Chapter 10

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This is not a drama. This is real life.

The more I think of what Amy is telling us, the more I find hard to believe that such twisted people can be influential or, anyway, leave their blueprint on their relatives. In this case, Amy's relationship with her father is worth being analyzed not merely to find out her biggest secret, but what led her to distance herself from him.

The first word that comes into my mind to describe him is "dangerous." There's no other way to define a borderline behavior.

"So, Amy," says Lily, "your father isn't exactly the kind of people who supports your views, right?"

Amy shakes her head and gulps. She is conscious that the rest of us overstepped and consequences are inevitable, such as having to tell us everything she has to say without holding back.

"I distanced myself from my parents because of this girl, Hallie Strickland. It was back in high school. She was new in the area, so I decided that showing her around would be a good idea," she explains, regret in her eyes. I'm suspecting her father attempted to brainwash her with the usual bullshit about girls not being able to date each other. Pathetic.

She continues. "We began getting closer, first as good friends and then as something more." Ashley cringes at the definition of "something more." Is there anything that pleases that woman, by the way?

Amy ignores her. "She asked me out and I accepted. We'd go on dates every once in a while, and my parents believed we'd just hang out together as friends even though we were more than that." She pauses for at least a minute before saying, "This didn't sit well with some of my schoolmates. Especially with the so-called 'queen bee,' Lynda Fairley. She's not your usual brat, though."

"What do you mean?" asks Kasey, who is as confused as me. How can be a brat be different from the rest? Is it even possible? I thought all "queen bees" were made with a mold.

"The typical brat is someone who bites more than they can chew, I guess," replies Wendy, earning approval from Amy, who nods.

"But Lynda is different. She was raised in an ultraconservative family, but, instead of attempting to form her own ideas, she preferred following her parents' belief to heart. She hates me and despises whoever is not exactly like her. Unfortunately, one day, she caught Hallie and me cuddling at the pool and took pictures of us. I expected her to just post them on social media-"

"Not before sending it to your father." I try to guess, but it's clear I'm wrong because Amy shakes her head.

"No, Daejung." I'm impressed. For once, she pronounced my name correctly! Wow, that's something to celebrate! Not now, though. "First, she sent it to the school's principal, then to all teachers and then to the entire area. She made sure everyone would know," she explains as shock in her voice is replaced by rage.

"My parents only knew afterwards because a neighbor shared the pictures with them via direct message on Facebook. They don't have any other social media." Typical boomers. Does anyone really expect to find them on Instagram or Twitter? That would be cringey.

"So, you lived in a small, close-knitted town?" This time, it's Wendy's turn to ask. I wonder why she never asked before. Was it because Amy wasn't feeling well or because she just didn't trust her?

Amy nods. "Yes. I ended up in New York purely by chance."

Without thinking twice, I intervene. "Did you thumb, by chance?" Yes, I've just asked. Amy definitely strikes me as someone who'd thumb if she had the chance. I don't see anything wrong with hitchhiking.

"It's pretty obvious. I didn't have enough money for a flight, and my parents took my car away. I had no other choice." She shrugs as she says so, as if she doesn't care anymore. "Now, if anyone else has questions for me, please ask."

That's shocking, not what it's supposed to be. There are set rules, so I don't see the point in breaking them. "Amy, you know, you can't-"

She cuts me off. "Save it. I know there are rules, but I don't think anyone else would oppose to have everyone ask the same person a set of questions for a turn, right?"

Anna and Lee don't pay her any attention, still busy in their exchange of uncomfortable glances. Ashley huffs, Kasey fidgets with his fingers, while Lily nods and states, "I don't see anything wrong with it. Personally, I believe Amy has told us enough."

"Yeah, I agree, but I have one more question for her," adds Wendy, who then turns to her housemate. "Amy, why do you keep your struggles for yourself? Why haven't you told me anything yet? And why were you so anxious about leaving me out of your issue with your parents? I could've helped you, I swear!"

"I know, Wendy, but I didn't want you to be involved in this mess. You deserve better. I never told you because I meant to finish paying my dues by the end of the month and then move out." Amy's last sentence comes as a major shocker. Not only because it's further proof of her instability, but also because at this point running away is pointless.

"Amy, but why? I can help you, I promise. Please, don't go, I-" Wendy's voice is now broken. Tears flow down her cheeks and her lips are shaking.

Amy in turn starts crying. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can handle it anymore. It's just too painful." The two roommates hug each other, realizing how distant they have been for a while. In the middle of this game, nerves popped and veins burst.

How long does it need to go on before I realize that I'm hurting people just to make sure I myself don't get hurt? How long do I need to see other people suffer to run away from my own problems? Right now, it looks like only the others are suffering, all because of a game I decided to take too seriously.

At this point, the only thing I can do is to gather courage to put an end it, confess my darkest secret and let them go to cope with the consequences on my own.


"Just curious," asks Kasey after pondering for a while, "how do you exit this game?"

Ashley snaps back. "He said there's no exit, though, and is now considering ending it! I knew it! He's a fraud!"

I'm not surprised at her accusation. The fact that she sees me as an impostor, as someone who used a twisted game just for personal interest, doesn't mean she's wrong, after all.

I scowl. "You know what, Ashley? I'm a fraud. You're right. You can go and expose me, if you want! Come on, ask me the deadliest question you have in mind, record the answer and spread it on all social media! At this point, I have nothing to lose." She grins, rejoicing that she finally gets what she wants: trying to convince the other inmates that I'm a fraud.

Still, Kasey doesn't fall for her mind game. Although he was skeptical at my offer, he has slowly grown fond of me, to the point that he now begs, "Please, Daejung, don't be foolish! Don't give in! The game must go one, you said so."

I shake my head. "Kasey, everyone is suffering. I brought Amy and Wendy to tears. I made Anna and Lee question their relationship. I caused a major identity crisis with Lily-"

"No, that's not true!" exclaims Lily. "You made me conscious of my heritage instead. I should be thankful for this, instead."

Ashley snaps again. "How can you be thankful for someone who twists your mind and pretends he's right?" She gives me another of her glares, but I don't mind her. "The worst part is, he doesn't even take accountability for his mistakes."

"Ashley, I think you're going a little too far," intervenes Lee. "This game is supposed to expose our weakness. He never meant to-"

She, however, interrupts him. "Save it, Lee. I'm pretty sure you fell for this fuck boy. Damn, I don't even think he comes from South Korea! Has anyone checked his papers?"

That's enough. Ashley has gone way too far. I never thought she'd make such an accusation; even then, I'm relieved. Her true colors have just shown, those of a controlling bitch.

"Do you want to take a peak at my documents, right? Do it!" I hiss, finally penting up my anger after her continuous provocations. "Come on, Ashley, do it. Prove me wrong, show everyone that I'm a fraud. Otherwise you'll only pass as a pathetic little bitch."

Offended by my words, Ashley grits her teeth and slaps me. "Fuck you, Sim Daejung! Everyone will see what kind of person are you! I'm pretty sure you fled South Korea because you yourself evaded taxes."

No. She can't have said that. She can't have accused me without proof. I can accept everything, but not this.

"How dare you?"

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