Profile 03|| Valerie

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Name: Valerie Parricida

Age: 39 years old

Orientation: Heterosexual female

Occupation: Leader of the underground criminal organization, the Insurgents

Appearance: She is a 5'7, thin woman with prominent cheekbones, a sharp jawline, and deep brown eyes. Although her elbow-length hair appears to be bright auburn, almost red in hue, her hair is actually a very dark brown, almost black color that she prefers to dye and usually ties up in a ponytail or bun. She always wears a set of earrings, one of which is inlaid with a multicolored gemstone, that are mostly hidden beneath her hair. She exclusively dresses in professional work attire and seems to not understand the concept of casual clothing.

Personality: Valerie is outgoing, commanding, temperamental, and extremely controlling. She isn't afraid to ask for what she wants and is willing to go to any length in order to obtain said want. She is a perfectionist, a control-freak, and an extremist in nearly every field. She revels in frightening others and lashes out whenever she doesn't get what she desires. Once her interest is drawn to a certain person or object, she obsesses over it to a disturbing degree until she can find out every possible thing about it or possibly obtain it for herself. She likes to put on a kind façade that is capable of cracking at a moment's notice, revealing her true, sadistic colors. But despite this, her followers (especially her two Admins, Andrew and Liam) look up to her and admire her for her abilities to take control in any situation, work well under pressure, and her remarkable talent in quickly concocting and carrying out plans.

Likes: She loves maintaining control and order, and adores anyone who happily listens to her like her admins. Because of this, she's grown to love strong Pokémon, no matter their shape, size, or looks. She's more than happy to protect those she cares about, going to frankly horrifying lengths to keep them safe. More sinisterly, she loves Joseph Stone, and she has a disturbing obsession with his son.

Dislikes: Valarie hates her sister with all her being, having been in the shadow of her sister her whole life. She doesn't like being ignored disrespected, and the idea of potentially strong Pokémon being ruined by weak Trainers ticks her off to no end. Any instance of mocking or talking down to her will set her off, as well.

Notable Quotes:
•"The weak harbor the weak and the strong do likewise, that is how the world works now. And those with potential to be strong can have that potential squandered."
•"I just want to keep you safe, but you need to know there are limits to my kindness."

Pokémon Team:
•Gallade (M) (Shiny)
•Crawdaunt (M)
•Flygon (F)
•Absol (M)

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