Fart-tastic Gods Of Thunder and Lies

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Here's the next chapter....

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Please know I am still recovering from an asthma attack, and I got heat sickness from being out in the heat too long.
I'm currently drinking tons of water to help it.
I'm really dizzy and in bed from it.


I got up that morning in my apartment; and got ready for the day, me eating a hearty breakfast of steamed microwave broccoli, with steamed carrots, yellow and orange peppers, as well as pieces of air fried tiny pieces of chicken nuggets, and I covered them once they were done with BBQ sauce.
It's a healthier meal.
I hate breakfast material, like eggs, bacon, sausage, but I love potatoes, however I'm trying to cut back on potatoes, cause they can cause high cholesterol.
My cholesterol is good, but I buy lightly salted things.
I also packed some snacks, Sargento Colby jack cheese sticks, some sliced lightly salted, pickles, including some peppered beef jerky, extra fart power.

I put those things in a cooler, including me a few bottles of water, and two Dr Pepper Zeros, and a peanut butter and sugar free jam sandwiches too in there for lunch.
I then zip the cooler up.
I grab my cup with The Golden Girls a show from the eighties, that has them in pimpy outfits, and it's leopard printed, with black letters saying Thug Life.
It has coffee in it, and it was iced, and I had grabbed my purse, including my phone, zipping my purse up with extra chargers.

I left my apartment after locking it up; and for some reason I felt like I was being watched, so I look over my shoulder seeing nobody in my neighborhood that could be watching me, and I look forward after pulling my key out of my lock, me putting my key between my knuckles like a knife, me feeling unsafe from whoever's predatory eyes are watching me, as I walk to my 2001 Chevy Malibu, that was dark brown with a glittery paint.
It had one sticker on the right side window of Freddie Mercury, him singing.
I get into the vehicle; after manually unlocking it with my key, and I get into my vehicle, me setting my cup into the cup holder, and my purse into the passenger seat, and my car smelled like a fruity scent, since I use raspberry scents for my home and vehicle.
Though I have stinky farts, people comment I smell like raspberries.

I get my feet onto the car, shutting the door, and I put on my seatbelt, me sticking the key into the ignition, and I turned over the ignition after I looked over my shoulder at the backseat, making sure that nobody was in the backseat, and making sure it was clear, that I could pull out of the parking area I reside in, and I pull out, me turning my vehicle, and I soon started turning my vehicle straight as I popped in a CD, a CD I bought online of The Gazette, and it was the CD Nineth.
It played it's songs, and I turn the volume up to a low volume, and go down the road, to the road I needed to go, and soon turned down another long road, that is until I came to our base, and as I arrived, I noticed Jane's vehicle, Erik's vehicle, and Darcy's vehicle was parked in place, and I park into my spot, me turning my CD player, me placing my CD back in it's case, and put it inside the middle compartment under the arm rest.
I as well turned my vehicle off, and set my keys into my purse.

I get out, grabbing my drink, my purse, and I get out of my car, me pressing the lock button, and then shut the door.
I walk into the door of the base, and saw a sight I wish I did not need to see, the guy last night, bare ass, him pulling up jeans, him complaining to Jane.
"These trousers are rather tight."

"It's the style dreamboat."
Darcy was eye balling his privates that I couldn't see, her drooling.

"Darcy you're drooling."
I sass her.

Darcy looked at me, and the man turned towards me.
"You must be Kara.
I am Thor Son Of Odin."
He smiled at me as his pants are now fully on him.

"Nice to meet you."
I tell him as I set my purse upon the table, and my cup, and I walk over to him, and shake his hand.
"Just a warning; but my farts can be deadly."
He looked confused.

He asked me and he looked to Jane with a confused look.

"It's true.
She can choose to heal people with her farts or kill them, or make them pass out."
She says to Thor.

"My healing farts smell like cranberries and aren't deadly."
I tell him.
"Or so I'm told."
I shrug at him as I sat on the couch in front of him, me plopping in it.

I look to Jane.
"What's the plan?
We got Thor here, and if the CIA finds out about him, then we are screwed."
I tell her.

"Kara's got a point Jane."
Darcy says to her.

Erik then says next.
"I'm having a hard time believing this man is Thor.
I mean Thor, Loki, Odin, Frigga, are all stories I heard about growing up."

"I used to read about them as a kid, but I don't remember much."
I tell Erik.

"Excuse me, but you know of Asgard?
Of my father?"
Thor asked me.

"I barely remember.
I was thirteen when I read about you in a mythology book.
Vikings used to worship you."
I tell Thor.
"Pagans; is what they were; but only a few still worship you.
I am a Deist, and believe in a higher power, but no god."

Thor asked me, him confused.

"Since you claim you're Thor; do you have powers?"
I ask him and I heard his stomach gurgle in hunger.

I giggle at him.
"My stomach feels oddly.
Why does it make that bloody noise?"
He asked me.

"Its because you are hungry."
I tell him, and I look to Jane.
"Let's get him something to eat."

Darcy had the TV on; and a news piece popped on, of a reporter standing in front of a place blocked off by federal vehicles, and I stand up, me saying to Darcy.
"Can you turn that up?
I recognize federal vehicles in the news."

"Are you sure those are feds?"
Erik asked me.

"Jane I'm sure it is.
Remember I got in trouble with them due to my farts."
I tell Jane, me answering Erik's question.
"I know their cars."

Thor points to the TV, him asking me that.

"How do I explain the feds Jane?"
I ask her.

Thor interrupted me.
"That is where I came to be here."

"You're on Earth now."
Jane tells him.

Not Asgard?"
He asked her.

"No not Asgard."
I tell him.

"Thor if the feds are there then it's not good."
Darcy tells Thor.

"Meaning whatever's there, then they are keeping it from the public eye, like a spaceship."
Erik finished Darcy's sentence.

Or Mjolner is there.
My hammer.
Thor thought to himself, his stomach cramping in pain.

"We should definitely get you something to eat, so let's eat out."
I stand up when Jane says that.

"I'm eating my lunch then.
I gotta watch my cholesterol."
I tell her.

"Okay then.
Let's go."
Darcy says excitedly, the foodie she is, wanted to eat out, me on the other hand cannot eat out, because I'm close to being on cholesterol medication.


I ate my lunch before going into the restaurant, and only ordered coffee, and put creamer, and sweetener in it, me sipping it as I look behind me, me hearing two men talking about a spaceship they grabbed ahold of, and Thor noticed it too, which after he ate, he gets up, and walked over to them.

"Excuse me blokes; but can I ask you to describe the object you are talking about?"
Thor asked the two men as I stood up after drinking all my coffee down, and they told him.

"It was the shape of a hammer.
It was heavy."
One of the men says.

"Where did you encounter it?"
Thor asked them again.

"It's out in the desert; but the feds have it now.
Nobody can touch it."
One of the other men says to him.

Thor started walking out of the restaurant, and I set a twenty down for my coffee, and follow him, Jane sets several bills down, and does the same, her, and Darcy following us, and Erik was gathering information from a contact of his.
But Erik spoon walked up.
"Guys; he really is Thor."

"I kinda had a feeling you'd say that."
I tell Erik.

"Mjolner; I must have it returned to me, so I can obtain my powers back."
Thor says to Jane and I.

"Mlem mlem?"
Darcy asked Thor.

"Mjolner is my hammer.
My weapon.
I lost my powers, however, if I obtain my hammer, my powers should return."
Thor tells me and Jane.
He stopped walking, and turned to face me and Jane.
"Thank you both Kara and Jane Foster, but I must do this alone."

"Wait; I can drive you."
I tell Thor.
"It sounded like it was a long walk from here, those men mentioned it."

Thor's face lit up.
"You would do that for me Kara?"
He asked me, him seemingly moved I would do that for him.

"Yeah; and Jane can come with me.
Right Jane?"
I look at Jane and she nods.

"I'll go with you."
Jane tells Thor and I.

"Then let's go."
I tell Thor, pointing to the jeep we came in, me holding my purse over one shoulder.

"We will gather more information on Mjolner from mythology."
Erik tells us.

"I'll go with Erik."
Darcy tells us.

"Be safe you two."
I tell Erik and Darcy, and they walk off.

Thor, Jane, and I headed towards the jeep, and all Darcy has to do is order an Uber to get back to base with Erik.
We get into the vehicle, and I drive off where Thor was guiding me where the two men told him to go, but soon I had to pull to a stop on the dirt path we bumpily came upon in the woods, and I saw military personnel all around this big tent, and Thor gets out, which I follow, turning the engine off, and I grab him by the arm, glaring up at him.

"What the fuck are you doing?!
They have military grade weaponry that can shred your body to bits!"
He tugged his arm away when I scolded him, as Jane walked up to us.

"She's right Thor.
They have bullets.
You could get hurt."
Jane says to him, worry showing within her eyes.

"I shall be fine."
He then ran off, and she followed him, her yelling at him.

I stood there dumbfounded that he ran into a military and federal encampment, and I sigh, me saying to myself.
"Beam me up Scotty for his stupidity."

"Beam me up Scotty is a rather strange phrase."
I freeze, me hearing s British accent say that behind me, and I felt those same predatory eyes staring into my back, causing warm chills to go through my body, as I quickly turn around, me seeing a man with combed back neck length hair, him wearing a green, gold, and black midevil armor like what Thor wore when I first met him.

"W.....who are you?"
I ask him, me confused, me feeling I should be on guard, as he stared at my shoes, and up my stomach, up my big breasted chest, and to my face.

He walked up to me; and I flinch, when he reached out, and took my chin within his hand, him looking down at me.
"I should be asking the same question.
The question being; who are you to Thor?"
He asked me, his British accent really heavy, and it was a sexy accent.

"I just met him; so I don't know him that well.
Who are you?
You wore the same kind of clothes as he first did, so are you like him?
A god?"
I ask him, me curious if he is a god, because that would be cool, me meeting another god in my lifetime.

"Yes; I am indeed a god.
I am Loki."
He tells me, his lips curling into a mischievous smirk.

"Wait; Loki, The Norse God Of Mischief, And Lies?!
This is a first for me."
I say to him rather excitedly.

"I expected you to be petrified."
He deeply frowned at me.

"Nothing much scares me."
I shrug at him, as he lets my chin go.

"Why are you here?"
I asked him next.

"I do not have time to talk to you.
I must formulate my plan."
He then disappeared into golden sparkles, and I reach out, running my fingers through the floating golden sparkles in amazement.

I mutter to myself, because it felt soft like my hair after washing it and drying it, sold like fine silk, and it soon disappeared quickly.


To be continued......

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