The terrible trio (Avery)

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It was a peaceful day in unit 990. Well - as peaceful as it could get. Kestra was sitting down beside Avery, her head resting on her knees as she talked softly to the newer subject. 990 was resting on the bed beside them, but was trying to listen to their conversation closely. He stopped pretending to ignore them once he heard Avery's reply to Kestra.

"You're a lot nicer than 990 and 991..."

"Hey!" 990 shouted, turning over on his side. El jumped a little from her position next to 991 on the floor, where the older child was trying to get her to play Snakes and Ladders with her.

Kestra only rolled her eyes and ignored him. "They're okay. They just..." She paused, glaring at 990, then continued through gritted teeth. "Take a while getting used to."

Avery gave the red-head a faint smile, then opened her mouth to respond before she was interrupted by a shout.


It was coming from outside. All five children in the room turned to look at who was making the ruckus.

"Isn't that glass supposed to be sound proof..?" 991 murmured. El looked up at her anxiously, startled by the noise.

There wasn't really any point in replying, because evidently, the glass separating the dorms from the corridor was not sound proof. The angered screams of a blue-head child being tussled through the hallway by an annoyed assistant were quite clearly reaching the eardrums of unit 990 and even unit 980, who Kestra could see was also looking towards the commotion.

They could also hear the quieter attempts to calm the angry girl from a shorter, purple-head child.

"Calm down."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!? Does this situation seem like one I can CALM DOWN IN!?"

"You're scaring Irem. Panicking won't do anything right now except get us hurt."

"So, uh, new subject?" 991 suggested, Avery visibly paled. Maybe the idea of such a loud roommate didn't suit her very well.

990 sighed in response. "Seems like it. Every newbie keeps getting worse. Can't we get somebody quiet?"

"And what do you mean by worse?" Avery raised an eyebrow.

"I mean worse." The male's voice was deadpan.

"I suppose our game is cancelled then." 991 began putting the pieces back in their box, then paused. "Unless you can still play with this... Disturbance, 994?" Her yellow eyes were trained on El.

The younger child was clutching her tail nervously, her head continuously glancing at the hallway, despite her lack of eyes and the party of people having already passed their dorm. "U-um, sure.. I can still play, I guess..." A shaky smile was given to the brunette waiting for her answer.

The screams of the angry blue-head were still audible, but now distant. Words weren't really in said screams anymore either, they were just screams of pure rage. 991 ignored them, happy to just play. "Right. Choose a piece."

990 put his pillow over his head. "They have to disturb us all, don't they? Even 995 wasn't that loud. And she was plenty annoying."

Avery coughed a few times, her eyes narrowed and trained on 990. Her coughs resulted in purple smoke being expelled from her lungs and into the air. Well that wasn't concerning at all. "IIIII'll take that as a compliment. Thank you, 990." She slyly replied, turning her head back to Kestra. "Are you feeling better now? A month is.. A plenty long time to be in bed."

The red-head's response was lacking in substance. All she said was; "A bit", before her eyes flicked back to the hallway.

"That's- that's great, at least!" An awkward thumbs up. "So, wanna check out the screaming?" She glanced at the hallway then back at Kestra.

"Not worth it. Probably just a new subject, as 991 said."

"Was- was I screaming too, when I came in the unit? I don't reaaally remember toooo much from the ride over here..." Avery rubbed her head, glancing at 990.

"Not at... Oh, dear." Kestra reached forward to place her hand on Avery's shoulder in reassurance, but stopped when she watched the blue-head and the purplette being escorted into the dorm. Well, the purplette and a little brunette next to her were the only ones.. Escorted. The blue-head was dragged in by the arm and then pushed forward. In retaliation, she ran at the assistant who did the action, trying punches, kicks, whatever would land on him - but nothing did, as he just held her back by placing his hand on her forehead. He smirked, twitched his large, mouse ears once, and then pushed her back in a bored manner. As she fell onto the floor, the door closed.

991 wasn't impressed. She simply glanced at the display and then turned right back to her game with El. El, on the other hand, was very distracted, her arm hovering in place with the piece that she was supposed to move 4 squares as her eyes focused on the newcomers.

Also not impressed was 990. He huffed then turned on his bed so his back was facing his roommates. A muffled "annoying..." could be heard.

"Hello? A-Are you two okay? We heard screaming." Avery slowly stood up and tentatively approached the purplette and the brunette curiously, tilting her head and putting her hand to her mouth. El was attentively listening, her little hand still clutching the piece.

The purplette ignored Avery, going towards her older friend to try and calm her down. Meanwhile, the small brunette looked up at Avery, nervously fiddling with her braid. "Um.. Yes, I think.. Not so sure about Meri, though.." She flinched as the blue-head, presumably 'Meri', began yelling and bashing on the glass overlooking the hallway. The purplette was trying to calm Meri down, but it wasn't really getting anywhere.

Avery decided to take this into her own hands. She shook off the urge to cover her ears, glancing at a nervous El who was flattening her ears, and then walked up to Meri slowly. "Hey, um, it's okay. Try to calm down, please?" Nervous smile and another glance at El. Now, 991 was holding the younger child's hand, glaring at the newcomers.

Meri looked at Avery for a moment, falling silent, as if she just realised it wasn't just her and the other two in this room. She seemed to be trying to find something to say for a moment, before 990 spoke from his bed.

"Shut up. You're giving me a headache."

"CALM DOWN?! YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN!?" The shouting girl seemed to be getting even angrier with each word. Avery mentally facepalmed. Why did 990 have to ruin everything?

"Yeah, I tried that." The purplette muttered angrily. The brunette clung to her oversized sleeve, looking nervously at Meri. Avery decided to try a different approach. "You're going to make them upset and come for us. If you don't calm down, they're going to hear you!" She worriedly warned, making a point to glance around for any supervisors who might make her words come true.

"What the heck do you mean?" At least she wasn't shouting anymore. Her tone was still angry, but not loud. However, she was now glaring at Avery.

The purplette tried again. "Oh, please, Meri. Be quiet. Look at Irem, you're scaring her." She said, gesturing with her free hand to the nervous child clinging onto her sleeve.

"Well she should be scared!" Meri shot back.

As the blue-head had requested, Avery elaborated on her statement. "They do things to us.. Horrible things.. If they aren't happy. N-Now, if you don't want to be... Punished, you should be quiet. We can all talk! I'm Avery, and you?" She tried to smile despite the very concerning things that just came out of her mouth, outstretching a hand and then dissolving into a coughing fit, exhaling a worrying amount of purple smoke. Meri just stared.

Ignoring Avery's coughing fit, 991 interjected. "That's not how it works."

"Be quiet." She shot a glare at 991. The brunette, presumably 'Irem' from what the purplette said, worriedly glanced at the coughing girl. "Um, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. They did this to me. They did stuff to.. All of us."

990 twisted around to glance at Avery. "Why are you being so dramatic?"

"I'm just telling the truth! Why are you being so casual?" Avery shot back, annoyed. Irem looked absoutely terrified, but she managed to keep her voice steady. "I'm Irem."

"Um, nice to meet you, Irem." As Avery said this, El dropped the piece onto the ground and went to her bed, curling up in her blanket. Maybe the commotion was a bit too much for her.

At this, Meri calmed down a little, taking a deep breath. She then inhaled to say somthing, catching the eye of 990 who glared at her. "Don't open your mouth. Nobody wants to hear your screaming." Avery cringed. 990 was just begging for a fight at this point...

The purplette stepped forward, trying to draw attention from Meri, who had stormed over to 990 and was now yelling at him. "Aaaanyway, I'm Remi. And, as you've probably gathered, that over there is Meri." She scratched the back of her head apologetically.

"Did YOU just tell me to SHUT UP!? HOW DARE YOU!" Screamed Meri.

The boy groaned, putting his head under his pillow again. "I am trying to get some peace. Can you please not scream at the top of your lungs?" His voice was pained.

Avery also decided to ignore the two. She shook Remi's hand and smiled at her. "Nice to meet you all. The boy over there who's been antagonising Meri is 990, he doesn't have a name. And that's Kestra over there, 991 putting the box away - she also doesn't have a name - and El in the blanket." She paused, then added; "Thank you for being civil."

Remi looked confused. "It's a normal thing to do?" She then realised what Avery meant. "Oh. I guess not to them, huh?"

Meanwhile, Irem played with the tag on her white dress. "What is this?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. Avery bent down to Irem's height. "That's a number, 996." She explained, guessing the child couldn't read. She then replied to Remi. "Yeah, they're aggressive. Don't mind them - they can be nice when you get to know them."

"But why? I know what a number is. Why is it there? I'm.. Confused." Irem really looked devestated at her confusion. She was sort of cute, causing Avery to smile a little as she tried to explain. "We all have numbers, sometimes people don't remember names, so they just look at our shirts! So, if you forget my name, you can just call me 995. Just to remind you, though - my name is Avery." She finished.

Irem gave Avery a small smile, then turned to Remi, clutching her shirt. "So.. do you.. Think we'll see mother again?" Remi simply looked away, frowning.

Meanwhile, since Irem and Remi seemed to have calmed down, Avery went to mediate between Meri and 990. "Excuse me." She took a deep breath. "Will you please stop fighting!?" She then broke out into another coughing fit, covering her mouth with her able and yelping as her sleeve got burnt. Well... Well.. That certainly wasn't concerning at all!

The fight seemed to have gotten physical at this point. 991 was inbetween the two, annoyed and trying to seperate them. At Avery's words, they both turned and glared at her, as if trying to tell her not to get involved.

Avery sighed. This would be hard. She decided to listen to them, turning around and going to El, who was still wrapped in her blanket.

This may be a little all-over the place, and that's because it's a rewritten section of a roleplay. Encase you've never tried to rewrite roleplay replies, they tend to be really hard to make it so the writing runs smoothly. Anyway. I love these three.

Avery belongs to my cute little bestie, Spark at @Alien-King-Sparky !!!

El belongs to my eldest and most loyal son, Milo at @miylu_blop !!


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