Profile 05|| Resa

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Name: Overseer Resa

Age: In life, she lived to be 33 years old. As an Aegislash, she is 20 years old

Orientation: Asexual female

Occupation: Aegislash Overseer

Appearance: Resa looks mostly like a normal Aegislash. But what majorly separates her from others of her species is her lack of a shield, making her incapable of using the move King's Shield or switching into Shield Forme. A green ribbon is wrapped around her hilt, and a Triforce marking is carved into her blade near her crossguard.

Personality: Resa is very serious about her role as well as serious in general. She can be as cold as the steel she's made of and blunt in her inflections. She has no sense of humor, not understanding sarcasm, either. She does have a soft side, but one can only have a hope of seeing it if they manage to get past her exterior, which she guards just as fiercely as the Master Sword.

Likes: She likes order and peace. She also likes nonviolence and pacifism, but she knows she can't afford to express these likings given her role. Reds and oranges are also pleasing to her.

Dislikes: Resa hates slang, as she doesn't understand it. She also has a great disliking of rude and dense people. Oddly enough, she has a disliking of the dark, though she'd never admit it.

Notable Quotes:
• "You can learn a lot about somebody when they're put under duress."
• "If you still don't understand, then ask yourself this... Are you truly worthy?"

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