Slipping Away

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Eyes showing a hint of brokenness, Melody went to the bathroom of the Cricket Club the next day at training to try to cover up that she'd been crying.

The situation was immensely awkward as Nam knew, but didn't know how to help Sota and Melody.

When Yuzuru came bouncing into the rink, he immediately noticed something was off. He looked back and forth between the 3 of them, and no one said a word.

Later during break, Nam told Yuzuru everything. And Yuzuru sighed helplessly.
'So much for Selody.'

The rest of training was done without any communication between any of them. Coach Tracy Wilson finally noticed but didn't want to get involved and mess things up, so she just ignored it, although it was even awkward for her, because the Cricket Club has never ever been this quiet.

After the guys left the rink, Melody tried her Flip once more and fell hard. She squished her left shoulder from the fall. She lay on the ice for a while longer, looking up the ceiling.

For a while, she just lay emotionless, and the next minute, she had more tears raining down her face.

Feeling frustrated at herself for crying yet again, she yelled without thinking, 'WHAT DID I DO??!'

Yuzuru and Nam were leaving then and heard her sudden outburst and turned to face the rink. The sight they saw wasn't a pretty one. Melody was sprawled across the ice, her face was red and her long black hair was in a mess in front of her face.

After that outcry, she curled up in a ball sideways and let the ice numb the pain: the pain from her fall and the pain in her heart.

After she got up and cleaned herself up, Yuzuru was waiting for her, and walked with her.
'He overheard you say.....That's why he's so heart broken.' Yuzuru explained.

'What? But I- when did he hear me say that? I only said it to my sister.'

'I don't know, but he heard it and that's the reason for his behavior. It's not as if he doesn't care for you anymore, he still does, very much so. He just doesn't want to tell you how much'

'Well he sure has a funny way of showing he's care.'

'I think he's just waiting'


Yuzuru stared at her in disbelief.
how dense can this girl be?

'What? Why are you giving me that face?'



Not long after, she was on the bus back to Kingston again. But before her bus left, she turned and looked out the window and saw him opposite of her bus stop, running to catch her.

But whatever he had to say, she didn't feel like hearing it now. So she avoided eye contact.

Sota stared with eyes that reflected longing and hurt, and sang all he wanted to say to her out loud, even if she couldn't hear him.

Cause it only breaks my heart,
To see you going through this,
To see you going through this,
And there's nothing that I can do.

And it only breaks my heart,
You don't have to do this,
You got nothing to hold on to,

Cause you keep slipping away,
A little bit more everyday now,
Feels like I'm running in places,
You keep slipping away, away.

Just when I get you alone,
It feels like I'm on my own,
The tears running down from your face,
You keep slipping away, away.

And it only makes me sad,
I think we almost made it,
Girl, we almost made it,
You know as well as I.

Gonna take you in my arms,
Pull you close to me,
But every time I try,

You keep slipping away,
A little bit more everyday now,
Feels like I'm running in place,
You keep in slipping away, away.

Just when I get you alone,
It feels like I'm on my own,
The tears running down from your face,
You keep slipping away, away.

Should I give up, should I let go,
My mind says yes, but my heart says no.....


Monday, February 1st.

Melody told Celest how her happy weekend transformed into a super unhappy one, when they went to her house.

Celest said pretty much the same thing as Yuzuru did.

'But why would he get angry at that though?' Melody asked cluelessly.

'Cause he's the guy who loves you, and knowing that he can't love you, because you wouldn't want him to, hurts him so much he's willing to avoid you so it won't hurt him as much. Selfish brat.' Celest muttered that last bit to herself.

' what should I do?' She said between tears and sniffles.

'I don't know, girl. But you can't keep hurting because of him.'

'But I love him,' Melody whispered.

Celest looked at her in shock. Melody had just openly admitted her feelings for him. The most dense and thickheaded girl, finally found someone she loves.

'Uh,'s gonna be okay, Dy. These things don't last long. Before you know it, you'll be friends again.' That didn't work in trying to get her to feel better, so Celest tried a different tactic.

'Come on now! Where was that tough girl who yelled at the press the other day?'

'She had her heart broken,' Melody mumbled.
That just broke Celest's heart, hearing her best friend say that.

That brat, I'll make sure he suffers for making my poor Dy, cry. He will pay for breaking her heart! When I go to Toronto next weekend, he's gonna get it!


Nam and Yuzuru approached Sota that day after training.

'So you do love her?'

'Yeah, but...she doesn't want me to love her'

'Or you're afraid to love her?'


'So I'm guessing she's no longer your flower?'

'She's more like my Phantom now, someone who's getting in the way, someone I have to avoid.' (Hence the book cover quote: Come Phantom, be my Flower :))

Nam frowned, and Yuzuru had a sad smile. Yuzuru whispered to Nam.
'Just like in Phantom of the Opera.'

Nam looked at Yuzuru in question.

'Melody is Christine and Sota's Raoul, except this time, their Phantom is Melody'

'That does not make sense.' Nam shook his head in disapproval. 'How can Christine and The Phantom be the same person?'

'Eric and The Phantom were the same person, so why not?' Yuzuru argued.

'But that's because the Phantom is Eric. But Christine can't be the Phantom, or how can Raoul end up with the Phantom as his lover? That doesn't add up'

'That's because once Melody is with Sota, then she is no longer his Phantom, she would become his Christine.'

'But she can't just switch to becoming Christine like that....'

They argued on and had a full on debate between The Phantom of the Opera and The Phantom of the Cricket Club, without even noticing Sota had left.

Hey, so first off,

Muahahaahahaha, I'm not very nice. I'm sure you know that by now :))

Now this, is revenge x_justafangirl_x, revenge is sweet hahaha. But thank you, for updating just for me :)
The song is Slipping Away by you-know-who ;)
Congrats to Javi for winning Europeans again. Honestly, Europeans is like Javi's Nationals.

Thanks for reading! Luv y'all

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