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Your POV

Sitting at my desk, Reid didn't take long to move over to my desk with his mini chess set. Looking over at him, his brown eyes looking up at me in a pleading fashion.

"Do you want me to play that bad?"

Giving me a nod in response I sighed gently.

"Fine, but only one game."

Sitting up and smiling wide while making his first move, reaching over and moving one of my knights forward.

Resting my chin on my hand, my (e/c) eyes scanning the checkerboard, while watching him move another one of his pieces. Reaching out and taking one gently between my fingers, lifting it and seeing it down on another square.

"Hate to break up your cute game, but we have a case."

Looking up to see the cheery style of none other than Penelope, we stood slowly. Following the taller genius as we made our way to the round table we sat at while Penelope tried her best to not look at the pictures any more than she needed to.

"So, we have a few murders in Las Vegas. After the victims were killed the building was burnt down."

"Why does that sound so familiar?"

"There was a group of four girls that were murdered in a gas station 6 years ago. All were assaulted before it was burned down."

Hearing Reid's voice as he chimed in as he usually did with his facts. Nodding gently before looking to Morgan as he spoke.

"Why would there be such a large break?"

"Perhaps the unsub was incarcerated for some time?"

With Hotch's word we were on the plane and already flying out towards Nevada. Smiling gently while sitting next to Reid in our usual spot, starting to set up our game once more.

Taking his move after finishing them being ready. Reid and I played our game with the quiet sounds of the rest of the team reading the files and studying them.


Stopping while leaning back, his brown eyes moving to look at mine.

"How did you?"

"Looks like you lost pretty boy."

"I want a rematch!"

"I told you only one game, Spencer."

Watching the genius pout as he set up the game again, starting to play against himself.

At the end of our case, there was a note in my bag. Picking it up and opening the paper, I immediately placed the scribbles inside as Reid's.

I still want a rematch, (y/n). Come over to my apartment after we're back in Quantico, and we can play then. I hope to see you soon.

Humming gently before putting the paper in my bag once more and grabbing my keys before leaving the building. Unlocking my car and driving off towards Reid's apartment. I had already hoped he was there. Once I made my way up the steps I knocked on the door for his apartment. The door opening quickly after and him pulling me inside.

Turning to look up at him as he was smiling down at me, I tilted my head.

"You wanted me out here so you could beat me in chess?"

"No, that wasn't why. I wanted to tell you something."

Raising a brow as I leaned on the back of his couch, his various books stacked on the coffee tables and chairs around his apartment, he had so much he didn't have room for them.

"Then what was it?"


He started as he stepped closer to me. Ending with him directly in front of me, a few inches away. His hand grabbing mine gently before he picked up my chin and planting a small kiss.

Pulling away and in the midst of my shock, he started speaking again.

"I've been thinking for a little while now, though it got a lot more difficult to ignore when you bested me in chess today."

"What are you saying?"

"I love you." 

Before I could answer, I was shaken awake. Opening my eyes while trying to find who was interrupting my sleep. Seeing none other than JJ as she stood there, smiling gently. 

"Come on, we've landed." 

Nodding gently before getting up and grabbing my things, walking out of the plane, and getting in one of the SUVs that were outside. Settling into the seat before clicking my seatbelt, leaning against the door while we drove back to the Quantico office. Once we were there and the SUV was parked by Morgan while he drove, grabbing our things and getting inside grabbing anything we needed for the reports that we would have to do, jumping a little when I felt someone touch my arm. 

Turning to see none other than Reid, he gave a small smile while looking at me. "I'm sorry for startling you, but I had something to ask." 

Giving a gentle nod before watching him shuffle on his feet, taking a second before answering. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over? We should have the day off tomorrow, but I thought that it would be nice to have someone over for a change. We can watch a movie if you want, I'll let you choose and I'll do my best to not debunk the science if it's wrong." 

Giving me his small smile of awkwardness that was often across his face, smiling gently and giving a nod. "That sounds good, you can help me with the report while I'm over." 

Throwing my bag over my shoulder, much like the one that Reid carries around, following him out of the building and to his car. Getting into the car with him, deciding that it would be fine to leave my car at the office, knowing it would be safe there from the round-the-clock security footage that's always recording. 

Once we were at Reid's apartment, myself getting a lot of deja vu from the small dream of earlier, a small smile playing at my lips while recalling the moment that the dream versions of us shared. Was that just a dream of something I had wanted to happen or was it a premonition? 

"Before we decide something to watch, I had something I wanted to tell you." 

Nodding while putting my bag down on a spot on the couch that wasn't covered in enough books to crush someone, turning to look at the taller genius before he stepped closer to me. 

"I've been wanting to tell you something that's been on my mind for most of the day." 

Getting even closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, while I put my hands on the top of his arms for a moment as I looked up at him. Watching him lean down, feeling his breath on my skin for a moment before he planted a small kiss on my forehead. Smiling to myself and closing my eyes before he pulled away and lifted my chin to look at him better. 

Looking at his eyes for a moment before he went to lean down, only to stop short of our lips touching. Seeing a smirk play at his face before he leaned back at looked at me. 


This book wasn't posted for long before you guys stormed it, thank you so much for taking such a quick interest in this book! If you have any requests please let me know, and I'll do my best to make sure it's how you envisioned it. Everyone will be credited for their idea, can leave them in my Pms or the comments for a part. 

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