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Well, I'm getting a good amount of scoldings from suba30, Prathi1412, crazymahiz and FatimaKhan813 for not updating my Abhigya fics. 😜😜

Well, will be updating all of them soon.

A one-shot to begin my return to writing Abhigya again. Hope you like!

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations


"I can't believe you're late because of a stupid teddy bear!" she screamed into the phone.

(But I wanted to get it for you Bulbul.)

"I am not a child Purab! I'm at the airport, waiting for you to pick me up since half an hour. And you? You're wasting your time picking teddy bears?!"

(Arre Bulbul dear, tr-)

"Shut it! Don't try to 'Bulbul dear' me. Just get here soon damn it! I'm waiting at the park near the airport." saying so, she cut the call and looked at the phone in anger. 'Why can't he be more responsible?! The teddy isn't more important now. Picking me from the airport should be his first priority. Ugh! Idiot!' she shook her head and looked around the crowded park. There was ruckus all around with kids playing, people chatting and the sound of the passing vehicles. 'So much chaos...'

"I can't sit in this chaos!" she walked deeper into the park away from the crowd.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw a girl sitting silently on a public bench below a tree at the distance. 'That part of the park looks peaceful.' Bulbul smiled to herself and walked towards the girl. "Hi!"

The girl looked up at her. As Bulbul looked at her face, she could not help but admire her beauty.

The girl's face was beautiful. Her skin was white and her eyes were a pretty shade of brown. Her face was without a pimple, a dream come true for any girl. 'She looks like a model. I wish I was this beautiful.' Bulbul thought to herself. She was broken out of her thoughts by the girl's voice.


"Um...do you mind if I sit near you?" Bulbul asked politely.

The girl smiled sweetly. "Of course not, Miss...?"

"Bulbul. My name is Bulbul Arora."

"I'm Pragya. Pragya Rajwanshi." the girl responded with a smile.

She looked at the luggage Bulbul was carrying. "So? New in town?"

"Nah. I'm just here to attend the wedding of my boyfriend's big brother." she answered making a face.

Pragya chuckled at her antics. "Ah, I see."

"Yep. I wa-" Bulbul's phone buzzed, interrupting her. Her face scrunched up in anger as she saw it was Purab calling. Bulbul cut the call and sat down near Pragya with a huff.

Pragya looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry for being nosy, but is something wrong?"

Bulbul let out a tired sigh. "It's okay. You're not being nosy. And as for who it was, it was my idiotic, nitwitted boyfriend, Purab!"

"Eh? What did he do?"

"Instead of hurrying over here to pick me up from the airport, he's busy buying teddy bears!"

Pragya chuckled. "Well, maybe because he wants to make you happy."

Bulbul rolled her eyes. "Well yeah, I do like teddies. But this isn't the time for that. I mean, come on! Shouldn't he act more responsible?"

Pragya smiled at her. "But he loves you, doesn't he? And in love, rationality rarely has any control over the heart."

"True. But it's not like I'll hate him if he doesn't bring me a gift. I'm not that spoilt."

"True Bulbul. But maybe he just wants to see your smile brighten a bit more when he gifts it to you. The smallest of things matter a lot."

Bulbul snorted. "Such little things won't be of any value once time passes."

Pragya shook her head. "You're wrong. Once time passes, you'll realize how precious these little things, which seem of no value, are the most important things in love. Love blossoms from these little things."

Bulbul chuckled. "Pragya, my father's rich. And I have tons of gifts and teddies in my room. Purab is wasting his time with his tiny gift."

"Then you don't value him enough." Pragya replied. "Bulbul, he loves you. That is why he is doing this for you. He must have stopped at the gift shop hoping to please you. So what if he is a little late? Let it be. But look at what he's doing. Purab knows he can't match the luxury your father gives you. Yet, he decided to buy you a small gift. What matters isn't the gift, but the sentiments behind it."

Bulbul looked at her quizzically. "You seem to speak from experience. Do you have someone that you like?"

Pragya looked down with a nostalgic smile. "Like? No. But loved? Yes." she reached towards her hair and brought out a hairpin. It was beautiful.

"Wow! It's so pretty!"

Pragya nodded. "It is, isn't it? He said he bought it as it reminded him of me. He said it was as delicate and beautiful as me."

Bulbul giggled. "Oho! May I know who this Prince Charming of yours is Miss Pragya?"

Pragya smiled at her. "My Prince Charming is my Prem. The best guy I have ever met in my life."

'Prem? Is that his first name or a nick name?' Bulbul thought in confusion. 'Maybe it's a nickname. Whatever! What's it to me? I just want to know their cute story.' Bulbul put aside her luggage and gave Pragya her full attention. "When did he gift it to you?"

"There wasn't any special occasion actually." Pragya spoke while looking ahead, as if remembering past times. "Here's what happened. We were walking by the market and..."


"Prem? Why'd you pull me all of a sudden? Prem, I'm aski-"

"Must you talk so much?"

Pragya looked at him in indignation. "Hey! I don't talk that much. Why wou-"

"Beep!" he uttered as he poked her nose, making her shut her mouth in surprise.

He smiled at her as she glared back.

Before she could retort, Prem placed something on her hair and turned her towards the mirror at the shop.

Pragya looked at her hair and noticed the hairpin. "Wow! It's beautiful!"

Prem smiled at her and hugged her from the back. "Not more than you Pragya. In fact, I think this pin feels honoured to be in your hair."

Pragya blushed and hit him on the arm. "Such a flirt, aren't you?"

"He's not wrong Miss. Your man is right." the shopkeeper complimented her, while Pragya smiled at the praise.

However, Prem didn't look pleased. "I'm there to compliment her. Why are you eying my girl?"

The shopkeeper raised his hands in surrender. "Wow there! I was just complimenting her in general. It's not like I was flirting with her."

"Aha! So you want to flirt with her, huh!?" Prem angrily brought out his wallet and took out some money. He slammed the money on the counter and pointed a finger at him. "We're never coming here again. Pervert!" saying so, he pulled Pragya away along with him away from the store. The shopkeeper sweatdropped as he watched Prem storm away with Pragya, all the while looking back and glaring at him.

*flashback end*

Bulbul laughed out loud. "He sure is a possessive guy."

Pragya giggled. "That, he is."

"And a cute one too I bet." Bulbul teased.


Pragya looked down at the hairpin. "You see Bulbul, no matter how insignificant a thing might seem, it leaves great memories behind. All the tiny things that seem irrelevant are the ones that you'll miss once they are no longer there." She looked at Bulbul pointedly. "Don't be angry at Purab Bulbul. His only crime is that he loves you too much. Don't hurt him for it. Don't wait to realize the value of his love when you don't have it anymore."

"I love him with my whole heart as well Pragya. I may not show it much, but I do." Bulbul confessed genuinely.

"But you need to tell him how much you love him, assure him that he is the only one for you Bulbul. Don't miss the chance."

Bulbul looked at her quizzically on her words. Bulbul could feel that her words were portraying her own personal feelings. "Pra-"

"Sometimes you won't realize the true value of a moment until it only becomes a memory. Bulbul, don't be angry at Purab. All the little things that annoy you so much, will be the ones that you will miss the most when he is gone." Pragya's voice shook as she spoke those words.

Bulbul placed a hand on her shoulder. "Pragya did...did something happen to Prem? Did he...did he..." Bulbul couldn't continue. She could draw only one conclusion from the situation. Pragya's words indicated that  Prem was no longer alive. "I'm sorry Pragya."

Pragya let out a teary smile. "He's fine Bulbul, don't worry. Nothing has happened to him."

"Then why do you look so sad Pragya?"

"Its just that...its j-just..." tears trickled down Pragya's soft skin. "He doesn't love me anymore. H-he thinks I...he thinks I betrayed him. That I only w-wanted his money and then...and then left him when I found another rich guy!" Pragya cried out in anguish. "He hates me now."

Bulbul gasped at her words. She may not have known Pragya for long, but she could feel that Pragya wasn't a person to do such a thing. She wouldn't betray her love. "But that isn't true, right? You would never do that to him or anyone!"

"B-but he doesn't b-believe me!" Pragya stuttered out in between tears. "He believes the lies that he was told. And me? I...I didn't even g-get the chance t-to prove myself!"

Bulbul clenched her fists in anger. She couldn't believe Pragya was treated with such injustice. "That is totally wrong! Whoever did that should be punished!" Bulbul held Pragya's hands. "Pragya, you can't give up like this. You must fight for your right!"

Pragya shook her head and gave her a dry chuckle. "It's too late Bulbul. Far too late. Besides, there is no one who could help me. No one could help me now."

"That's not true. I want to help you."

Pragya smiled at her. "You're a good person Bulbul. But I fear even you can't reunite me with Prem. It's too late. Everything is out of hand now."

Bulbul shook her head. "Nothing is out of hand. I'll help you get him back, okay?" Bulbul's phone beeped as a message popped up.

I'm really sorry Bulbul. Please forgive me. I promise I won't do it again. Please come and meet me. I'm waiting outside the park for you. - Purab.

Pragya saw it as well. She rubbed away her tears and placed a hand on Bulbul's shoulder. "Listen to my advice Bulbul. Go to him and tell him how much you love him."

"But Pra-"

"No Bulbul. No need to stay back for me. Like I said, you can't help me. Go to Purab. Don't lose your love to save mine which is already lost to me."

Bulbul didn't have the heart to deny Pragya's heartfelt request. However she refused to let Pragya give up that easily. "Okay Pragya. I'll go and meet Purab for now. But promise me. Promise me you'll meet me tomorrow at the same time here. We both will together go to your Prem and make him realize that you're innocent."


"Don't protest Pragya. Please let me help you. Pragya please!"

Pragya looked at her determined face. She didn't seem like she would be moved. Finally, Pragya nodded. "Okay Bulbul. I'll wait for you here tomorrow at the same time."

Bulbul smiled and got up from the bench. "See you tomorrow then Pragya. Bye!" Bulbul grabbed her luggage and left the place to meet Purab.

Pragya watched her go with a smile. "Bulbul, eh? I'm happy that you care so much for a stranger like me. But I doubt if you'll be able to help me Bulbul." she got up with a sigh. "Nevertheless, I won't break my promise. I will meet you here tomorrow."

#Next day, afternoon#

"Are you sure she won't mind me intruding?"

"I'm sure Purab. After all, you only want to help." Bulbul assured. She had listened to Pragya's advice and reconciled with Purab the previous day. She also told Purab of Pragya's situation. Purab readily agreed to help her reunite Pragya with her Prem and thus they were now both at the park.

Bulbul walked inside the park and looked around for Pragya. She saw Pragya at the same place where she saw her the day before. "There she is!"

"Arre Bulbul ruko! Wait for me!" Purab shouted as he ran after her. 'Ugh! This girl!'

Pragya looked up as she heard footsteps. She smiled at Bulbul. "So, you came."

"Yep! And I brought my boyfriend as well. He wants to help you. Is it all right if we share the things with him as well?" Bulbul asked. She could see Purab head their direction. 'Oho! What a slow runner!'

"If you trust him, then I think I can trust him as well." Pragya took out a diary. "Here is th-" she was interrupted by some voices. As they looked behind them, they saw a group of school kids heading their direction. "No! I hate chaos! Leave me in peace!" Pragya exclaimed and ran towards the trees, dropping the diary in the process.

Bulbul was shocked by the events and remained still. Suddenly, she broke out of her trance and ran after Pragya. However, by the time she reached the trees, Pragya was no longer there. It was as if she disappeared in thin air. 'Damn, she's a fast runner!' She noticed the dairy on the ground and picked it up.

"Hey! Why'd you have to run so fast!?" Purab huffed out miserably as he approached Bulbul.

Bulbul glared at him and hit him with Pragya's diary. "I was trying to catch Pragya, when you interrupted me so rudely!" she shouted while hitting him again. A picture fell out of the diary. Purab noticed it and bent down to pick it up. His eyes widened on seeing the picture. "Abhi?"

Bulbul paused her motions on his words. The back of the picture was towards her and there was written the words My Prem. "Purab, it's not your brother Abhi. It's the guy called Prem. The guy whom Pragya loves."

"No way! This is Abhi bhai's picture and I know it! I know what I'm saying Bulbul!" Purab flipped the picture and showed it to Bulbul. "Bulbul, isn't this the guy whom I introduced you as Abhi bhai yesterday?"

Bulbul nodded in bewilderment. "But...but your brother's marriage is tomorrow. And the person he is going to marry is not Pragya. It's Tanu." Bulbul reasoned. She gasped as she was brought face to face with reality. "So that's why Pragya said it was impossible now. Because Abhi, aka her Prem, is all set to marry another tomorrow!"

Purab nodded with a grim face. "I think you're right."

"Buy why didn't you know about this? I mean, your brother must have mentioned something about Pragya to you at least once in sometime, didn't he?"

"Bulbul, you and I both know I have been staying in Pune for the last four years because of my research. I rarely come to visit my home. That's why I've missed most of the incidents in my family's lives!" Purab pointed out.

Bulbul nodded in understanding. "Okay. Let's not talk about the past now. We need to reunite Pragya with her Prem...I mean Abhi. And I think this diary is the only way we'll be able to."

Purab agreed and they both started reading the diary.

#Next day, wedding day#

He looked at the mangalsutra in his hands as he sat at the mandap.

It reminded him of the day he was to wed Pragya five months ago.

After all, it was impossible to erase someone whose name you had carved into your heart.

'Why? Why Pragya? Why did you do this to me? Why did you betray me? What did I do wrong? What was my crime!?' he screamed to himself in his mind.

Abhi could still remember the day he was supposed to marry Pragya five months ago. He could clearly remember how happy he was.

However, just when he sat down at the mandap, Pragya's best friend, Tanu, came to tell him that Pragya had run away with Nakul. Abhi refused to believe it and decided to wait for her.

He waited for her for hours. He waited for days.

Yet, Pragya never showed up. Only thing he got was a picture sent to him from Pragya's number two days later.

It displayed a picture of Pragya hugging Nakul. Written below was...

Happily married. I'm happy with Nakul, Prem. He can provide me more luxury. Don't try to find me, okay? Move on in life. Goodbye dear! - Pragya

Abhi would never forget the pain that he felt at that moment. It was so intense that he felt like dying.

And he would have probably died, if it wasn't for the support of his family and Tanu.

Tanu, although she was Pragya's best friend, didn't support Pragya's decision. She stood by Abhi. She had been a gem to him and his family. Which is why Abhi's parents decided that Tanu would be the best wife for him and a good daughter-in-law.

That was why now he was sitting at the mandap about to marry Tanu.

"Abhi beta? Where are you lost? Put the mangalsutra on Tanu's neck." advised Abhi's mother, Shikha, breaking him of his thoughts.

"Um I...I was..." Abhi tried to think of an excuse.

Even if he agreed to marry Tanu, his heart still belonged to Pragya. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing by marrying Tanu as he knew he could never give his heart to another. "I was waiting for Purab to arrive." he lied.

Abhi's father, Raj, rolled his eyes. "That boy is far too detached from our family matters. Not to mention so irresponsible that he isn't present at this crucial moment. Forget about your little brother. You carry on with the rituals."

Abhi could do nothing but nod helplessly. He opened the hook and extended the mangalsutra towards Tanu who was smiling from ear to ear.

However, before he could put it on her, it was snatched away from his hands. Both Abhi and Tanu looked up in shock at Purab.

"This marriage ain't happening. Not now, not ever!"

Tanu at once got up and tried to snatch it back. "Let go of it mutt! If you do-" however, her words were interrupted by a slap to the cheek. She looked towards her assailant to see Bulbul standing there, fuming in anger.

"Your game is over Tanu!"

Abhi and his parents looked at his brother and his girlfriend, Bulbul, in surprise.

Shikha turned Bulbul towards herself. "What is this nonsense? What are you talking about?"

Bulbul took out the diary. "This is the reason. This is Pragya's diary."

At Pragya's name, Abhi's heart skipped a beat. "P-Pragya? My Pragya?"

Purab placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yes bhai. Your Pragya. She never betrayed you bhai. It was this bitch, Tanu's treachery all along! She was the one who separated you both, so that she gets to marry you. She was the one who kidnapped Pragya five months ago so that she can't come to the mandap."

Abhi and his parents looked at Tanu in shock.

"No! That's not true. I didn't do any such thing! Believe me Abhi!" Tanu shouted in panic.

"Really now? Wasn't it you who kidnapped her? Wasn't it you who sent the fake text? Wasn't it you who lied to Abhi? Face it Tanu. It was you! It was you and only you!"

"It wasn't me!"

"Yes it was!" Bulbul stressed.

"It wasn't!"


"It wasn't! It was all Nakul who did it. I'm innocent!" Tanu blurted out in panic.

"You knew about it. Which means you were involved in the entire thing." Purab smiled in victory. "You exposed yourself Tanu. There's no escape now."

Abhi gripped his heart in anguish. "All...all this time I...I was under a fake belief? All this time I mistrusted Pragya for nothing?! No! No no no! What have I done!?"

Bulbul had tears in her eyes looking at Abhi's state. "It's not too late Abhi. She's still waiting for you. She still loves you." Abhi looked up at her with blood shot eyes in disbelief. "I'm not lying Abhi. She still loves you. She told me herself."

Abhi held Bulbul's hands in desperation. "Take me to her. Please, take me to her."

Bulbul smiled at him. "With pleasure."


Bulbul got out of the car along with Purab and Abhi. She looked up at the sky which was raining heavily. 'It wasn't raining some time ago. Should have brought an umbrella.' As she looked ahead of her, the park seemed to be empty as everyone must have left because of the rain. Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of the roaring thunder.

"Where is she?" Abhi asked in impatience.

"It's raining Abhi. I don't think she will be here today. It will be best if we come tomorrow." Purab suggested, with Bulbul nodding in agreement.

Thunder cracked in the sky as the rain started pelting more heavily. But Abhi was determined. He ran inside the park.

He looked around the park in desperation. However, he could not locate Pragya anywhere. "Pragya! Pragya?! Where are you?! Pragya, I'm here! Pragya, your Prem is here! Pragya!" Abhi shouted as loud as he could. "Pragya please! Answer me Pragya, answer me!" he cried out, falling to his knees.

Just when he was about to give up his hope, he heard a soft voice.

"🎶 You were the shadow to my light did you feel us...
Another start you fade away... 🎶 "

Even in the heavy rain and with thunder cracking in the sky, he could clearly recognize that voice.

After all, they were connected by heart.

They were two bodies, but one soul.

At once he got up and looked around to locate the source of the voice.

"🎶 Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us
Alive... 🎶 "

Abhi walked briskly towards the center of the park. As he squinted his eyes, he could make out a figure in a blue dress at a distance.

"🎶 Where are you now...
Where are you now... 🎶 "

Abhi felt a bliss like no other as he realized it was his Pragya. It was the same dress he had gifted her once.

Seeing her...It was like someone breathed in a new life into him. "Pragya..." he could feel tears cloud his vision. He watched as the figure extended a hand forward in his direction.

"🎶 Was it all in my fantasy
Were you only imaginary... 🎶 "

"No! It's not your illusion. I'm really here. I'm here Pragya!" He quickened his steps to get to her.

"🎶 Under the bright...
But faded lights...
You set my heart on fire🎶 "

Overcome by emotions, he started running towards her. "I'm here Pragya! I'm here!"

"🎶 I'm faded...
So lost I'm faded... 🎶 "

The moment Abhi reached her, he pulled her into a tight hug. He let out his sobs as he held her in his arms, months of sorrow flowing freely in the form of tears. "I missed you. I love you. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I..."

"Shh Prem. Shh... Calm down. I understand." Pragya spoke in a soft voice, returning the hug.

Her voice seemed calm and peaceful. It was like she had finally got rid of a huge burden. "I've missed you too, Prem."

Abhi broke the hug and held her face in his hands. "Your and Nakul's picture seemed so genuine. You looked so happy in his arms that I tho-"

"I was happy Prem. But for a very different reason. That picture was taken on the day before our marriage. Nakul told me that he thought of me as a sister he never had and wanted to give me one last hug before I married you. I was happy that he had changed his ways and became good."

Abhi looked devastated. "I'm so sorry sorry Pragya. I should have believed you. I should have trusted you more! But instead I...I trusted that wretched Tanu!" he shouted, his tears mixing with the rain droplets.

Pragya rubbed away his tears. "It's okay Prem. You know the truth now, don't you?"

Abhi nodded and kissed her forehead lovingly. He joined their foreheads together and closed his eyes. "I've missed this. I've missed you."

Pragya chuckled. "You're still cliché as ever, aren't you? Saying sappy romantic lines."

Abhi let out a teary laugh. "It's my sappy lines that made you fall for me. Don't forget that." he joked.

Pragya giggled. "True. Besides, only I can handle your sappy, cliché lines."

Abhi opened his eyes and looked at her. Her heart-shaped face was soft as velvet, her beautiful brown eyes reflected his image in them. Her cheeks had a natural blush to them. But what caught his eye was the pure happiness and serenity that was visible in her face.

"I said it before many a times and will never get tired of saying this to you Pragya." he smiled a genuine smile at her. "Pragya Rajwanshi, you're beautiful. You're beautiful Pragya."

Pragya smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Aww... Just on the cheek?" Abhi joked.

Suddenly, he noticed something unusual. Pragya's hand, which was on his arm seemed to flicker. Call him crazy, but he thought he saw his own palm through Pragya's hand. 'Must be the rain drops that's interrupting my vision.' he squeezed them closed and looked again.

This time he gasped as he saw her arm become transparent. He looked up in horror at Pragya. She simply smiled a knowing smile at him. "You're not imagining things, Prem."

"Pra-Pragya, what...what is this!?"

Pragya sighed. "The day Nakul kidnapped me, we...we met in an accident."

Abhi gasped as the truth of things was setting in. "No... No no no."

Pragya gave him a wry smile. "I'm  sorry Prem. But this is the truth. I...Im dead."

Abhi's vision blurred as tears gathered in his eyes. "No Pragya! How can I accept this!? I just got you and now...now you say that I lost you forever?! Pragya, no!"

Pragya held his face in her hands. "I'm sorry Prem. But I can't change my fate. This is the way it is."

"B-But Pragya, you deserve to live. You deserve to get a happy life!"

"I do. And I am happy today. I'm happy for the first time in five months." she said with a genuine smile. "Finally, my truth has been revealed to you and I got your love back. Nothing could give me more happiness than that."

Abhi teared up in her words. "B-But Pragya I did injustice to you. If I had believed you, maybe you wouldn't have to suffer. I ca-" the thunder rumbled loudly, as if feeling the turmoil in his heart. The rain reflected his sorrow.

"Shh Prem. Like I said, I'm happy now. You brought me this happiness and I can't thank you enough for it. Today, I'm free. I'm free from my sorrow." she rubbed away his tears lovingly.

Slowly, she moved back from him. "And now...now I must leave Prem."

Abhi abruptly lunged forward and tried to grab her wrist. However, his hand went through her wrist. "Pragya please! Don't go! Don't go Pragya! I can't live without you!"

"You can Prem. I'm sorry I have to leave you behind. But that's the way it shall be." Pragya spoke, tears gathering in her eyes as well. "But I'll wait for you Prem. Live your life. Enjoy the wonders of the world, live with the sweet memories we share."

"It's not easy Pragya. How am I supposed to live without you?"

"Please Prem. Don't waste your life. Live it. Live with the little joys that life has to offer. I don't want you to waste your life. I want to see you succeed. Promise me you'll live. If not for yourself, for me."

Abhi desperately wanted her to be with him. But he knew he lost his chance. He knew that he lost her...forever.

Only thing he could do was agree to her wishes. He failed to give her happiness while she was alive.

Now, Abhi could think of only one way to make Pragya happy. "Alright. I promise you. I will try to enjoy every little thing in life, live to its fullest. I...I'm sorry but I won't ever be able to love another because the only one I ever truly loved was you. But I promise I will find happiness in other things." Abhi rubbed away his tears and smiled at her. "And knowing that I am doing what you asked and fulfilling my promise to you, I'll be happy."

Both of them didn't realize it, but the weather had cleared by then and rays of sunlight floated through the clouds.

Pragya smiled back. "I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you Prem. I'll wait for you. Forever and always."

"Always and forever." Abhi responded as he watched her move back. "Good bye Pragya. Until we meet again."

"Good bye Prem."

Pragya kept moving away from him, until she finally became invisible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Purab and Bulbul came running towards Abhi, now that the rain had subsided. "So? Did you meet her?" asked Bulbul, looking around for Pragya.

Purab looked at his brother's smiling face. "I think everything went well, judging by his face."

"True. I wa-" from the corner of her eyes, Bulbul saw a passing flower cart carrying daisies. "Purab, come on! You're buying me one of those." saying so, she pulled him away along with her.

"🎶 What I needed
I'm letting go...
Eternal silence of the sea
I'm breathing
Alive... 🎶 "

As the voice finally faded into nothingness, Abhi looked up at the sky. "Wait for me Pragya. Wait for me."

*************The End************

Crossed 5k words. Sure is quite long.
Hope you didn't get bored.

Song - Faded by Alan Walker.

Over and out!
~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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