Ezra rescue BT-7274\Ash fight

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(Ezra pov)
We exit the tunnel to a cliff pilot this path will lead us to ash and it may be a short cut too BT said okay let go i said has we walk and follow BT path watch your step it a long way down BT said we walk pass a waterfall and we come to a place i don'y know what is this place i ask BT accessing files.....unknown BT said we jump down so did BT we walk n the water to a platform what are we doing here BT sabine ask him we proceed through this facially in order to get to reach the factory BT said we walk pass a dead and destroy scorch i walk to it to see the weapon was still here BT grab this we could need it i told him he pick the weapon and reload it thermite launcher ready BT said i embark with BT we took point Ash this is Blisk how copy over?this is ask go head Kane is not responding. I think our Militia pilot is trying to be a hero he got to be headed your way, kill him understood ash out who Blisk? i ask BT he is a war criminal wanted by the Militia commonly employed by the IMC. Blisk was responsible for the death of my pilot before your father Captain Lastimosa BT said.

We walk to a tunnel and we turn right to slide down into a factory we look everywhere to see robots being made the empire been busy Zeb said no the IMC their making reapers BT said has we slide down and we see IMC soldiers CONTACT one of them said BT fire the thermite launcher at them then more come out from the side BT fire again and he slam right fist down to make a fire wall killing a lot of soldiers then BT fire a incendiary trap  and using the thermite launcher to light it killing the soldiers and the specters too we walk to a coiner to see the IMC grunts shooting at us but BT use the firewall to burn them some run away only to be hit by a crane arm the ghost team got to cover and fire at the grunts BT use the incendiary trap and light them up . We came up to big area there where specters,stalkers,and brute titan 

it fire rockets at us and i use the vortex shield to catch them and launch them back hitting the brute i use the launcher and the firewall to kill the brute titan then a tone titan walk out and fire at us 

the titian fire it rockets i got behind cover he use his salvo core breaking my shields and damaging me i run up to him and punch him the using the launcher to blow him up i turn to see the ghost crew running behind cover and they fire at the soldiers killing them in one shot then the metal door open to see a tone and two brute titans walking up Flame core ready BT said i got close and use the flame core BT raise both of his hands in the air and slam them down on the ground the ground was on fire destroying all three titan then the soldiers were kill by the ghost crew. We enter another room but it was a loading room i see another weapon for us BT grab that i said he grab the weapon Brute weapon online BT said 

I lump out of BT and the ghost crew walk to me pilot this loading dock cargo offers a shortcut through the facility check your HUD for the control panel BT said okay stay here i told them has i ran to the control panel i jump and run on the wall jump across and five IMC soldiers come running out of the room and they fire at me i toss a Grenada at them they saw it and it kill all five of them i walk in the room to turn on the control panel and i ran back outside to the other when a giant crane grab BT pilot i require assistance BT said has he was pick by the crane and start to move away from us ash to kappa three i have located a security breach loading dock 13 over roger kappa three en route over BT hang on come on i said has we ran to the platform and i start it and it follow the crane pilot..i can't break myself free....ezra BT said.

(Sabine pov)
We follow the crane that grab BT pilot...pilot i need assistance BT said has he struggle to free himself people Zeb said has we ready our weapon but ezra jump across and did a roll shot them and toss a weapon at one of then he caught it and ezra kick him off we got off the lift we follow ezra has he run on a pipe we stop when the pipe was cut off how do we get a cross i ask ezra he grab his gun and fire at a old pipe it fell off but got stuck go i meet you guys ezra said has he jump on the wall and run across it to the other side we slide down the pipe to ezra pilot..ezra if you can hear me i am being taken to this facility sub-station BT said BT how do we get to you ezra ask him you must follow the pipes to the lower levels warning ....losing contact BT said has he was cut off from us look like we're on our own now ezra said has toss us all something what are this I ask him thruster packs they help you keep up with me ezra said has he jump on the wall we follow him but chopper use his jets to fly across

Ezra land on a platform and jump over a gap to the other side and we made it but I slip SABINE hera said has I fell by someone caught me i look up to see ezra caught me I got you he said has he pull me up thanks I said your welcome ezra said has we both got back up i can see IMC infantry scattered throughout this facility Be careful pilot BT told use ezra jump down into a pipe and he land on a platform we look to see soldiers standing and talking ezra cloak and run to them kickim the one in the back and smashing the other too head together we reach a underground factory then the coms went off Blisk this is ash I have a Vanguard-class titan what would like me to do with it I don't bloody care destroy it what about its pilot he being dealt with this facility was built to kill im sure I can take advantage of that fact if I have to ash that place is not your bloody playground I'm not paying you to be clever!You scuttle that place if you have to eh? Blisk out they both said we jump on a crane it move us to another platform with bad guys pilot I am being taken down an assembly line there may be a common exit I recommend you follow the flow of the platforms BT said has we got to cover pilot this facility is extremely dangerous watch for crushing hazard on the assembly line BT told us we come up from behind cover and start to shooting them their was one with a shield and ezra jump over him and crack his neck then we got on a platform it and jump on a crane and land on another platform chopper keep going but stay hidden they kill you with they see you ezra told him he wave at him and flew under everything pilot I am being taken through an area stock with prefabricated structures l we are not far apart keep moving BT told us what the hell are they building here BT ezra ask him Unknown, but I doubt the IMC are mass producing homes they usually destroy them BT told us we kept fighting through many platform's with soldiers robot's and turents too but we manage to hope a building caring by a crane to catch our breathe and to rest keep eye's open we still need to find BT and get out ezra said pilot...pilot are you alright BT ask ezra barley that was a meat grinder are you okay ezra ask him YEAH WE OKAY TO DON'T WORRT ABOUT US Zeb yelled I am undamaged however I don't believe this is a food processing plant BT said then crane was bring more platform to the same place we were then a speaker was turn on I see you pilot I admire your perseverance if only the IMC infantry were as dedicated who this now i ask the person I'm Ash a member of the apex predator and you pilot have brought me guest maybe I should study them when they are dead Ash said hss the platform was put on the side there is only one way pilot...up ash said pilot scans indicated the dome above is your best course of action to find an exit I recommend getting there by any means necessary BT told us okay everyone start to climb ezra said has he start to we follow him to a crane the dome is waiting rest assured I will not execute you summarily you have my word ash told us we made it to a platform hanging on the wall impressive pilot you made it all this way alive unfortunately for you there only one way out step onto a moving platform ash told us we jump across one well done pilot i will take it from here  ash said has the platform brought us to the a dome then the light turn off now we shall see how impressive you truly are ash said has the light turn back on and we see the dome was a testing room we heard a alarm and we turn to see a door opening with soldiers look a pilot the soldier call us we ran to him sir thank god we could use your help in this he said let us began... deploying spectres ash said has two pods lands and spectres came out and shooting at us we start to fore back pilot your heart rate is accelerated are you in distress BT ask ezra I'm kinda busy BT ezra told him if in combat utilize your cloak it will temporarily make you invisible BT told ezra then the middle open up to a small robot REAPER WATCH IT ezra said has we move out of the way and the reaper kill the four soldiers the reaper went for me but Kanan jump on top of it and use his light saber and stab the top of it then ezra shot in the eye Kanan jump off it has it explosive let make this a little more interesting ash said a second reaper show up ezra start to shoot at it ran up him ezra move out of the way then Kanan slice it leg and it right him it explosived the IMC really ought to thank's me for helping make their reaper more effective perhaps I'll have to renegotiate my contract ash said has we finish up with the last spectres how strange... this is taking longer then expected you should have died by now ash said I shot the last spectres that everyone ezra I said good now let find a way out of here and get to BT I don't think so kappa One,report to dome 3-1-4 immediately Objective-destroy the Militia pilot how copy over solid copy, proceeding to dome 3-1-4 out look like we got more ready up ezra said has we by the door kappa one in position awaiting order to proceed-over the captain said I admire your perseverance,but it's time to end this kappa one,eliminate the Militia pilot you are cleared to engage opening the door!squad,prepare for dome breach! The door open and we see then coming out OPEN FIRE ezra said has we fire at them killing them all one by one okay let go ezra said has we ran in using the door they came in pilot ezra,are you alright? BT ask I think we pissed her off,BT ezra said as I should have expected the IMC infantry clearly lack your resolve perhaps I have no choice but to step in personally a rare miscalculation on my part ash said has we climb up a pipe and side down it.

(Ezra pov)
We slide down a pipe it let us to a giant pipe and a cave we crawl under it ash tell me you killed that pilot I am dealing with him stop getting caught up in yours games am I not allowed to enjoy myself whlie I work not when your work suffers point taken ash out don't worry with the price I putting on his head you can by all the toys you want we exit the cave to a animal holding cell then the ground shook and the wall came off and so some of the cells we jump on the cells to get to the other side pilot I don't know what you dine but a series of explosion weakened the manipulation arm,I have broken free BT said we run to where BT locations was five spectres came out and fire at us but we shot them and kept running this place is falling part I suggest we leave you are not far from my location marking your HUB BT said we ran and jump on moving crane to the other side and we see BT fighting reapers this is a highly dangerous environment I suggest you embark,pilot BT said you got it guys stay behind us and becareful I told them has I jump to BT and climb him in BT fire at the reaper destroying them then I saw a brute,northstar and a Ronin Titan I switch the weapon to the brute loadout and I destroy the Ronin and the brute flight core ready BT said I use it and BT flew in the air and fire the missile at the northstar killing it then we ran to other side everyone was getting out there a exit Kanan said but we saw something running it unphase and it was a Ronin titan and the cockpit open up it was Ash

Blisk put a high price on your head pilot dead or alive that make you worth something to me ash said has she climb back in and her titan put it sword on it back and phase get to cover now I tell the ghost ash titian phase in front of me I deployed the shield to block her bullets then I fire at her and launching the rockets at her she use her sword to block it but to didn't work her titan was on fire i run up to and punch her BT grab her

He pull her out out of her titan and crashing her with his fist

Then he kick her titan down the lock down was over pilot,the security lockdown has been disengaged I recommended we leave through the tunnel BT said okay come on I said to the ghost crew wait where chopper hera ask then chopper came down the ramp hey how did you get here before us zeb ask him chopper made some grumbling noise this droid said he took a shortcut and follow the pipes BT said we ran to the door pilot I have concluded we should take no further shortcuts BT said YOU THINK we all said together

Hope you guy's like this chapter and enjoy it too my friends.

Spartanleader out

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