Chapter 13

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The very day I decided to put up this game, I didn't realize that this would actually make me get closer to other people. I used to talk to people only to get some info from them, whether it's about public matters or their personal life. Things changed when I had the chance to know these other seven guys and girls for what they truly are. Even with all the struggles, I don't regret my choice.

I don't regret changing the rules either. After all, it's only a matter of time before it's over and the others will be back to their business. Not that things will be back as they were, of course. There's always room for change.

Back to the tell-all round, Anna and Lee are next, for the first time being truly close without holding a grudge on each other. They are smiling, not giving one another puzzled looks. I'm glad that they're trying to put their relationship back in track.

This is why I'm not surprised when Anna says, "This moment made me think. We started as people full of resentment, of regrets and lost chances. I, at first, didn't even want to be here. I was too blinded by hatred and prejudice. I didn't even want to hear Lee when he suggested coming here. I only thought Daejung was a fraud. I called him names, offended his dignity, and did other things I shouldn't be proud of-"

She cuts herself off as I shake my head. Mistakes are part of a process, so I don't see how self-pity helps. At best, it only makes things far more difficult; I'll let anyone imagine what'd happen at worst.

Tension rises as no-one else says anything. I mean, I thought we'd finally leave it behind; instead, I have to worry about Anna revealing something she has never thought of saying yet.

Fortunately, the atmosphere goes back to being more chill as Lee speaks. "Thank God I came here. My perspective on this relationship changed, I'd say for the better, but I have to see if Anna agrees with me-" She nudges him. "Ouch! That hurts, you know."

"You're not doubting our relationship, are you?" She retorts, chuckling and laughing sarcastically. She doesn't want to be back to square one. She fears that anything she says can be used against here. She and Lee should be sure that this is unlikely to happen; that is, unless they fall back into their old bad habits.

I intervene. "So, you think you're ready to move on together, right?" Both nod, much to my pleasure. I'm glad that this at least was a sort of good deed. It might've started off as a game, but feelings are not something you can play with.

I continue. "I guess only Kasey, Ashley and I are left." I'm ready to ask the former if he's ready for a heart to heart with Ashley when Anna clears her throat out of a sudden, startling me.

"Oh, so you have something more to say." I remark, making everyone but Ashley and Anna laugh. Okay, this is a serious matter, something that can't really be avoided or taken as a joke right now.

"I've just thought of what we said here, and I think I'm ready to start planning my proposal." Anna is so confident when pronouncing these words, which somehow impresses me. On the other hand, Lee's face turns pale, almost grey. She's clearly caught him by surprise.

"I... I..." Lee stutters. He has no idea of how to react to this. I don't know if Anna is rushing it after our heart to heart or if she has planned it since before having to come at my place. Anyway, there's no big difference, so I just enjoy the sight of them blushing and smiling at each other out of embarrassment.

If they are to get married, I'll make sure to be at the front line, cheering for their happiness.


Now, I can really focus on Ashley and Kasey. I still think there are some things left unsaid that they're keeping hidden. They don't want to break their friendship; at this point, however, they'll have to make decisions that could make the difference.

In particular, I'm worried about Kasey. He's stuck in an uncomfortable situation. He doesn't want to lose Ashley as a friend but at the same time fears burnout more than anything else. The fact that he had to give up on a girl because of Ashley's jealousy is heartbreaking.

This is why I decide to focus my gaze only on him. I want him to be honest. I want to make sure he doesn't get caught in his own mess, despite his good intentions. Yet, I still have hope for Ashley. Unless this conversation makes me realize she's a bad person, I'm sure that she has never had the chance to vent her frustration properly.

"So, Kasey, what are you doing now?" I ask in an attempt to sound as casual as possible, only to realize I'm failing. Ashley smirks at me, but that's not a smirk of pleasure. She's annoyed at me, it's obvious. I don't want to force her into being friendly to me and the same time I don't condone her rude responses to anyone, including myself.

He just shrugs. "You don't need to worry about me. Seriously, Daejung, you helped me a lot today. I opened up in ways I could never imagine until now," he says. I'm not surprised that he sees this as a valuable lesson. Hopefully Ashley will do the same.

She gives me a hard stare. She knows she can't avoid me forever. Her last chance to spill everything is now. She isn't foolish enough to let go of it; better said, she isn't a fool at all.

Even Kasey has to implore her. "Ashley, please, let's make it right once for all. Otherwise, there's no point in keeping up with this shit. Too many things left unsaid will just hurt us," he explains, only to annoy her further. Maybe his word choice didn't please her at all.

She shrieks. "What do you mean with 'keeping up with this shit?' I'm supposed to be your best friend, Kasey, but if you treat me like that, I doubt we can still be friends." I don't like that Ashley is trying to find an excuse to get rid of Kasey.

This is why I want to make her spill the truth. She has a clear mess in her head and acts like that because she doesn't know what she wants. Or maybe because she's just a whiney little bitch.

"Ashley, this is emotional blackmail," I point out. "If you're no longer interested in being his friend, then just tell him straight away. He's trying hard not to play with your feeling, so please don't make that mistake."

She sighs. As her shoulders fall, she knows she can't keep up with attitude. Her façade is breaking once for all. She starts crying. I want to cheer her up, but I can't. She'd reject me. This is why I keep my distance and just say, "If you want to talk to me, feel free to. If you don't, I understand."

She gathers what's left of her courage and stares at me without resorting to her usual glare. "Daejung, right? Do you know why you piss me off? Well, you remind me of one of my exes," she confesses.

That's a major shocker. I can't believe it.

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