Faded 2

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Snufkin was glad that he had set off for Moominvalley a little earlier than usual, because it took him longer that he had expected to travel there. His feet felt leaden and every step he took felt like a mile- he was so tired and cold, cold to the bone. He pulled his scarf up over his nose and bent his head, knowing that the moment Moomin saw his hat he would rush down to see him, and Snufkin wanted to prolong the time before Moomin discovered his invisibility as much as possible.

Sure enough, as Snufkin neared the bridge, there was Moomintroll, sitting with his short little legs dangling over the edge. Oh how Snufkin had missed him. But had Moomin missed Snufkin? Would he even remember him? How did Snufkin know that he was the one Moomin was waiting for? How did Snufkin know Moomin was waiting for anyone at all? He might just be sitting on the bridge. Had he been gone too long..?

Every step Snufkin took required a lot of will power. He trudged onwards, his heart thudding dully at his navel, his hands and cheeks numb. His head was bowed and his eyes downcast, staring glumly at his shoes. Dread was settling like a heavy stone in the bottom of his stomach. And he was so tired... But he kept on, one foot in front of the other... Keep on... Keep going...


He didn't look up at the sound of his name. He kept walking, and he could hear Moomin's footsteps as he raced towards him.

"Snufkin!" Moomin cried again.

Come on Snufkin, look up, he thought.

"Snufkin?" Moomin was right beside him.

Look up, Snufkin. Look up. From this distance, with his hat and scarf, he was sure he didn't appear too invisible yet.

"Are you alright?" Moomin sounded worried at Snufkin's silence.

Finally Snufkin lifted his head... or rather, where his head used to be.

Moomin gasped and took a step back, horror etched across his face.

"Oh... Snufkin... Is that really you?" Tears welled in Moomin's round eyes as he gazed disbelievingly at Snufkin. "What's happened to you?"

Snufkin stood there, shaking now, cold and exhausted and sick to death of the whole thing. Then Moomin swiftly walked the few paces between them and embraced Snufkin like a brother.
"I'm so happy you're back," Moomin whispered. Snufkin tensed, then all the fight seemed to go out of him and he melted into the hug. He tried to say "I'm sorry", but no sound came out. Tears leaked from his eyes and he trembled in Moomin's arms.

"Oh, Snuf..." Moomin held him for a while, feeling his best friend shiver with completely silent sobs, then gently pulled back and found Snufkin's cheeks in his soft paws, cradling his face. "Can you speak?" He asked quietly. Snufkin shook his head slowly. "Well... That's okay. Come on now, we'll get you back to Moominhouse, we'll find a way-" Snufkin shook his head more urgently and pulled away from Moomin. "No?" Moomin looked confused. "You don't want to go back to Moominhouse?" Again, Snufkin shook his head, firmly. He couldn't bare the idea of all those people fussing over him. It was hard enough to be beside Moomintroll alone and not feel the need to run.

"Well... Alright, we can just sit beside the river if you would like," Moomin offered. Snufkin hesitated, then nodded. "Have you got a pen and paper?" Moomin asked. Snufkin rummaged in his bag for a moment before pulling out a small parchment notebook and a carved wooden pencil.

They sat beside the river where Snufkin usually pitched his tent and Moomin lay back on the grassy bank. For this, although he found it hard to understand why, Snufkin was ultimately grateful... Perhaps because it was such a familiar and casual thing to do that it injected a certain amount of normality into the situation, and that was comforting- it took Snufkin's mind off feeling that everything was falling apart.
After a while of just sitting in the quiet side by side, Moomin asked carefully,

"When did it happen?"

Snufkin picked up his pencil and, after a few seconds thought, wrote,

A week ago.

Moomin read it and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, come on Snufkin, you can't lie to me. Please tell me the truth."

Snufkin sighed silently and reluctantly scribbled,

Since the beginning of Winter.

"Snufkin!" Moomin groaned. "You know you could have come to us. Whenever you needed it, you could always come back here."

But Snufkin shook his head.

You were hibernating.

"That doesn't matter, Snuf! We would happily wake up to help you."

Snufkin shook his head again.

"And how long have you been feeling... Like this?" Moomin asked softly.

Snufkin paused, wondering how much to tell Moomin. He decided on the truth. Painstakingly, he wrote a single word:


"Look," Moomintroll sat up and scooted closer to where Snufkin was hunched over, and put an arm around his shoulders. "I know you need your time and space alone. I understand that, truly, but you mustn't think you can't ask for help. It's okay to he independent and to also need help from time to time. It doesn't make you weak to rely on people..."

Snufkin looked up and took off his hat, rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair. Then he picked up the pencil again and wrote,

Sometimes I feel when I'm alone that I

He broke off and took a deep breath.

Sometimes I feel that no one cares enough for me to

Snufkin's hands were shaking. He tried again.

Sometimes it's not enough to know that there are those in Moominvalley who love me. When I am alone, sometimes I feel that everyone leaves and

Snufkin paused, wondering whether to divulge his darkest fear. He decided that he should, that Moomin deserved to know.

That it's my fault everyone leaves me. Why my family left me. That there is something the matter with me.

Moomin read the last few sentences and slowly put a hand to his mouth.

"Snufkin," he whispered, and pulled him into another hug. Snufkin cried into Moomin's fluffy shoulder and Moomin rubbed his back. Only now did Moomin truly realise how thin Snufkin was. He could feel the shape of him through Snufkin's thick clothes. There was much less of Snufkin to hug than usual, which was saying something because Snufkin was always slim. But now his torso felt hollow and sharp with bones.

"Snufkin," he said seriously, pulling back and looking at where Snufkin's head would be. "When was the last time you ate?"

Snufkin felt abashed, ashamed- but he wrote down his truthful answer all the same:

Yesterday morning.

Moomintroll sighed and look at Snufkin sadly.

"Have you been eating properly?" He asked, trying not to sound patronising. Snufkin knew he wasn't being, he was just worried. So again, he answered honestly.


"Alright. Well, listen, don't worry. Mamma can make us all some lunch, and she has a really excellent recipe for medicine that might help you become visible again. Now, I know this is hard... But don't worry Snufkin; we'll get you back to normal, I promise. You're my best friend and I'm not going to let this upset you anymore. How would you feel about coming up to Moominhouse now?"

Moomintroll got to his feet, and after a moment Snufkin put on his hat and stood up, which made Moomin think that he would come.

"Okay, good," Moomin said bracingly, reaching out and finding Snufkin's invisible hand, grasping it. "Come on then, Snuf."

As Snufkin followed Moomintroll up to the house, he felt a tingling sensation in his fingertips. Looking down, he saw that his hands were coming back to their usual solid selves. Excitedly, he squeezed Moomin's hand to get his attention. Moomin looked around and when he saw Snufkin's hands he squeeled and jumped in the chair and joyiously cried,

"Oh, how wonderful! We can already see your hands! Oh Snufkin, that's great!" And he grabbed Snufkin's hands and pulled his around, dancing merrily. Snufkin couldn't help but smile... Although admittedly it was still an invisible smile.

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