Chapter Nadwe

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Tommy read down his task list carefully. "Card swipe? Again? Come on!" He muttered. "Sorry, mate. It has to be done, no matter how much youse hate it." Laff said.
Tommy walked toward admin, just wanting to get it overwith as fast as he could.
It did not get overwith quick.
It had been several minutes just standing there, swiping the dumb card.
"Need help?" A voice said from the door.
"Yeah. Card swipe sucks." Tommy said, swiping the card again, only to get a disapproving beep in return.
"Start slow, then do the last bit fast. It works for me." Tbh said, coming up to Tommy.
Tommy did as Tb said, starting the card slow and then doing the last part fast.
Finally, it said accepted.
"Thanks!" Tommy said, beyond happy that was overwith.
Tbh smiled. He was always glad to help.
Then he heard a sound from the vents.
"W-what was that?" Tommy stammered. "I don't know. Probably space rats, or something..." Tb answered, doing his best to hide his uncertainty.
Then something came out from the vents. A massive, ink-like sort of thing, that screamed evil and alien.
It lunged at Tb and Tommy, hitting Tommy first. A massive tentacle coming from its back stabbed Tommy's chest, and his eyes glazed over.
Tbh stared in shock, backing away from the beast as it changed form.
The monster now perfectly resembled Tommy.
Another tentacle came at Tb before before he even had the chance to scream.
Another creature came from the vents.
"Here, you disguise as this one." The first one hissed, tossing Tbhs body to the new creature.
A watch on Tbhs wrist buzzed, and a hologram came from it reading 'Emergency Meeting'.
"Hurry up!" 'Tommy' hissed as the other creature started slowly reddening.
"You go ahead, I'm still getting the hang of this." It said, now completely in the shape of Tb, but with tentacles coming from its back.
"Fine." 'Tommy' hissed, headed toward the meeting table.
A few minutes after, 'Tbh' finally turned up. "Sorry, I may or may not have overslept." He laughed nervously.

(—— Time skip ——)

The creature that was posing as Tbh chased the one in a hoodie down the hall.
The hooded one crashed into one of the children, spilling a substance the creature thought was called 'gasoline' across the floor.
Another creature came from the vents, grabbing the child and swiftly stabbing him in the stomach.
The creature that had disguised as Tbh grabbed the hooded ones arm and threw him against the wall.
He looked up at the creature, fear plastered all across his face.
Then the creature realized it couldn't do it. Instead of stabbing, it slammed his forehead, causing him to black out.
To complete the illusion, it left a small yet harmless cut between his eyes so he'd bleed.
"Good work." The other creature hissed, buying its trick.


Ik this chapter is short, but I told all the tales that needed telling. So now you know but you still don't know what Blaza saw >:)
Also, someone actually guessed who the Impostor is, so yeah, Nanglily9, here's ur cookie 🍪

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