5.5: Wherefore art thou Romeo?

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        The group carried on in conversation barely watching the tv. When the doorbell rang they all froze because it's after ten at night. "Did y'all invite anybody over?" Rhyme asked. Everybody shook their head no. He got up grabbing his gun from the top shelf in the closet. He took the safety off looking in the peephole. When he swung the door open looking in light brown eyes his whole facial expression changed. "Wassup, Rico!" The male said as Rhyme stood there still stuck at who he saw.

Rhyme's younger brother by only two months, Romeo.

Romeo went to prison for drug trafficking and Rhyme thought he was a distant memory. Not forever, but at least for a couple of years. See, Rhyme and Romeo were business partners. They opened the brothel together. Once Romeo got arrested Rhyme took all his contracts and paperwork taking Romeo's percent. This left Rhyme with complete ownership of the brothel until he gave Lola a percent. He no longer had to split the money 50/50. He moved the brothels location once it got a bigger name and even moved homes in the hopes that when Romeo finally got out he couldn't find them.

He didn't want Romeo coming back for his money, because Rhyme had no intentions of sharing. Since they were kids Rhyme and Romeo competed for everything. They competed with girls, money and who could make their father more proud. Romeo was the one Jackson brother Rhyme couldn't quite control.

Now he's staring in his face trying to figure out how he got his address. And more so when he got out of jail. It had been so long Rhyme lost track of how long Romeo has been gone. It had been 3 years, 5 months and 6 days if you asked Romeo. "You gonna invite me in?" Romeo asked with a smirk. Rhyme gritted his teeth opening the door wider to let his brother in. "Y'all living large now! When I left we lived in a 3 bedroom all together. Y'all even got foreign whips outside. The security could loosen up a bit by the way," Romeo said looking around the house.

When Romeo turned around looking at Rhyme still holding the gun in his hand he arched a brow. "Stand down, big bro." Romeo said putting his hands up. "Just a precaution," Rhyme said putting it back in the closet. "When did you get out?" Rhyme asked looking his brother up and down. For somebody who just got out of jail he looked very put together. "A cool little minute. I was in a halfway house. Now I'm staying with my momma. Where is everybody? Bang, Tyree, Lola?" He asked licking his lips after saying Lola. "Even her sisters?" "The living room."

Before Rhyme could even say anything else Tyree came from around the corner asking, "Who was at the door?" When Tyree saw Romeo he smiled dapping his brother. "Rome! When did you get out?" "Not too long ago." Rhyme narrowed his eyes at Romeo wondering why he couldn't just say the exact length of how long he's been out. "My little brother done gone and grown up on me. Taller than me and shit! I know you're getting a healthy amount of pussy now too," Romeo said play punching Tyree as Tyree laughed guarding himself.

"Come talk to me in my office," Rhyme said interrupting their moment. "Oooh, office?" Romeo said mockingly as him and Tyree shared a laugh. They dapped again before Romeo followed Rhyme down the hall. When they entered the office Rhyme sat behind his desk saying, "Have a seat." Romeo did so looking around taking note of everything.

"So, what happened to the brothel? I tried to go by and it was a bed and breakfast." Rhyme debated on telling Romeo, but said, "Moved locations." Rome nodded his head sticking his lip out asking, "How's business? I know you've been holding my cut. I'm counting on that money. Business must be good if you're living like this."

The answer was hell no Rhyme hasn't been holding his cut. All of the money was his and he didn't plan on sharing. After all the brothel was his idea. Plus, he's been doing all of the work. It wasn't his fault his brother was an idiot who sold drugs and got caught. Rhyme was still wrong because that same drug money was what paid for half of starting A Player's Paradise. Rhyme looked at this as payback for the bullshit Romeo pulled before he went to jail. Rhyme thought this was the least he was owed.

"We can talk about this tomorrow. It's late. Come to the brothel tomorrow morning." Rhyme slid Romeo a business card with the brothels address. Romeo took it looking at it then up at his brother. "A business card for a brothel? I guess. I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight. Tell Lola I said I hope to see her soon." Romeo stood up extending his hand to Rhyme. Rhyme grabbed it gripping his brothers hand tightly then pulling him in. "Don't come back starting shit. Stay away from my woman."

Romeo laughed as Rhyme let go of his hand. He wiggled his fingers shaking it loose. "Your woman? Funny. She seems like property to me. Again, goodnight." Romeo said exiting his brother's office then home altogether. Rhyme sat back in his office seat spinning around then pushing the button for the intercom. "Lola, come to my office."

When she finally walked in she looked at how flustered Rhyme was asking, "What's the matter?" She took a seat on the edge of the desk as Rhyme replied, "That was Romeo at the door. He's out." "Oh, shit!" Lola said bugging her eyes. "Is he asking about his cut?" When Rhyme nodded his head Lola immediately tried to think of solutions to this problem.

"You could tell him you did some bad investments and lost money. Say you had to start from scratch so this new brothel is all of our money." Rhyme shook his head no, "He's still going to want me to pay him back his half that started it." Lola sighed saying, "True. We'll think of something. Until then just keep telling him the money is tied up and he'll get it soon. We'll figure it out." When Lola came up behind him rubbing his shoulders then kissing his neck he realized it would probably be a bad time to mention Karina. He would just have to wait another time.


The next morning was Sunday aka off day. The brothel was closed on Sunday's and Sunday only. Rhyme didn't consider himself a Godly man, but he thought of Sunday as the lords day. He knew he would have a first class ticket to the fiery pits of hell if he had his establishment opened on that day. Sunday was usually spent relaxing, but this Sunday was different.

Rhyme was stressing because his son, Marquise is moving in today. Royalty was stressing because she would be spending her day getting prepared for tomorrow. Her first day actually engaging in intercourse with a client.

Rhyme walked into the kitchen grabbing his plate of breakfast fixed by the chef going to the dining room. When his phone rang he looked at the unknown number but still answering it. "Hello? Who dis?" He asked stuffing a spoonful of oatmeal into his mouth. "This is Romeo. I can't come today. I'll come tomorrow morning." Rhyme let out a breath of relief saying, "Coo," before hanging up.

That was fine by Rhyme. It gave him more time to come up with a lie. Rhyme honestly couldn't even tell you how much he was supposed to have set aside for Romeo. He could easily give him a couple of racks saying business has been slow and he got his money elsewhere from other business endeavors. And right there Rhyme knew what he would tell his brother. Call it greedy, but Rhyme wasn't one to share, especially money.

After hanging up Rhyme checked his text messages seeing he had a couple from Karina. He opened it rubbing his chin at what he saw.

I want you swimming in me😏🏊🏾
Did you ask your "wife" yet?

Rhyme looked at the message chuckling to himself. It wasn't even that Karina was finer than Lola, because she was nowhere close. She was alright. He just liked how bold she was.

Don't text my phone

After replying Rhyme deleted the messages then exited the thread. He thought about whether or not if he really wanted to fuck with Karina. The last time something like this happened it brought nothing but trouble. That's why the last girl that lived in the house left. Rhyme still wanted to at least get a taste to see if she could back up all the shit she talks. If she could she could move into the house. If not, she was a dub.

When the doorbell rang it broke Rhyme out of his thoughts. Rhyme went back to eating his breakfast knowing it was Marquise.

Rhyme pushed back from the table getting up going to meet his son in the foyer surrounded by bags. Marquise looked around the house seeing as he's never even been to his "father's" home. Rhyme was feeling real nice. What person do you know would let a son that came from molestation move in with them? This was a tax write-off to Rhyme.

"Hey, Po-" before the word Pop's could leave Marquise's mouth Rhyme stopped him. He got close to Marquise lowering his voice saying, "Don't call me Pop's, Dad, nothing. I'm Rico, alright? My wife thinks you're my brother." Marquise looked at him funny as Lola came towards them, "Is this Marquise?" Rhyme patted his back then squeezed his shoulder saying, "Yup!"

"Nice to meet you," Lola said shaking Marquise's hand. "I'm Lolita, but I prefer Lola. I'm his wife. I'm glad to have you staying with us. Our home is your home. We're family now. Let me show you upstairs to your room," Lola said turning on her heels. Marquise picked up his bags following his Step-Mom slash sister-in-law, in her mind, upstairs. She showed him to Dareon's old room saying, "Make yourself at home. If you get hungry just go to the kitchen and tell the chef what you want."

Lola sent a warm smile his way then exited the room. Marquise looked around in amazement sitting on the bed. His father was living large. He couldn't help but be disgusted at how he came about though. In reality his mother was a rapist. Rhyme wasn't his mother's first and last victim. She got fired from being a middle school teacher for that exact reason. Marquise had always been ashamed of his mother, now she kicked the bucket.

Marquise began to unpack when Rhyme walked into the room. Rhyme stepped into the room extending a booklet. "These are the house rules. Read them thoroughly. If you break them you'll be handled accordingly. You get three strikes then your out on your ass. Remember I'm doing you a favor. You'll be working at my brother, Dareon's strip club. You'll start tomorrow. You get 4 months under my roof worry free then I'll assign you a bill to pay. You also get a car, but after 4 months you have to pay for your own gas." Marquise nodded his head before Rhyme left the room.

Marquise flipped through a couple of pages looking at the many rules. When he saw rule #5 saying all females in the house are off limits he smacked his lips. As soon as Marquise walked into the house he was wondering where the fine ass broad from the front desk was. He was gonna fuck her no matter what rules Rhyme had in place. He knew that much. She was too fine not to go balls deep in her at least once. And he knew by her shyness she would be easy to manipulate her panties right off.


After Lola left Marquise to himself she made her way down the hall knocking on Royalty's door. Lola entered to see Royalty in bed watching tv, so she sat on the edge of the bed. "How are you today?" Lola asked smiling at Royalty. Royalty pushed out a smile saying, "Good. I was meaning to tell you my screen cracked. I dropped it, sorry." Royalty picked her phone up showing her. "It's no problem. We'll take it to get it fixed when we're out later. Get dressed, we have some errands to run."

Lola stood up as Royalty nodding her head pulling the covers back. "Oh and I popped a wire on my braces. Is there a way I can get that fixed?" Lola grabbed Royalty's chin as she opened her mouth looking. "How long have you have you had these?" "Two years," Royalty said as Lola let go of her face. "I'll have the dentist make a house call. We'll see about getting those off too. Maybe doing Invisalign instead. Something that will appeal better to clients."

Royalty nodded her head getting happy on the inside. She was tired of these braces. Once Lola left the room Royalty went to shower and change then met Lola downstairs. They left in a car as Lola struck up conversation saying, "Tomorrow you'll really really start working. I need to go over some things...#1 Clients are required to use protection. Regardless of if you're on birth control or not. Don't ever let a client talk you into not using protection. Also, be aware. If a guy tries to slip it off you speak up. Push the button and he'll be thrown out without refund."

Royalty looked over at Lola saying okay. Royalty's stomach was doing flips by now as if it was about to happen right this minute. "I've already told you this, but #2 the client only gets what they pay for. They don't pay, they don't get it. Don't let it just happen. Stop it from happening because they'll try to take advantage."

"#3 If you have a reoccurring client keep it business. No matter how friendly you get with them remember this is work. We're not in the business of falling in love. If we see a client is getting too attached we ban them from requesting you for awhile. We've had a couple of cases where a client turns stalker after falling in love. If you sense that tell me. That's pretty much it," Lola said looking over at Royalty smiling. "You'll be fine," Lola reassured her.

Royalty couldn't even smile back like she normally would. This isn't something to smile about. Lola felt her pain because she was once in her shoes at that exact same age. Except Lola wasn't working in a secure work space. She was in a dirty, motel 6 with holes in the sheets from rodents getting fucked by dirty, sweaty men. Then on top of that it was for barely anything and it was going to someone else. She was the one getting pounded in and out of by a stranger, but a pimp who was beating her ass benefited from it.

After that Lola went from prostituting to hitting rich niggas for everything they have. Instead of being the victim she flipped it. If you closed your eyes for one second around Lola she was cleaning your shit out. She realized quickly you can't let these men win. As soon as she started working for Rhyme she made it very clear she was hip to the game. He couldn't gyp her for her money even if he wanted to.

Lola came with rules of her own. Have other bitches, but I come first. I get the best opportunities, I get the best clothes, cars and shoes. You want her to stick around? I want a percent of your business. I want your last name not because I love you, but because if something happens I'll be entitled. Rhyme helped Lola and Lola helped Rhyme. Not necessarily a power couple or relationship goals, but it is what it is. Rhyme and Lola didn't know any other way to live. Love definitely doesn't live here.

Lola wanted to teach Royalty and wanted to take her under her wing, but she didn't know if it was for the best. What could Lola really teach her? How to use your looks and body to make a living? Because that's all Lola has ever done in her eyes. She didn't want to see another girl go down the same path as her. She didn't even want Royalty working in the brothel, but she knew it was either that or Rhyme would kick her out.

After getting Royalty's phone fixed and doing a little shopping in the mall they went to a grocery store. As they checked out Royalty put the bags into the cart after the cashier bagged them. Once they were done they started to leave. Royalty looked at a pin board with a bunch of papers freezing at what she saw. It was a missing persons flyer with her picture on it. It was Royalty with straightened hair, makeup and a wide smile just a couple of months ago for picture day.

"What's wrong?" Lola asked stopping looking back at Royalty. Royalty snatched the paper from the board crumpling it up in her hand. "Nothing," Royalty said rushing to catch up to Lola so they could leave and get back to the house for Sunday dinner. On there way out of the store Royalty dropped the paper ball into a trashcan.

After eating everybody went there separate ways. Royalty found herself wandering outside to her new found favorite place of the house...Out back by the pool. Royalty was prepared to just stick her legs in the water, but she stopped in her tracks watching Tyree's athletic body dive into the pool. As the water splashed Royalty took her sandals off putting her legs into the water. As she kicked her feet around she put her curls into a bun looking at the sun set behind the mountains.

Tyree swam under the water towards the edge tickling Royalty's foot making her jump and stand up. He came up from under the water wiping his eyes laughing as she glared at him. "That's not funny!" Royalty said rolling her eyes going back to her previous spot. "It made me laugh. What you doing out here?" Tyree asked floating on his back. "Clear my head. You?" Royalty asked picking at her nails.

"I usually swim laps for exercise. Get in." Royalty looked at him like he was crazy. "I don't have a bathing suit," Royalty said pointing at her outfit which was a crop tank top and shorts. "So? You don't have much of anything on. Might as well." "No thanks," Royalty said as Tyree put his arms up on her thighs putting his head on them looking up at her. For the past week Royalty's thighs had been his favorite place. Preferably in between them, but that was all coming to an end. He could tell something was on her mind. "Wassup?" He asked staring at her.

"Huh? Nothing, I was just thinking about my mom. I saw a missing persons flyer of me at the grocery store." "Forrreal?" Tyree asked. "Yeah, I guess my mom really does care. I wanna call her to at least let her know I'm alive. Should I?" "I mean, you can but who's to say she won't have the call tracked to find your location. If that happens she might just come looking for you. You ready for that? Because then you'll have to go home."

"I didn't think about that," Royalty said chewing on her bottom lip. She didn't necessarily miss her mother she just didn't want to worry her. She felt like her mother at least deserved to know she's okay and breathing. Royalty wasn't ready to go home though. She probably would be after tomorrow.

When Tyree caught Royalty off guard by pulling her into the pool by her legs she screamed as she went under water. Royalty held her breath then swam up pushing her now soaking wet hair out of her face. When Tyree swam up Royalty splashed water in his face saying, "Ass hole!" "I've been called worse," he said laughing. Royalty swam to the edge trying to push herself up by the wall but struggled. Tyree just watched as her wet shorts clung to her ass.

When she couldn't boost herself up she finally just gave up staying in the pool. She swam towards the waterfall of the pool sticking her hand through it looking in fascination. Randomly she whipped around asking, "Why does everybody go to sleep so early around here?" "House curfew. Did you actually read every house rule?" "I skipped a couple. My eyes were getting tired," Royalty pouted.

Tyree chuckled. He couldn't lie Royalty was cute in an adorable way. When Tyree looked at her all he saw was a naive, little girl. You could definitely tell she was only sixteen. "Well, everybody is supposed to be in their room by 8pm Sunday through Thursday." "So many rules," Royalty said shaking her head. "So many rules that you don't follow obviously. First you were fucking with me, now you're breaking curfew." "You don't follow them either. You're doing the same thing as me."

"Touche," Tyree said swimming closer to Royalty. He paused his movements seeing all of the lights in the house turn off one by one. "I'm pretty sure you just got locked out," he said pointing at the house. "What?" Royalty asked looking back at the house. "It's 8 o'clock. I forgot to say lights are out and doors are locked." "How do I get in?" Royalty asked sort of panicking. "You can't. You're just gonna have to sleep in the pool house with me."

Tyree got out of the pool grabbing his towel beginning to dry off. "You can't tell Lola to come let me in or something?" Royalty asked getting out of the pool too. "It's fine. Just chill. You just have to go back in the house before anybody notices in the morning." You don't have a key?" She still pressed. "I do, but the house is in lock down mode. It's a very high security system. Nobody can get in or out."

"What is this? A prison?" Royalty asked as Tyree handed her a towel. "Might as well be. C'mon," he said going to the pool house as Royalty followed. Once they went in Tyree went to the room that was now a bedroom. "You can sleep in my bed. I'ma sleep on the couch. You're gonna have to sleep in my clothes because you're not about to sleep your wet ass in my bed like that." "I'm wet because of you." Tyree looked back at Royalty smirking saying, "I have that effect sometimes."

Royalty laughed rolling her eyes as Tyree dug through his drawers handing Royalty one of his t-shirts. "Do you need shorts?" "No, this is good enough." When Royalty already started to strip off her wet clothes before Tyree left he said, "Damn, slow down! Little fast ass!" "Please! You've seen me naked before." Tyree nodded his head licking his lip recalling. Tyree looked Royalty over as she changed but quickly said, "Goodnight," exiting the room.

He planned on sticking to his self-implemented rule of not fucking around with her anymore. He went to the studio of the pool house laying on the couch to sleep.

Boring chapter. Just to finish the last part. Hmm, Romeo?🤔 Comment / Vote🤑💸

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