13.5: Hide & Seek

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     When Lola looked up a cop said, "This is Royalty's mother." When the woman with a head full of black curls and a sexy yet appropriate outfit for her age stepped into the house Lola froze at who she saw. They both just stared as their eyes connected in disbelief. Lola didn't know how to react.

A grim smile spread across the woman's lips wearing red lipstick. She tapped Lola's chin saying, "Close your mouth. It's not ladylike. Remember always be a lady." The last line haunted Lola. It was something she heard in her heard everyday and she wanted it to go away. Lola watched as the woman in her 40's stepped into her house. The sound of her Louboutin heels clicking filled her ears as the woman sashayed away in a leopard print dress with a classic, black Chanel bag on her shoulder. Her curly hair swung on her back with each step.

Lola finally stopped staring following behind. The cop told Royalty's mother to sit in the living room and wait while they looked around. Lola cleared her throat sitting across from the woman. She made sure to cross her legs like a "lady." Lola was reverting right back into the little girl who feared everybody when that wasn't the case now. Lola couldn't stop staring at the woman.

"Are you ever going to greet me, Samrawit?" She said looking Lola up and down. Lola just couldn't stop staring. She couldn't get over the fact that a woman she thought she would never see again was here in her home in the flesh. "Good evening, Aunt Layla." The woman smiled saying, "Thank you. How are you? Your sisters? Selamawit? Semira?" She asked making me look off to the side.

"Selam is fine. She's at her house probably. And, um, Semira is no longer with us." Lola cleared her throat not wanting to think about Sarita. It felt weird hearing those names, their real names because they haven't used them since they came to the states. Layla furrowed her brows but showed no emotion. "I'm not surprised. When she was born an elder told your mother she wouldn't live a long life. That she had the energy of death and trouble around her. It's still sad nonetheless."

"Yeah," Lola said chewing on her lip out of nervousness. "What about my mother and father?" Lola could care less about her father, but it was polite to ask. "This is a nice house you have here. You're living nicely. It's a shame you never came back to save your mother and little sister." Lola furrowed her eyebrows asking, "What do you mean?" "Your father killed your mother with his bare hands. My poor sister," she said shaking her head.

Lola closed her eyes taking in the news. As much as she didn't like her mother she knew she didn't deserve that. "You look just like your mother," Layla said making Lola look up. "What about my little sister?" Lola would hate to admit that she couldn't remember one thing about her youngest sister. Not what she looked like or even her name. She was so little when Lola left. Also, Lola blocked out a lot of memories. Especially, the bad ones.

"I took her with me when I left Ethiopia. Her ungrateful ass couldn't even appreciate me taking her in and she ran away. That's who I'm looking for." "Wait, Royalty is my sister? I thought they said you're her Mom." Layla smiled saying, "Guardian, mother, aunt, it's all the same." Lola was just trying to piece everything together. "What about the last name?"

"I had it more Americanized when we came here. Is she here or not?" Lola said nothing as Layla looked at her. "You can tell me. I won't tell the police.." She whispered leaning in closer.

"Promise, Aunt Layla..Royalty says you abuse her and don't treat her right." Layla slightly laughed shaking her head. "Because the girl is bad as hell. She doesn't listen or follow rules. Is she here?" Lola bit her lip not knowing if she should tell.


Royalty was about to turn the corner when she saw cops walking through the house. She stood behind the wall holding her breath trying to figure out what to do. When she felt a hand go over her mouth she almost squealed until she realized it was Tyree. He grabbed Royalty's hand leading her through the back door where they rushed to the pool house. Once they got in Tyree locked the door as Royalty began to pace. "Why was the house full of police?" She asked.

"They're looking for you." Royalty looked at Tyree in disbelief. "Why? They're gonna take me back. I don't want to go back," Royalty said touching her forehead as tears welled up in her eyes. Tyree cautiously came closer to Royalty wrapping his arms around her as she began to cry with her face buried in his shoulder. "I don't wanna go back," she repeated as Tyree rubbed her back.

Royalty pulled away from him wiping her tears saying, "I don't live with my mom. I live with my aunt. I just call her my mom. My real mom died..was killed a long time ago. That lady is evil. I can't go back to her. I refuse t-" Royalty and Tyree both froze when they heard voices coming from outside. "See if it's unlocked," they heard a voice say then the doorknob jiggled. Royalty and Tyree stood there frozen when there was a knock at the door.

"Why the fuck would you knock?! It's a pool house." The female cop said to the white, male officer. He shrugged saying, "You never know." "Kick in the door, dumb ass!" Tyree grabbed Royalty's hand going down the hall to his room. He threw the sheepskin rug on the wooden floor back revealing a door. "Why the hell do you have this?!" Royalty whispered as Tyree took his shirt off. "What are you doing?" She asked looking at him. "Let's just say this has happened before. Rhyme is always prepared. Get in."

Royalty looked at him funny not moving as he took his shoes off next. "Go!" She sighed climbing down the ladder into the dark space. Tyree closed the door putting the rug back in place. When he heard the door being bust in he slipped out of his jeans leaving him in only his boxers. As the footsteps grew closer he came out of his bedroom rubbing his eyes as if he had just woken up. He lifted his head noticing the cops saying, "What the hell?! What are y'all doing in here?"

The officer flashed the warrant as Tyree leaned in squinting at it. "We're looking for a young lady by the name of Royalty Michaels. 16 years old, 5'3" and about 120 pounds. Seen her?" "Naw," Tyree said looking over the officers. "Y'all broke my damn door! You could've just knocked." The male cop raised his hand saying, "In my defense, I did." The female cop looked at him glaring. "What? You mind if we look around."

"Actually I do. One of y'all owes me money to fix that door." The female ignored Tyree saying, "I'll check that room and you'll check the other." The other guy nodded walking off. "I want justice!" Tyree yelled as the female walked into his bedroom. "You'll get your justice after I take a look around." Tyree followed her into the bedroom. She looked under the bed then stood up straight looking at Tyree as she paced on top of the rug.

"How old are you?" She asked. "19. Why?" The cop smiled then said, "Close the door." Tyree furrowed his brows but knew what she was getting at. He did it on purpose anyway. He remembered her coming here before and Rhyme making Bang fuck her so they could get off. "Why?" Tyree asked. "Just do it." Tyree sighed closing the door to his bedroom. "Lock it too." He did what she said as she walked towards him.

"You Bang and Rhyme's brother?" Tyree nodded his head as she caressed his bare chest. "No wonder. Y'all have some good genes. I'm gonna ask once..Is the girl here?" "No, but I'm here." "I know and I see you," she said looking Tyree up and down. "I'm gonna take your word for it about the girl. Only because you're so got damn fine." She planted a kiss on Tyree's chest moving her way up to his neck.

Tyree pretended to enjoy it playing along by grabbing her ass. When there was a knock at the door and he heard, "I didn't find her. You?" he felt relieved. "No, nothing." She yelled back. She caught Tyree off guard when she grabbed his dick. "If I find out you're lying I'll be back. You'll get the kidnapping charge right along with your brother. Unless you play nice." She let go handing Tyree a card. She opened the door where the other cop was standing there waiting. "You know anything call me," she said before they left.

"What about my door?!" Tyree yelled behind them. He shut the door to his bedroom leaning against it sighing. He played with the card in his hand before throwing it in the trash. He lifted the rug then opened the door saying, "You can come out." Royalty climbed up the ladder crawling across the floor standing up. "Finally! It was hot as fuck down there."

Royalty sat on the bed looking at Tyree saying, "I heard everything. You were really about to fuck a cop just to make sure I wasn't found?" Tyree shrugged picking his jeans up from the floor. "If I had to. Luckily it didn't come to that," he said cringing a little. The cop wasn't a bad looking woman it was just the reasoning. It made him feel like a piece of meat. He didn't know how some women did it, Royalty included. Using your body for collateral.

"Why?" Royalty asked looking at Tyree as he put one leg into the opening of his jeans. Once he was done putting them on he zipped them up then buttoned them saying, "I don't know how many times I have to say this...Because I care about you. I care about your well being. Although I don't think you should be here, I don't want you to go back to an environment like that. I know what it's like to be abused and it's not fun. That's why. Believe it or not."

"Thank you." Tyree was so used to her arguing the fact that he didn't mean what he said, so he was surprised. He watched as Royalty stood up coming over to him. She stood on her tippy toes leaning up kissing his cheek. When he didn't say anything Royalty looked at him saying, "Oh, I forgot. I guess I shouldn't do that. You have a girlfriend." Royalty was about to walk back towards the bed, but Tyree grabbed her arm. He turned her around kissing her. Once again he could give a fuck about Harmony.


The police officers walked back into the house going to the living room where Lola and her Aunt were waiting. When Lola didn't see Royalty with them she sighed a sigh of relief slightly. "We didn't find her." Layla stood up saying, "It's fine. She can stay here if she is here." The cops looked at each other confused saying, "What?" Layla put her bag on her shoulder saying, "She can stay. Lola is her sister. She's in safe hands. She can take care of her now."

At that Layla walked off towards the door. Lola gave the cops a smile as they looked at her still confused. "I'll walk you out," Lola said getting up. She showed them out saying, "Have a good night," before shutting the door. She leaned against it sighing and smiling a little. She went up the stairs towards Royalty's room. When she saw the door open she furrowed her brows but walked in. When she didn't see Royalty or Tyree she got worried.

Then she remembered the hiding chamber in the pool house. She had completely forgot about that because it hasn't been used in years. She didn't know why she didn't think of that. Lola pulled her phone out texting Tyree 'They're gone. Going out. I'll be back.' She was really going to give Romeo a piece of her mind.


Little did she know Romeo was pulling up to Rhyme's brothel with Dareon. They both had on all black ready to go. Rhyme wasn't going to know what hit him. They had Tyree tell them every place Rhyme had money hidden in the brothel and they were about to get it. First they hit up the two safes in Rhyme's office. Then they made there way down the hall to one of the working rooms. Room number 15. They got the door open then looked for the button Tyree was talking about.

When Dareon felt under the bed feeling a button he pushed it. He stepped back watching the bed lift up. "Oh, shit! This little nigga wasn't lying!" Romeo said in shock. Once the bed lifted up it revealed a staircase in the floor. They both stood there waiting on the other to go. "You go first," Romeo said pushing Dareon forward. "No, you. You're the oldest and you have the flashlight." "What if this nigga has boobie traps like the Egyptian pyramids or some shit?"

"Then I guess we'll find out. You want this money or not?" Romeo sighed going down the stairs as Dareon followed. When they got to the bottom Romeo looked around the room with his flashlight then flicked the light on. "This nigga has got to be kidding me!" Dareon said looking at the room with stacks and stacks of money. "Who needs a bank account when you have this? Now I know all this money isn't from the brothel. I'm starting to think he's involved in some other shit."

"I am too," Dareon said looking around. "And I'm going to find out because this is no joke." "None at all. We better get to gettin'," Romeo said putting the duffle bag down. "Yeah. You don't feel bad that the girl might have to go back home?" Dareon asked. "She's not going home. I know Lola handled it. I know she's not stupid and that's why I did it. But they're still going to investigate Rhyme, so that buys us some time to get shit crackin'. I'm willing to take the yelling from Lola. She'll get over it. Especially when she sees all this," Romeo said fanning his face with a stack of cash as they laughed.


When Lola couldn't get a hold of Romeo she decided to go over to Dareon and Saniye's. She stood at the door waiting for someone to open it. They were taking too long so she decided to try to see if it was unlocked and it was. She walked in calling her sisters name. She walked to the bedroom only to see lights set up as a photographer took pictures of a posing Saniye.

Are you serious? Lola thought walking up closer putting a hand on her hip. Lola clapped her hands together once loudly saying, "You hoe! I'm over there stressing the fuck out, dealing with the police, trying to cover my ass and you're having a sexy photo shoot. Where's Dareon?!" She stood up from the bed coming towards Lola saying, "He left awhile ago. What's going on?"

"Did you know what they were going to do?" Lola asked looking up at Saniye. She started to stutter on a word that never even left her mouth. "Okay, I knew. We couldn't tell you or you would try to stop it." "You're damn right!!Rhyme is in jail and you almost got our SISTER sent back to our just as evil as our Mom, aunt!" Ny looked at her sister confused asking, "Wait, what?"

"Royalty's our sister and she was living with Aunt Layla." Saniye put her hand over her mouth in disbelief. "No wonder she ran away. Aunt Layla was a bitch! Did they take her?" Lola shook her head sitting on the bed sighing. "No, they didn't find her. I feel like complete shit, ya know? I sat back and watched my sister work in a brothel." Lola wiped the falling tears as Saniye sat next to her on the bed. "You didn't know."

"I shouldn't have let it happen regardless. Rhyme shouldn't be in jail for this. He didn't kidnap anybody. He didn't traffic anybody. I made that decision. This ain't right, Niya!" Saniye grabbed her sister in her arms comforting her. "If they didn't find her, they'll have to let him go. Don't worry about it." Lola sighed laying her head on Saniye's shoulder.

It felt like she was constantly being pulled in different directions by Romeo and Rico and at this point she was getting tired. She needed to make a choice and it wouldn't be easy...

Lola & Royalty in the mm.

It's finally revealed that they're sisters, but it wasn't there mom who came lol😊

Rhyme or Romeo? Who should she pick?

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