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I honestly think facades and masks are very... Frightening.

They would give me the shudders when I see one but it didn't always freak me out.

Charles, my older brother by 10 years used to get them for me on my birthday and Christmas.

He can be an asshole in a few 'occasions' to me, being the younger sibling but it wasn't anything major.

Just pranks like mild chilli powder in my cereal and itching powder in my clothes.

Despite his pranks, Charles is still a good brother.

Charles would sometimes play a game of chess with me and he helped look after me since I was a born after mom and dad died from a mugging.

He would always have a good story and is like an open book himself... that is until I got older.

He started to look at me in worry but shakes it off with a fake smile and anytime he would give me my breakfast, he would always say "I promise there's no poison."

I tend to chuckle thinking it was a joke he does to scare me and go with it... until I learned the truth about him.

I was just cleaning the kitchen to help uncle Martin and aunt Selina.

I started cleaning until I saw Charles's Journal.

I wanted to give Charles journal back but curiosity got the better of me and I opened his journal and started to read it.

'1991, November 25.

Hi. Auntie Selina got me this diary for my 7th birthday and gives me the idea of writing down all of my problems. Uncle Martin was acting really weird since he's been drinking these weird drinks in those glass bottles. Oh well, at least Auntie Selina has promised me to go to the theatre. Anyway, see you soon.

1999, November 24th.

I'm finally free from that prison of a school. I would usually get bullied by some older students known as Dan and his twin brother Hank also known as idiot 1 and idiot 2. I call them that because those fucking bastards had tormented me for the last time. I was preparing flowers I was planning to put on mum and dad's graves until Hank grabbed and held me back as Dan shredded them one by one. Hank pushed me on the flop with a pencil in front of me. I swiftly grabbed it and jammed it into Hank's eye making him scream in pain. I then ran to a chair and whacked Dan with it knocking him to the ground. I then slammed one of its legs on his back, breaking his spine & ribcage. I tried to dig his teeth out with a pair of scissors but my fun was ruined when I got caught by the principal and expelled but it didn't matter because I had my wrath on Dan & Hank and it felt good.

2003 November 23

Today was the fucking worst day of my life. I was walking to Alicia's home to talk to her and today was our fourth year anniversary as an item. She always knows how to calm me down and she always tries to understand. I got to the door of Alicia's home until I just noticed the door was open. My instincts then told me something is wrong and I went inside. I got upstairs, hearing my girlfriend snoring and saw a familiar jacket in the door I then walked into her room and saw her cheating on me with Dan. That fucking slut. I can't believe she cheated on me?! On me!! She probably slept with him behind my back more then once and started having fun in her fucking bed! Again, today was the fucking worst... But, I wasn't feeling like myself at the time. I went in the basement to grab an axe, a sledgehammer and a blowtorch. As I got back upstairs and entered her room, I put both the axe and blowtorch down softly to not wake them up. I picked up the sledgehammer and slammed it right into Alicia's fucking skull, causing a loud crunch to be heard. The sound caused him to wake up, looking at me, screaming. I look at... him as I put the Sledgehammer down and grabbed the axe, making look at me in fear. I swing the axe at him and jammed it right into his fucking neck. It took me a while to get it out but I'm glad I got it out of his really sturdy neck. I then went downstairs to clean the puss & hair off the sledgehammer and the blood off the axe. As I finished cleaning, I cut up and gutted the bodies so it would be easier to burn with the blowtorch. Glad I stole all of their money from their wallets to buy my little sis a couple of new masks.'

I couldn't believe what I just read.

I went to the cops and told them what I saw in Charles journal.

They arrested him and made sure Charles stayed locked up.

It's been a month since it happened and I still miss him.

Not as a psychopath but as the person I thought he was.

As I was got back from work, I looked at that damn journal and saw a violet bookmark with a picture of a mask on it, inside the journal.

"That wasn't in there before." I first thought as I went over and accidentally drop it.

I picked up his journal and turned to the marked page and the sentence I saw gave me a chill down my spine

"See you soon, little one."

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