Chapter 23

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At the time of the morning, Neil was sitting alone in the room and that award night flashes came into his mind. When Avni got an award. Neil smiled. He turns his face to see Avni's award and saw Avni's award is missing. Neil frowns.

Neil: where is Avni's award?

Neil tried to see on all shelves but no use. Neil thinks. Avni entered with a tray of the tea set. Neil looked at her. Avni sat.

Neil: where is your award?

Avni looked at him for some time as those night's incidents were roaming in her mind. Avni thinks.

Avni: I have preserved it in its case.

Neil: but why?

Avni remains silent.

Neil: because of my that night's behaviour?

Avni shook her head by looking down.

Neil: don't lie. I know you did that because of my that unacceptable behaviour. Avni, I am sorry, I know, I overreacted. I was angry on something else and vent that anger on you. Avni, I didn't mean that, I was genuinely happy for you, I was proud of you.

Avni was making tea for him.

Neil: Avni, when I get angry then I do not understand what I am saying, what I am doing. My anger is my biggest enemy and I, I tried to control it but the more I try to control it, the more I get angry. Please forgive me.

Avni: no, you are misunderstanding. Mamma has a fracture on her foot so she can't come here so Papa wants to take it to mamma to show her but I thought, I, myself will go there to show that to her and will also meet her.

Neil: was that the only reason?

Avni nods. Neil looked at her. He nods but he was not satisfied with her reply.

Neil in mind: I know, you are lying if it was the thing then you could get it before going, not keep it in the case at the night, you did that because of me. I know, I have made a wall between us and your this reserved behaviour is proof of it but I promise, Avni, I will make everything fine.

Avni gives him tea. Neil looked at her.

Neil: thank you.

Avni looked down. Neil sipped the tea.

Neil: by the way, where is Daisy?

Avni was about to sip her tea she looked at Neil.

Neil: I didn't see her for many days. I wanted to ask you for many days but I forgot about it. Where is she? Please bring her to me. I am feeling bored, it will be fun to play with her and my time will also pass.

Avni: she is not here, I left her back Mehta house.

Neil was shocked.

Neil: now when did it happen and why?

Avni: she was having problems adjusting here to a new environment so I left her back.

Neil was looking at her. He thinks and realised that Daisy is missing after that Coffee incident. He understood that again she lied but he did not ask her further. He knew that she will lie again. Neil sipped his tea silently. Avni looked at him then she looked at her tea and sipped. Both were silent.

Like this Avni took care of Neil and two days passed like this. During these two days, Neil was on complete bed rest. The family also comes to spend time with Neil, they play different games and Avni smiled to see them.

Neil's foot was better now but his hand was still injured. Neil was standing in the room and was talking on the phone. The family and Avni were sitting there.

Neil: what? But how did it happen?

DD: sir, Mr Mehra is on leave and he had completed that file but now the PC is not working. Our expert team tried but the file could not recover.

Neil squeezed his eyes.

DD: but the good thing is the hard copy is saved we can make a soft copy and send that to the client.

Neil: Then what is the problem?

DD: sir, that is not printed well. The words are faded badly and the problem is who can retrieve these pages and write all these pages in just one day, the meeting is tomorrow?

Neil thinks. He looked at his hand and thinks.

Neil: ok, let me think about it. You send the papers home.

DD: ok, sir.

Neil cuts the call and thinks. Avni and their family were listening to his conversation. Neil dialled someone else's number. Neil tried to contact his employees who can write and complete the work. The family was also worried to see him. Neil cuts the call.

Neil: tch.

Shweta: Tillu, sit. Everything will be managed, don't panic.

Neil: mom, how will everything be managed without doing the effort.

Bebe: we understand but you will also not get any way by taking stress.

Neil was thinking.

Neil: Varun.

Neil dialled a number. Bebe makes a face. Avni was looking at Neil by sitting on the bed she was facing his back. Neil was talking, Avni thought to break all the barriers and go to him. Neil cuts the call. Avni keeps the hand on his shoulder.

Avni: Relax Neil, we will find some way.

Neil turns to her.

Neil: how Avni? How? First, we have to complete the file and then type the pages. It is not an easy task.

Avni: but it is not also a big task.

Neil: not a big task? And why do you think so, can you explain it?

Avni smiled.

Avni: you are forgetting, Mr Khanna that your wife is a magician. When her fingers touch the keypad it moves like someone has done a spell on them. Like a musician creates its magic on the piano likewise your wife creates the magic on the laptop.

Shweta and Bebe were smiling. Neil was looking at Avni with a frown on his head and a smile on his lips, he was surprised to see her on that side.

Avni: what? I had completed your that file in one night, Remember?

Neil thinks. He smiled.

Neil: but this is a different thing.

Avni: never underestimate the power of a freelancer.

They smiled.

Avni: let the file come we will manage it.

Neil smiled, and he nods.

Bebe: now are you satisfied? Now come and sit.

Neil smiled. He goes to sit on the bed.

Avni: coffee?

Shweta: why not?

Avni: ok, give me five minutes.

Bebe: tea for me.

Avni: ok.

Avni smiled and goes. Neil was looking at her.

Avni comes with a tray of coffee and tea and gives it to all. They have tea while talking. Neil's eyes were on Avni when she felt his gaze, she looked at Neil who instantly looked at his cup and frowns to see it. Avni thinks and looked at her cup. Neil looked at her and sipped the coffee by looking at her.

Later, Avni, Neil and DD were working on the file. They discussed the points and DD showed them the related documents.

Avni: is this about the new model of the car.

DD: yes, Bhabhi.

Neil looked at him he was stunned to hear the word Bhabhi. DD looked at Neil.

DD: I mean, ma'am.

Avni looked at Neil when he looked at her, she looked down.

Avni: everything is complete then what is the problem?

DD: the problem is that we had made a file where we write these all things in a better way and also made the presentation but now we have the information but not a... Umm. You can say it a manual.

Avni: Oh. So you mean to say first we have to write it roughly then have to type it then print it.

DD: yes.

Avni thinks.

Avni: ok then let's start.

DD: I got the hard copy but the words are faded.

Avni: show that to me.

DD gives her the file.

Avni: we can retrieve them if not then we can check from other files.

Neil: Right.

Avni got up she goes to get the laptop then she came and sat on the bed. She opened it and picked up the file.

Neil: give it to me, I will dictate it to you, it will make your work easy.

Avni nods and gives him the file.

DD: Sir, any work for me?

Neil: no, you can go now. Thanks for your help.

DD: sir, it was my duty.

They smiled then DD goes. Neil looked at Avni who was looking at the laptop. Neil thinks.

Avni: start Neil.

Neil nods. He was dictating in a way that Avni can type easily.

Avni: hmm, hmm. Neil, say it fast if you dictate like this then how will we complete it?

Neil makes a face.

Neil: ok now Start.

He starts reading without any break and Avni was typing. Neil was surprised to see that.

Avni: why did you stop? Say.

Neil came back to reality.

Neil: yeah.

Neil dictates her and she typed and the morning converted into the afternoon, Neil yawns. Avni looked at him and saw he is tired and looking bored.

Avni: ab you have rest for some time, give it to me.

Neil: no, I can dictate it.

Avni: Neil, I can manage, you need rest. Give it to me.

Neil gives her the file and Avni gets up and comes by wearing the eyeglasses to protect her eyes from the light. Her eyes were burning. Neil looked at her and smiled to see her.

Neil: cute.

Avni stopped and looked at him.

Avni: did you say something?

Neil shook his head.

Avni: oh.

Avni comes and sits. She resumes her work and  Neil was looking at her. The hair was disturbing Avni she keeps them behind the ear then again it comes at her face. The hair was blocking Neil's way to stare at his wife. Neil forwards his hand to make them at the side but before him, Avni did that. Neil looked down in disappointment and looked at Avni then at his hand, he took his hand back. Shweta came there by bringing the tray of lunch for them.

Shweta: here is your lunch. I knew, you both are busy with work so I take it here now come on, have it fast.

Avni: thank you, mummy Ji and Thank God, you came, can you please feed Neil? I have to complete it.

Shweta: of course, I will feed Neil what is the need to say that but you also have lunch then resume your work.

Avni: I will have it later, Mummy Ji.

Neil: Avni, close the laptop, first have lunch then anything else. Come on, close it.

Avni: I am not hungry, I will have it later.

The laptop beeps, Avneil saw the charging is low.

Avni: oh no, I have to keep it on charge.

Avni got up and connect the charger to the board then she came and sits.

Neil: now have lunch till the laptop will charge.

Avni: I can work now.

Neil: it is dangerous.

Avni: nothing will happen.

Neil looked at her.

Shweta: Tillu, you have your lunch she will not listen once she starts her work then she never listens to anyone.

Neil looked at Avni who smiled by typing something then she looked at the file. Shweta feeds Neil.

Shweta: coffee, Avni?

Avni: ye...

She stopped to think something. Neil looked at her.

Avni: no thanks, Mummy Ji.

Neil: mom, you get the coffee, I will see how she is not having it.

Avni looked at Neil who was looking at her. Avni looked down then she resumed her work. Shweta smiled and said OK then she goes.

After some time, Shweta comes and keeps the tray near Neil.

Shweta: hmm, now do whatever you want to do.

Neil smiled, and Shweta goes while smiling. Neil picks the cup and passed it to Avni. Avni looked at his hand.

Neil: hmm.

Avni takes that and was looking down.

Avni: thank you.

Neil: you're welcome.

Avni sipped the coffee then she keeps it on the tray and sipped slowly while working. Neil saw Avni did not touch the coffee for some time he looked at Avni and thinks. He picks up the cup and sipped the coffee then he keeps it on the tray and licks his lips and wipes them so that he will not get caught.

Avni worked and the moon replaced the sun and Neil was dictating Avni. She put the full stop and sighed happily.

Avni: done.

Neil looked at her, he was really happy, he closed the file. Avni looked at him. She shows him the laptop and Neil checked the document.

Neil: it's a miracle.

Avni smiled. Neil looked at her he was about to hug her but the door knocked and Shweta came by bringing two glasses of milk.

Shweta: milk for both of you.

Avneil were about to say.

Shweta: finish it now without any tantrums.

Avneil stopped, they looked at each other.

Shweta: I know, Tillu, you don't like it but you have to drink it. You have no option.

Neil: mom, I am drinking it for three days now not any more, I am fine.

Shweta: I said, no tantrums.

Avni: I did not even have dinner.

Shweta: ok have dinner then have it. I will check it later if you will not drink it then I will pull your ears.

Avni smiled. Shweta gave the milk to Neil he makes a face.

Shweta: look at him, still he makes a face like kids.

Avni smiled.

Shweta: come on, finish it.

Neil drinks that in one go and makes a face.

Shweta: Good boy.

Avni smiled. Neil looked at her and smiled by wiping his mouth. Avni looked at Neil they smiled to see each other.

Later, Neil was sleeping and Avni checked the file and yawned. She closed the laptop and looked at Neil who was sleeping peacefully. Avni smiled to see him.

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