note #2

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January 23rd

Late last night, while the patient was being transported back to her room, she managed to evade the security guard and escape. Her current whereabouts are unknown and due to the generous amount of vacation time, there isn't enough personnel on hand to look for her.

Arrangements are being made, however, to try and locate her as soon as possible. If worst comes to worse, we'll have to repeat the factory reset process at our own expense. I've pitched the idea of moving Aura to another facility where she won't need to be moved from room to room.

Unlike other patients we've had in the past, she's too curious, and despite the memories we wiped from her, that curiosity stays with her. It may be something innate that we can't erase. Knowing her... other traits, this worries me since it'll mean that her treatment will be unsuccessful.

Given that these are observational notes, I will have to put a pause until she is located again.

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