Chapter 2

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Blaza was woken by a sudden sound coming from the foot of his bed. "Meme!" Socks shouted, bending down and disappearing from Blazas view.
"Socks? What-" Nadwe said, walking in and immediately gasping, his face carrying an expression of pure shock.
"No..." He mumbled, also joining Socks at whatever was at the foot of Blazas bed. "What's going on?" Blaza said sleepily, craning his neck to see what he was missing.
"Meme... he's..." Socks was interrupted as Tbh and Laff came in. "Wha'-" Laff started, suddenly staring shocked at whatever was on the floor. Tbh shared the same expression. "What's frickin happening?!?" Blaza said, louder this time. "Memes dead!" Laff blurted, bending down and helping Socks and Nadwe lift Memes limp form off the cold floor.
Blaza stared in shock at the lifeless form. In Memes back was a large stab wound, wet with blood.
"What the-" Blaza started as Nadwe pressed a button on a watch that Blaza hadn't noticed until that moment. A similar watch on Blazas own wrist buzzed, and a hologram lit up of Memes lifeless form.
Laff and Socks carried Memes body out solemnly as Nadwe followed behind. Blaza attempted to stand, but winced and collapsed back onto his bed.
Blaza craned his neck to see when/if anyone came back, his mind racing with questions. Why was Meme dead? Why were they so calm about it?
Finally, Tbh, TBVG, and Oompa stormed in to his room. "Guys! What-" Blaza was interrupted immediately. "Don't play dumb, murderer." TBVG said, giving Blaza the death stare. "What?" Blaza replied, taken aback. Did TBVG think he killed Meme? "Calm down!" Tommy said, coming in behind Tbh, TB, and Oompa. "It couldn't have been Blaza." "Says you! He was the only one here!" Oompa said, glaring at Tommy. "He's literally too hurt to stand. Meme said so himself." Oof said, coming in. "He was the only one in here." Dino said, coming in behind Oof. "Shut up, furry." Woolf said, pushing Dino aside and standing infront of Blaza as if defending him.
"It can't be Blaza." Socks said as everyone else came in. "It has to be!" Laff shouted. "It can't be!" Oof yelled in response.
Blaza pulled the thin covers closer to his chin. The shouting continued, some people going next to his bedside to defend him, some trying to push through and reach him.
Blaza whimpered, his mind overflowing with questions he'd never get a chance to ask. The argument ended abruptly as the lights flickered, soon going completely black.
"Eep!" Blaza pulled the covers over him completely, wincing as a wave of pain washed over him from the sudden movement.
He could hear footsteps around him, some leaving, some staying nearby.
Blaza heard a soft thud next to him as a voice said softly: "it's ok Blaza, I won't let them hurt you." He recognized Socks' voice, and let out a small sigh of relief. At least it was someone who was seemingly on his side.
"W-what's happening?" Blaza stammered quietly, hoping he'd said it loud enough for Socks to hear. "Someone sabotaged the lights." Socks whispered. "Sabotaged?!? What's going on?!" Blaza whispered frantically.
"There's an Impostor on the ship." Socks breathed.
"Is that who..?"
"Yeah... that's who killed Meme."
Socks finished for him.
"They... they think I did it, don't they?" Blaza said quietly as the lights flickered back on. "Yeah." Socks sighed.

569 words, nice

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