The Sabezra date

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(No one pov)
Sabine was inside family underground hanger where she put her Titan at Sabine was going over the Titan handbook as she try to work on her Titan okay to bound to a Titan you must first sink to the Titan in order to fully bound when sink your Titan can keep track of you where you are at and monitor you in battle Sabine said as she read the pages okay I think I got it Sabine said her Titan lower down on it knees and open it hatch up Sabine climb inside and sit down in the seat as the hatch close as the Titan got up from it knee

Ion Titan: Protocol 1: link to pilot establishing nearual link

Sabine felt her Titan link to her gear and helmet it felt like a giant headache that hit her hard

Ion Titan: Nearual link establishing Sabine Wren you are now acting pilot of Titan Class Ion of the Bridger Battalion

Ion Titan: Protocol 2: uphold the missions no mission retrieve from command

Ion Titan: Protocol 3: protect the pilot

The Titan hatch open up and Sabine climb out of her Titan okay now I need a name for you Sabine said as she began to think of a name hmm how about scrapper?Sabine ask making het Titan look at her okay no how about Crusher? oh I know I called you Iris Sabine said as her Titan eye began to flicker Name acceptable you may now called me Iris Iris said good now let see what else you can do Sabine said as she start reading the book the door open up and Ursa walk in the room so how it goes in here Ursa ask good I just got down with the protocols and sink to the Titan it now belong to me Sabine said well the Empire been quite for a few weeks I believe your boyfriend is to much trouble for them Ursa said as she lean against the table and smile Sabine smile well Ezra people are more advanced then their are and he did take on a Sith Lord by himself Sabine said boy got guts I like that Ursa said making Sabine giggle listen most of the clan member are taking a break relaxing and your brother been on patrol so I was wondering you should go out Ursa said mother still work need to be done here Sabine said Sabine we handle alot more before you return so go out be with your boyfriend Ursa said Sabine sigh okay I mean I haven't been taking a break so why not I go ask him hope he not in trouble Sabine said as she head to the coms room.

*with the Bridger Battalion*

A storm troopers exploded as several rockets hit the ground near them as Ezra ran across the battle field dodging blaster fire as he take them down one by one the 6-4 were right behind him with BT right behind them laying down covering fire for them as they make their way to the Empire outpost. Ezra got to cover as BT lay down cover fire Ezra how long till those guns are down Hera ask not long Hera but the Empire setup their defences so give me a minute Ezra said as he peek out of cover to see the outpost anti-air guns firing into the air taking down Rebels fighters that got near it BT you lay down cover fire well me and the 6-4 go around from the side keep those imperial distracted Ezra said copy that Pilot focusing fire on ground force BT said as he fire his salvo rockets Ezra Gates Bear Droz and Davis ran out of cover firing their weapons as they ran across the battle field a Tie fighter crash in front of them Ezra toss two Gravity Stars to the left it pull several Storm troopers together as Gates toss a frag grenade blowing up the troopers Ezra and Gates fire their grapples and climb up the wall as Bears Droz and Davis jump over it. They land in the other side and made their way to the controls gunning down the storm troopers Ezra grab a storm trooper from the back and slam him on the ground before stabbing him in the chest Gates grapple up on the roof and she punch one of the sniper in the fave before she turn around and kick the second sniper back before doing a spin kick Ezra shove a trooper to the ground and stab him in the face before using his body as a shield to block the blaster fire Ezra grab his spitfire and meow down the troopers Davis and Droz shotgun the one on the ground as Bear cover Ezra. Ezra made it to the control panel he brought up the anti-air controls Ezra disable the guns he look to see all of the anti-air guns shutting down Hera the guns are down began your run Ezra said Roger that Ezra coming in you guys better get out of there Hera said copy that let move Ezra said as he ran out of the room Gates jump down and ran by Ezra with the others THERE THEIR ARE!Droz said as he see Hera and the Y-wings bombers coming in HURRY!Ezea said as they all ran faster the Y-wings began their bombing run dropping proton torpedo around them or near them but Ezra look to his left side to see a trap rebel pilot stuck in her Y-wing keep going I be right behind you Ezra said as he stop and ran to the Y-wing. Ezra made to the Y-wing he saw the pilot hang on I got you Ezra said as he grab the side of the Y-wing and he use his strength to lift the Y-wing up a bit quick hurry Ezra said as he struggle to hold the fighters the pilot got out of the fighter Ezra drop the Y-wing and help the pilot up before they ran to cover BT saw them he look in the air to see a Tie Fighters felling out of the sky and it was heading to them BT ran out of cover and ran to them pilot get down BT said as he sheild them from the Tie Fighter that crash on top of him. The Y-wings bombers finish their run and return to orbit bombing run complete we meet you back to the ship Ezra Hera said BT stop shielding them next time Hera be more careful you almost got me Ezra said sorry about that Ezra Hera said BT and Ezra walk back to the ship with the others and the rebel pilot they abroad the ship lift raise up before the ship lift off the ground and head back to orbit Ezra enter the ship deck and sit down in his chair Ezra saw his battalion taken on the Empire blockade with the Bridger Battalion winning of course several destroyers were destroyed or damaged with several light cruisers gone this is Ezra Bridger all ships jump now Ezra said as the entire battalion jump into Hyperspace leaving what remains of the Empire fleet behind. Ezra lean back in his seat as he let out a sigh the door open behind him and Hera Zeb Kanan amd chopper walk in thar aas a good attack with that base gone the imperials would have to retreat from that planet as well Hera said we keep these attacks up the Empire would have no choice but to surrounder Zeb said if that was easy they would most likely retreat and go into hiding to form a counter attack on us Ezra said as he brought up the admirals of the battalion we going to drop the rebels off at base then we meet you guys back on Harmony Ezra said yes commander Bridger one of them said as they all close their channel you taking this commander role very seriously Ezra Hera said with a smile on her face well Sarah and the other's felt bad because I was never train to be a pilot and since sending most of my year on lothal they decide to promote me Ezra said well you are doing fine for a kid Zeb said with a chuckle if I'm a kid why would I take on a Sith lord and survived Ezra said with a smirk yeah that all luck Zeb said as he punch Ezra in the shoulder the Ship exit hyperspace near the planet Harmony this is our stop you guys can make it back from here Ezra said thanks Ezra for everything Hera said no need you just make sure you win this war i would like to visit the other planets without being shot at Ezra said me and you both Ezra Hera said as they head to thr hanger The battalion head down to harmony well the rebels fighters and ships head back to their base.

The ships land near the airfields the ramp lowet down Ezra and BT walk down the ramp where Sarah was waiting for them how it go Sarah ask as she walk with them well part from getting blow up and almost getting crush by a Tie Fighters pretty good but it BT I'm sorry about Ezra said my system took serveal damage weapons system down, Hull at 87% damage repairs required BT said as he enter the Titan bay and plug into the system the Marvin bot began to go to work on him BT shut down for they can repair him get some rest BT Ezra said speaking of rest you have a call from Mandalore Sarah said Ezra look at her before he ran to the command room. Ezra enter the room and walk to the console he brought up the call and Sabine appear on the screen Sabine Ezra said with a smile hey Ezra your aunt told me you were on a mission how it go Sabine ask pretty good part from almost getting blow up and crush but it went well Ezra said that good listen the reason I called is because my mother want to me to spend time with you Sabine said with a shy smile well I don't think I be needed so why not I semd you the coordinates to Harmony and I take you out Ezra said okay Bridger let see how you treat a girl Sabine said as she close the call Ezra let out a sigh well time for the hardest challenge of my Ezra said as he head to his room to get ready for his date.

*at Ezra room-8pm*

Ezra was standing by his dresser fixing his tie on his father suit he had when his aunt Sarah give him when she return his parents things to him

(Look like this abit)

Ezra kept trying to get his tie fix but it was harder then it was need so me help a voice said Ezra turn around to see Sarah standing there by his door she walk up to him and help with his tie you know when I saw your father in this suit when he ask your mother on their first date I couldn't up but laugh at him Sarah said really Ezra said yes your father was a nerd growing up but your mother like him I guess she was into nerds Sarah said as she finish tying his Tie Ezra look back at the mirror as Sarah smile at him your parents would be proud how far you came Sarah said I know they will also be proud of you as well Ezra said they both hug each other tightly now you better get going she be here soon Sarah said okay bye Ezra said as he left his room.

*at the civilian landing pad*

A Mandalorian ship landed a few people of angle city were looking at it the ship ramp lower down and Sabine walk down wearing a nice black dress

Sabine saw Ezra waiting for her in a suit and tie plus his motorcycle he had when they first meet on lothal

Sabine smile and walk to her someone dress up Sabine said well I'm not the only one like the dress Ezea said it was my mother before the clone war she let me borrow it Sabine said well let get going Ezra said as he hop on his bike and Sabine got on then took off to the restaurant he set up. They arrive at the restaurant called Angel view Ezra Park his bike and got off shall we Ezra said as he held out his hand Sabine took it and they made their way into the restaurant where a waiter bot was standing hello welcome to angle niew name please waiter bot ask Bridger Ezra said as the bot check the list aww yes Bridger and look like you ask for the VIP special please follow me to the top the bot said as he lead ezra and Sabine to the top roof. The waiter bot lead them to a table Ezra help Sabine sit down and push her in befoee he sat across from her what would you two like to eat the waiter bot ask give us the special and your finest wine Ezra said of course be right back the waiter bot said as he left so this is your home Sabine said as she look at the city yes it is this place change alot since I been on lothal but we been advancing alot but it still home Ezra said with a smile four waiter bots walk outside carrying their meal two of them put their plates down and took the cover off it as the third one pour the wine into the glass as the fourth one light the candle then all of them left them alone to enjoy their meal wow this is special Sabine said well enjoy it Sabine it all for you Ezra said as he pick up her glass wine so did Sabine they toast each other before drinking their wine peacefully.

*outside of the city*

Ezra and Sabine were on top of a hill looking over the city Ezra had his right arm around her as Sabine rest her head on hia shoulder it so peaceful Sabine said yes it is Ezra said as they continue to look at the city hey Sabine can I ask you something Ezra ask sure what is it Sabine said when the war between the Empire and rebellion is over what are your plans after that Ezra ask well I really don't my mother told me that me or my brother will be the next ruler of clan Wren Sabine said have you ever I don't know...think about having a family Ezra ask Sabine sit up and turn around to face Ezra I mean I do want a family but I never been one of those girls who want kids at a certain age Sabine said what about you? When you win the war with thr IMC what would you do Sabine ask well I wanted to settled down where my mom and dad live before I came along Ezra said where?Sabine ask a small farm in the outskirts of the city it a nice piece of land they had but when I was born that when the war started so they love in the city to keep me safe that when they join the Militia and meet BT Ezra said well they did a great job raising you Ezra Sabine said as she smile at him Ezra smile back both they lean in and kiss each other softly Sabine push Ezra down on his back as they gone into full makeout mode Ezra rub his hand on Sabine back as Sabine cup Ezra face in her hands as their tongue battle for control Sabine moan in the kiss before they broke apart to breathe but Ezra went for her neck and suck on ber weak spot as Sabine moan softly.

*at Ezra room*

Ezra door open and both Sabine and Ezra walk in kissing each other as they back up in the room Ezra close the door and lock it as Sabine began to take off his jacket before going for his belt Ezra grab the back of her dress and pull down the zipper before taking it off her Sabine and Ezra clothes were soon toss around his room and both land on his bed kissing each other they both stop and look into each other eyes I love you Ezra Sabine said I love you too Sabine Ezra said as they kiss each other again as Ezra pull his blanket over them soon both Ezra and Sabine enjoy their night with some love making.

This is the start of thier relationship and soon they have each other back. Hope you all enjoy this book so far and ready for the next few chapters is going to be a blast of action.

Spartanleader out

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