The rest stop/love began

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(Ezra pov)
Me BT and the rebels continue walking from the factory and heading the Empire station so we can call home. I was leading the way well BT was ahead scouting come keep up I said as I continue walking Ezra wait Hera said as she was out of breathe there no time to wait the longer we do the less time we have I said I know but we are tired and hungry we need to stop Hera said I look back to see the other walking slowly we take a 30 minute break then we continue I said Ezra I haven't slept in two days we nees to sleep too Sabine said to bad I was train to go weeks without food water and sleep you can handle it I said pilot Ezra my scan said they need to rest or they will pass out from exhaustion and starvation too BT said I sigh fine we rest here for the night I said making them sigh as they sit down BT help them start a fire I be back I said as I walk pass him do you request support BT ask no BT i got stay with them until I return i said copy that BT said as I continue walking.

(Sabine pov)
I was sitting by the campfire trying to get to starting hey does anyone have a spare lighter I ask allow me Sabine Wren BT said as he pull out the fire cannon and use it ability to start the fire oh thanks I said your request as been fulfilled BT said as he pull the cannon away as a corpse of a animal land by us we look to see Ezra kneeling by it who hungry Ezra said as he start cutting the animal.

*night time*

I was eating the meat from the animal so did everyone else this is great Ezra Hera said as she took another bite yeah kid not bad Zeb said as Ezra flip the meat over you learn a fee things when your alone for 18 years Ezra said I continue eating when I saw a symbol on Ezra helmet

What symbol is that I ask Ezra look at his helmet that is the 6-4 symbol of the Militia core it the unit that Ezra family serve BT said making Ezra look down before he got up and out on his helmet then grab his spitfire I'm going on patrol BT stay here with them until I call Ezra said before he left I sigh Sabine Wren Ezra as Suffer alot there the years losing his family was the hardest for him BT said as Zeb let put a yawn well we better get some sleep Zeb said yeah we better I said as he got in our sleeping bags what about Ezra Hera ask i still picking him up on my scan he will be fine BT said as I lay down by the fire and use my helmet as a pillow then I close my eyes as I fell asleep.

(No one pov)
It was around midnight Sabine and the others rebels were sleeping well BT was on guard near the cave entrance but from a distance 5 arm men were following them one of them toss something to make a noise BT look to his left he got up as he heard the noise again he scan the area but he found nothing so he went to find out who made the noise. Sabine heard rocks move she woke up and rub her eyes she look around to see nothing so she got up and went to see what going on BT?Sabine sais as she look around but then a hand cover mouth as she was drag back Sabine was kicking as she try to break free but another person grab her legs and the them up as they tie her hands too they put a rope in Sabine mouth as they tie it to make her quite we got the mandalorian what about the other's one of them ask they want the girl's kill the men one of them said wait weren't there three men one of them ask as they heard a loud noise they look behind them to see Ezra with his pistol pointing at them

let her go Ezra said making them laugh as one of them hold Sabine with his blaster pointing at her head of what you think you can shot us with that little thing the leader said yes I can because I don't miss Ezra said as he fire hitting all five of them in the head all body fell to the ground Ezra put his pistol away amd untie Sabine you should be at the cave Ezra said as he untie Sabine mouth before he untie her hands and legs I heard something so I went to check it out Sabine said as she stood up well I was my back you should have stay back Ezra said as wall away Sabine grab him by his should listen here now Bridger we been following you since the capital now we are tired of you bossing us around thinking you your the boss of us but not me Sabine said watch your mouth Wren before I shut it for you Ezra said or what you kill me you think your tough I show you who tough Sabine said as Ezra shove her to the wall and put his knife against her throat listen here Wren I been on this planet for 18th years now and I want to get off this planet and back to mine with my family Ezra said as he grip the knife tightly Ezra I know your scared your not use to being alone for many years and I get it before I meet Hera and the others I was alone too I didn't trust anyone before I meet them but then after a few years I learn to trust them as my family Sabine said as Ezra lower his knife a bit so listen when I tell you this we got your back but you must treat us the same way or we won't help you do you get what I'm saying Ezra Sabine ask as Ezra lower his knife and his helmet visor open up your right I'm sorry Sabine Ezra said as Sabine put a hand on his helmet before he took it off they look into other eyes it okay Sabine said before they move their face closer before then the two od them kiss each other.

Ezra and Sabine walk back to the cave hey listen please don't tell them what we did Sabine said don't worry I won't Ezra said as they made it back to the cave to see BT coming back BT where you go?Ezra ask I went to scout ahead and also to investing a noise but I found away to the station BT said Alright show us in the morning get some sleep Sabine Ezra said as Sabine went to lay back down in her sleeping back well Ezra sit down on a rock and put his Spitfire by him BT guard the entrance until dawn Ezra said copy that BT said as Ezra put his feet on a rock before closing his eyes.

BT Ezra and the rebels walk down the path until they reach the bottom so what now Zeb ask the way to the station is tricky so I would carry you BT said wait carry you mean it.... above us Zeb ask as he look up indeed BT said as he crotch down the Rebels climb on him and Ezra climb in the cockpit then BT start climbing the mountain side carefully.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter I be working on my other books now so don't worry.

Spartanleader out

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