMP blowing up the second Dreadnought Thrusters causing a huge critical explosives throughout both Dreadnought. Thrawn felt his ship shake as he saw red lights going off what happen Thrawn ask the Entire Thrusters are gone and so it the Engine room the crew said as his controls exploded Thrawn saw his Dreadnought drifting to the second ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!Thrawn said as he ran to the escape pods but it was too late as his Dreadnought crash into second making both Dreadnought go critical. The Fighters got away from both Dreadnought as they exploded destroying their ships and fighters Ezra saw the wreckage of the Fleet no Imperial ships were left standing all shuttles move in Ezra said as he make his way to his hanger. All of the Militia shuttles and gunships with the rebels and Mandalorians fighters following as the fleet move in.

Coruscant defenses kick in and fire their anti-air guns turn on and open fire at the fighters but the Militia fighters lock on to the turrets destroying the ones around the senator building the shuttles hover in front of the building as the crowds scatter but the ground forces open fire at the shuttles the Militia shuttles landed dropping off the soldiers with the rebels soldier's quickly drop the defence walls a soldier said as a shuttle drop a defences wall for them to use

The soldiers ran up to wall as Storm troopers on the street move in but the rebels and Militia Soldier's got to cover and fire at them back. Mandalorians ships flew in opening the side doors Bo Katan and the rest of the Mandalorians jump off then flew in the air as Coruscant launch their own Fighters and jet-pack soldier's as Bridger Battalion pods hit the ground releasing Ezra and the 6-4 then Titans drop behind them they began to use their shoulders rockets to shot down Jet-pack soldier's in the air Hera where are those Tanks Ezra said they are coming Hera said as Rebels fighters hover over the area and drop the anti-air tanks

The tanks lock into the ground and fire in the air taking down a Coruscant fighter Ezra go we got this handle go now Sabine said from her Titan Ezra made his way to the Coruscant building. Ezra saw Coruscant Guards guarding the Building Ezra shot down the one in front of him the Ghost flew over Ezra as the ramp open up Kanan and Rex jump off the Ghost they cut down the guards GO EZRA!Kanan said as he slice a guard Esra ran to the door as he saw them close Ezra fire his grapple and swing inside as the door close behind him.

*in the senator chamber*

Palpatine sit in his chair as he look out the window to watch the battle he saw Coruscant ships going down as Mandalorians board them a group of Coruscant Guards enter the room sir we need to get you to safety the guard said I get to my ship on my own you just make sure they don't get inside Palpatine said as he walk pass the guards. Ezra made his way through the buildings looking for the broadcast room but he he stop when he saw a black cloak figure standing at the end of the wall he spin his spear around his back before spinning it in his hands before he had the spear on his back then he turn on the tip of the spear

Ezra just look at him then he shrugged his shoulder before he shot the Sith Guard in the head killing him Ezra walk pass the body but he pick up the staff. The battle continues to go on Rebels and Militia Soldier's were on the wall shooting at the Storm troopers Hera was on the ground after the Ghost took a nasty hit to the Thrusters Hera was on the wall helping a medic with a wounded soldier MAN DOWN!A pilot said SOMEONE MAN THE 50 CAL!A pilot said Hera look at the turret

Hera got up and grab the handle before she point it at the Storm troopers before firing she hit several troopers on the ground. Gates was on the wall running and jumping across to building to building shooting the Troopers down below she made back to the wall as the front of the wall lower down spectre and stalkers exit the wall moving forward shooting the Empire The Titans were on the other side holding off the scout walkers as the Mandalorians and rebels tanks deal with the Fighters and Jetpack soldier's. Above the senator building the battle continue in the air Coruscant Fighters were falling out of the air as a 6 star destroyers that were station on Coruscant were being engage with the fleet a Star Destroyers that was on fire was descending after taking a critical hit to their thrusters

Ezra ship hover over the Senator Buildings providing supports as Tie fighters attack the ship A Tie Interceptor flew to the sides and fire several missiles into the ships as it fire at the Intercepter but it got away as the missiles hit the side of the ship

Sarah was in her Titan at the Third wall she bent down and open her hatch to see Gates what the status Sarah ask we got imperial popping out no where the remains destroyers are engage with the fleet but we also found a IMC shuttle Gates said Blisk he here Sarah said in shock but a rocket hit her Titan she close her hatch and fire back.

Ezra found the broadcast room he upload the Intel's which includes video, audio, and alot of others things against the Emperor Ezra come in Sarah said I'm here in uploading the Intel Ezra said listen to me Blisk is here I repeat Blisk is here Sarah said Ezra stop then he walk to the computer that was in the room but a Coruscant guard enter the room FREEZE!He said but Ezra point his repeater at him before shooting him in the head Ezra use the camera to search for Blisk then he spot him on the very top floor your not getting away this time Blisk Ezra said as he walk out of the room and seal it shit before he made his way to the top of the floor. Sabine was in her Titan shooting at the scout Walker's blowing it up Sabine Ezra is heading to the Top of the building where Blisk is heading Sarah said WHAT! without BT Ezra won't stand a chance Sabine said we got this Cover go help Ezra Sarah said Sabine out her weapon on her Titan back before she ran to the buildings but since she can't get inside because of her Titan she decide to jump up on the side of the building. Vader stood near the window watching the on going battle relax a voice said Vader look behind him to see Blisk walking to him the Militia won't be a problem once you have this Blisk said as he held a data-drive in his hand your enemy team up with the rebels how....unprofessional Vader said well don't worry with this copy of the IMC Fold weapon you can recreate the weapon and the Ark to help you wipe the rebels off Blisk said as he held it in front of Vader but before Vader can grab it Blisk move his hand back but this isn't for free now let talk about my payment Blisk said but a Spear was throw across the room spearing the data-drive destroying it Vader and Blisk look at the door as Two Coruscant Guard were shot in the back Ezra walk in the room pointing his repeater at them that not happening Blisk Ezra said Blisk laugh at Ezra So the Hero still alive I thought you perish on that dirt ball Blisk said it take more then that to kill me now surrender both of you there no where to run Ezra said making Blisk laugh you think we just surrender you are more foolish then I thought...just like your parents Blisk said with a smile Ezra grip his repeater that is why you aren't leaving Ezra said Vader took a step by Blisk shall we deal with him Vader ask as he grab his cape and throw it to the side Blisk said as he grab two machete off his back let send him to his maker Blisk said then Vader jump in the air as Blisk ran at Ezra but Ezra jump to the side as Vader hit the ground Blisk swing his Machete left and Ezra as Ezra dodge them Ezra duck under Vader Lightsaber as he smack Vader back before he use his repeater to block Blisk machete then he kick him back as Ezra jump over Vader Lightsaber and fire his Grapple at the spear near him Ezra caught the spear as he landed with the spear in his hand

Ezra stood up as he spin the spear around in front of him before he point at them Time to end this once and for all Ezra said as he charge at them Vader went for a swing but Ezra slid under it before he block Blisk Machete then he kick him back before he spin the spear to counter attack Vader Lightsaber your skills are impression maybe if you live I train you to be my student Vader said but Ezra punch Vader in the face making him stumble back sorry but I like who I am Ezra said Vader look at Ezra as one of his visor was crack so be it Vader said as he charge at Ezra.

Sabine Titan was continue to climb up the buildings but several jetpack soldier's were trying to shoot her down but her clan and the other Mandalorians were keeping them off her. A Tie Fighter crash right above her making Sabine lose grip abit Ursa Tristan Bo Katan flew to her and they try to push her up abit IRIS A LITTLE  HELP!Sabine ask understand Pilot Wren Iris said as she fire three large Grapple into the buildings her pull herself up and continue to climb Tristan land on her Titan back and cover her as she continue to climb up. Ezra dodge Vader swings and using the spear to block his lightsaber Vader and Ezra continue to fight each other that they never notice Blisk snuck off Vader lock his lightsaber with Ezra spear both holding their ground you and this rebellion will fall you can't stop us Vader said as he push down on his lightsaber Ezra began to lose his grip on the floor as Vader Lightsaber heat up the middle of the spear Not today Bucket head Ezra said as he headbutt Vader before Ezra did a spin slicing off Vader right hand Vader stumble back as he held his Right hand Ezra kick Vader back before he grab him and headbutt him several times breaking Vader helmet but Ezra Headbutt Vader one more time he broke Vader helmet as he fell on one Knee Ezra caught his lightsaber and put the lightsaber and the Spear by his neck do it boy show me your hatred Vader said sorry but I don't have time Ezra said as he knock up Vader with the back of the spear.

Ezra turn around alright Blisk your mine Ezra said but Blisk was gone then the side of the wall exploded Ezra saw Blisk Titan walking throw it well Hero without your precious Titan you can't beat Blisk said that hasn't stop before and it won't now Ezra said I like your guts kid I give you that but sadly I can't allow you to live Blisk said as he close his Hatch then his Legion Titan grab it Mini-gun and fire at Ezra but Ezra got to cover behind a pillar. Ezra fire his grapple and flew up to the wall The Legion Titan fire at Ezra as He ran across the wall Ezra had Vader Lightsaber and the spear in his hands he jump off the all and Blisk Titan use it left hand to grab Ezra but Ezra stab the Titan arm before he climb on the arm and jump over the Titan and land on top of the Titan Ezra grab his Wingman and fire into the battery placement but Blisk Titan try to grab Ezra but he was who quick Ezra jump off the Titan before he grapple above the Titan but Blisk Titan grab Ezra but Ezra stab the hand releasing it grip on him Ezra roll to safety Ezra grab his repeater and switch to explosive rounds Ezra step out of cover and fire at Blisk Titan doing a little damage but it made him slow Blisk Titan use it gun to bash the Pillar Ezra was hiding behind but Ezra got out of the way in time then he dodge Blisk Titan as he swings his mini-gun trying to hit him Ezra grapple over the Blisk Titan but his Titan shot his grapple hook making Ezra fell and hit the floor hard Ezra repeater slid away from him Blisk Titan walk to him and pick up Ezra but Ezra roll over as he toss three Fire stars which hit the hatch of Blisk Titan Ezra jump on the hatch as he use Vader Lightsaber to stab the middle of it and drag it across the hatch but the Titan grab Ezra and squeeze him making Ezra scream in pain Blisk Titan brought Ezra in front of him but the hatch was ejected Blisk was inside of his Titan you had enough hero Blisk ask Ezra struggle to free himself never Ezra said well to bad you been a pain in my ass some we meet but now you will never get in my way again Blisk said as he slowly crush Ezra making Ezra scream in pain Blisk smile as he watches but his Titan got hit by a massive laser from the back losing his grip on Ezra It was Sabine Titan charging in as she fire her laser beam at Blisk Titan SABINE!Ezra said Sabine Titan stop firing her laser stupid girl stay out of this Blisk said as he point his Titan left at her and it open to reveal several Titan missiles Blisk fire them and they hit Sabine Titan in the arms, legs and chest but one of the missiles hit her power core exploding Sabine Titan making it fall on the floor NO!Ezra said as he grip the side of the Titan hand using all of his strength to break free from the grip once Ezra broke the Titan thumb he was able to grt free and he jump in the air he use his grapple to grab the spear as soon Blisk turn around Ezra stab him in the chest making Blisk scream then Ezra start punching him left and right over and over again then grabbing him by his shirt and slamming the back of his head inside his cockpit THIS FOR MY PARENT'S!Ezra said as he Punch Blisk in the face THIS FOR ME!Ezra said as he Punch Blisk in the face over and over as Blisk Titan kept walking into things well Ezra beat up Blisk even smashing the window Ezra grab his Data-knife and stab Blisk in the shoulder before Ezra jump off the Titan as he pull out one of Sabine grenade he borrow he press down on it and toss it at Blisk Titan Ezra pull out his Wingman and aim at the grenade before firing the bullet hit the Grenada blowing it up near Blisk cockpit doing a large enough damage that it send Ezra back and knock Blisk Titan down.

Outside of the Senator Building the battle continues on but the Empire was falling Ursa and Bo Katan were on the ground with Tristan after taking a hit to his shoulder just patch me up Mother Tristan said as Militia medic team patch Tristan shoulder but the top of the Senators building exploded making everyone look back as they saw explosive EZRA!Sarah said as she saw the explosives. The inside was the senator building was fill with smoke and fire as smoke escape the building Ezra was laying on the ground underneath some rumble Ezra groan as he push the rumble off him as he get up Ezra helmet was sparking so he took it off and throw it to the side Ezra head was bleeding a bit and most of his jump-kit was shredded Ezra heard noise he look to see Blisk Titan on it side near the edge of the building he walk to the Titan to see it was damage badly but the floor was weak the crotch down to see Blisk still inside his face was burnt with the spear still stuck inside his chest Blisk cough up blood abit well Hero look like this is the end *cough*cough* but I know the Militia to well you can't never resist helping anyone Blisk said as held out his hand for Ezra but the floor move abit as pieces fell off so I'm asking for help and by your right of the Militia you have to Blisk said with a weak smile Ezra lift his hand up and move it to Blisk making Blisk smile as he held his knife in the other hand but Ezra move his hand over Blisk hand and grab a small lever so he pull the lever up as alarms inside the Titan went off Titan self destruction active t-minus 20 seconds Blisk look at Ezra I'm not like the others Ezra said as hes stood up and Blisk....this is for BT Ezra said as he put his foot on the Titan then shove it abit then the floor give away making the Titan slide off before falling BRIDGER! Blisk scream as he and his Titan fell Ezra stood at the edge as he saw Blisk Titan Exploded. Ezra had Blisk symbol he give him so he throw it over the edge but then he remember someone SABINE!Ezra said as he ran to her Titan which was laying on it back Ezra climb aboard then he try to open it Titan override code name:Bridger Ezra said as Sabine Titan eye turn green access code accepted ejected hatch Iris said as she launch her hatch Ezra saw Sabine bit she wasn't moving Ezra grab her and pull her from her Titan and sit her down on the floor Sabine?Sabine wake up! Ezra said as he shake her but she still didn't wake up Ezra took off her helmet and put his head on her chest to hear no heart beat No! Sabine wake up please Ezra said as he rock Sabine body Ezra put his head on her before he close his eyes please Sabine...i can't lose you too please!I love you Ezra whisper as he kiss Sabine forehead and hold her hand but he felt Sabine squeeze his hand Ezra look to see Sabine opening her eyes Ezra? Is that you? Sabine ask making Ezra laugh a bit before he kiss Sabine then hug her I thought I lost you Ezra said you won't lose me, I'm to tough to get rid off Sabine said making her and Ezra chuckle. Ezra pick up Sabine and help her walk as he pick up his and Sabine helmet and his repeater then made their way to the door but Sabine stop him what about him Sabine ask as they look at Vader Ezra walk to him and put on cuff before he pick up Vader and all three of them exit the Senate building. The Militia rebels and Mandalorians finish the battle they were helping the wounded Hera Kanan Zeb and Rex were talking to Sarah and Ursa when a Militia soldier spoke HEY LOOK!he said making everyone look at the front door to see Ezra Sabine with Vader everyone cheer for them Hera Kanan Zeb Chopper and Sarah ran to them SABINE!EZRA!Hera said as she hug them she broke the hug as Sarah hug Ezra and Ursa Tristan and her father hug Sabine I was worry Sarah said as she broke the hug it take alot more to get rid of me Ezra said but he look at Vader as Two Rebels soldiers set him on a shuttle what will happen to him Ezra ask he pay for his crimes against the Republic and for all the Jedi he killed Kanan said hey the Intel it broadcasting Rex said as he point to the holo-billboard that show what they found come on let get you two to medical bay Hera said as Sarah and Ursa help them walk.

*Harmony(back on Ezra ship)*

Ezra stood in his room next to his deck he was looking at a picture of his parent's he smile before he close his eyes then he felt a hand on his shoulder thank you my son for ending this battle that we couldn't finish now we can rest in peace thanks to you Ezra heard his father voice as he felt the hand vanish then he heard a knock come in Ezra said the door open and Sabine walk she had her arm in a cast, with a bandage around her forehead hey how you feel Sabine ask as she walk in the room well good actually Ezra said hey your Aunt send me she has something for you Sabine said alright let go see Ezra said as he put down the picture and head to see Sarah. Sabine and Ezra enter the cockpit Sarah was with Gates hey how you feel Sarah ask good so what sup Ezra ask well we want to show you this Sarah said as Gates show them a Data-core what about it Ezra ask look what it said on the back Gates said Ezra grab the Data-core and turn it over to see the name of it

Data-Core Titan: BT-7274

Ezra eyes widen in shock BT is it really you? Ezra ask yes he must has transfer his A.I Data directly to your ship before he destroy the Fold weapon Sarah said with a smile Ezra rub the name with his thumb we can bring him back yes but we don't have anymore Vanguard Titan left Gates said but maybe this will do Sarah said as she show him a Titan class Ezra smile that will do Ezra said as he smile at the image. Ezra Sabine Sarah Gates Hera Kanan Zeb Ursa Tristan and the rest of the 6-4 were in the hanger were the new Titan was in Ezra stood on a lift with the data-core in his hand please let this work Ezra said as he put the Data-core in the Titan then he lower the lift down to the floor and step back the Titan active adjusting his eye before installing the new Data-core then the Titan was lower to the floor then it got on one Knee in front of everyone BT?is that you?Ezra ask the Titan eye adjust it eye before it spoke hello Pilot Bridger BT said making BT smile as he Hug BT making BT close his Eye as he use one arm to hug Ezra back glad to have back BT Ezra said glad to be back BT said as he stood up showing everyone his new body

Well BT you don't have to worry about the IMC or Empire their gone Sarah said I don't understand BT said it means we won the war is over Ezra said then we have completed your parent's mission they would be proud of you Pilot Bridger BT said indeed but their one more thing we all need to do before anything else Ezra said which they nod their head. In the middle of the Angle city everyone including the people of Harmony stood around a statue of first Titan Pilot with candles flower and picture of the one who fallen including the rebellion and Mandalorians had something too they hang the Picture on the statue and place the Candles or flowers on the bottom of the statues Ezra walk forward he kneel down and put a picture of his parents with his father helmet he place the helmet down then put the picture on top of the helmet Ezra stood up then back up soon lanterns were set lose and they flew in the air behind the statue lighting the city up with bright lights.

*10 years later*

(Narrator pov)
Things as change since the fall of the Empire and the IMC. The Emperor Palpatine was arrested with Vader after the Senate learn about his role thought the Clone Wars he was accursed of Treason, the death of the Jedi order, manipulating the Senator so was Vader but he was charge with the highest the death of Padme Amidala which they learn was Anakin Skywalker her husband the people of Coruscant has choose a new Emperor Senator Bail Organa who spoke about the death of the Jedi and Padme Amidala who reveal that his daughter is Padme daughter Leia Skywalker took the role of the Senator of Alderaan and told the people were to find Padme son Luke Skywalker on Tatoonine with Obi wan Kenobi. The rebellion has join force with the Militia and the New Republic who travel across galaxy restoring the Galaxy to the way it was. The ghost crew had a different story Hera and Kanan settle down and decide to get married both have a son and daughter Jacen and Dawn Jarrus Syndulla Hera is a teacher to the Militia flight-school well Kanan stay home, Zeb and Rex teach the new recruits on Harmony, for Sabine and Ezra they too got married but they move to Ezra parents old house near a farm which they both like with their daughter Mira Wren-Bridger.

(End of Narrator)

The Sun rise throughout the land near a farm Sabine exit the house with a tray of Lemonade she saw in the field Ezra carrying basket of fruit and vegetables with their 3yrs old Mira carrying a smaller basket fill with berries and off to the right was BT carrying tree's then dropping them off in the pile Mommy look how much I got Mira said as she show Sabine her basket wow honey that alot we wash them for tomorrow Ok Sabine said with a smile ok mommy Mira said as she put her basket down and ran inside Ezra walk up she hyped Ezra said well she love it when she help out in the field Sabine said as she and Ezra kiss each other she hand him a lemonade then grab her cup before they sit down on their chairs Mira exit the house with her sippy cup fill with juice she climb on Sabine lap and got comfy BT sit down by the house as they watch the sunset on Harmony enjoying the peacefully site on Harmony.

                            The End

That the end of the this Book I hope you all enjoy the book and please be safe out there have a good day.

Spartanleader out

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